12 2004 Hot links of the last few day of July so far |
is July 1 thru 16 |
hi to Julie...hMmmmmm |
or Dble click any image to make larger
I believe in a thing called
Maybe I was in denial of this part but I did not realize
people looked at me like someone who does not lose…well hate to break the news to ya boys and
girls… but everybody loses now and then… you have too… you
need to take a step back after a few forward… even when it is critical
time; what ever time that may be. Some times I play not to win but to learn something… I
don’t know what I am trying to learn though. I have said before, it crappie
rolling over games for people you like or what ever, but if I choice to do this
for other reasons other than simple mercy then does this make me wrong? I don’t
have to win all the time just to look like I know what I am doing. I am still
“ Seeing ourselves clearly is initially UN
comfortable and
Embarrassing. As we train in clarity and steadfastness, we
See things we’d prefer to deny-judgmental ness, pettiness, arrogance,
these Are not sins but temporary and workable habits of the mind. The more
we get to
know them, the more they lose their power.” I
need to get to know mine… I have been like a freight train for the last
two seasons and it is time to pull in the station for maintenance (steps back).
After ward I hope to be ready to start a new level of pool and enter real tournaments(
steps forward).
Part of my motivation for development was to set the example of development
in your game. This is no longer my motivation, so now what…get ready
for your schooling...again |
dont have to justify myself to anyone i just simply am...
14/15 2004 Wed/Thurs.... |
Wed: Ate with George. It’s about 2:30 am in the morning
and I am in the east village wondering around like a
weirdo. And George speaks… and speaks. And talks
and talks. He sees angles; so he says. God is talking
to him; so he says. Music is colors and colors is music;
so he says. George is going back to his old ways of extreme
drinking till incoherent-ness sets in. Why George? Why?
If you think for a second Victoria and Rachel are going
to tolerate this behavior form you next season, think
again buddy.
says…why make position on the table? Huh? Why
Spencer? Why? Who am I to judge…I appreciate the push
and ability I have even more now then ever before. Why make
position? How
the hell do you plan on "making a ball" if the other
guy makes position to prevent you from making the ball? What
if the other guy knows how to make a ball as well as you or
any other good shot maker along with position at the same time?
Making position is not one-way of shooting, it’s an additive
to your skill not just a decided way of playing, this is why
there are skill levels assigned to players. By sanctioned pool
administrators. 2 thru 7 on the APA. 3 thru 9 on the BCA. Pro,
Open, A+, A, B, C, D, D- on the Tri States. Levels of Players
indicate the ability and skill of the player; Stop the ball,
follow the ball draw, left, right, kick, whatever. Imagine,
No such thing of position play, “just make the ball,” everybody
would be the same. Personally I don’t subscribe to levels
anyway. I am not measured by a numbers on a piece of paper
or a biased judge. especially since I apply principles of another
craft to the table. How the hell do you level someone then?

July 13 2004
the book The Hustler
"The little voice in my head tells me to take it
Eddie Felson
time to Breathe…
I have been criticizing and judging myself and what’s around me a
little too much these last couple of weeks and it is affecting my game
and my life. I mention already in my last entry that I will not do what
I did again. Yesterday I shot my game with some one I think very fondly
of. I have watched her progress into a formidable player of the game of
pool over the years. Yesterday the captain of the team I am on wanted me
to play kim on the table in a way I am not capable of. I only realized
this after the match was over. I am feeling very used. He admires that
I have advanced over the years a little more than most he knows and I am
flattered by it but now he is vicariously using me to get back at others
he has resentment for relevant to pool. I did not want to play Kim we already
know what our status is and our quality and proving it on the table is
irrelevant. But I did learn I need to do something I haven’t been
doing. |
or Dble click any image to make larger |
the mind…Julie
Julie has made my all time top favorite people
movements “visually” yesterday on the table
is exactly what the doctor ordered in terms of how
I like it to be done; how it should be done. She was
like calm ocean waves, smooth movements and ceaseless
motions. We spoke after her match was over and we have
a lot more in common than I realized. It was enlightening,
and I don’t feel alone anymore. I wonder why
I did not see it before?
The Essence of bravery is being with out self-deception.
However it’s not so easy to take a straight
look at what we do. Seeing ourselves
clearly is initially UN comfortable and
Embarrassing. As
we train in clarity and steadfastness, we
See things we’d prefer to deny-judgmental
ness, pettiness, arrogance, these Are
not sins but temporary and workable habits of the
The more we get to know them, the more
they lose their power.
Book | Spencers
APA Standings | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004
12th 2004 Monday 4:55pm
wet its rainy and nasty outside…William and Victoria
don’t feel like shooting but we did anyway and then
we ate Bacaloa…just like our games were…one big
Shot like cat butt…yup…I didn’t feel like
shooting but I had too, so I shot. So if you shoot without
thinking shouldn’t you shoot great? Go back to your whole
original mind-Zen-thing? I mean this is what all the books
say. So I shot, and I wasn’t on my normal stroke, I think
my attitude was a big factor here, like Rachel was so reminding
me over and over, she is right. I blamed everything around
me but I t was wrong to do this I am responsible for my own
actions. My awareness was numb so I shot dumb and arrogant
and expecting to win; real stupid Fuentes. I had a bad attitude
about the whole thing. I gave up even before I began. I shouldn’t
have attitude at all in accordance with my practices of non-judgmental
self. I was annoyed. If I didn’t feel like shooting for
my self and for the appreciation of the game then I should
have at least done it for my team. I will not let it happen
again. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7020/baceng.htm
Leme-gets-soma-dat-poke. Whats-dat-black-stuff? Liva?
you know that the center of the cue
ball on a standard size pool table should meet
and be parallel
with the blade of the rail on the pool table, there
are variation of rail height’s so the center
of the cue ball can be a few centimeters below
the rail which
is fine provided the pockets are two balls width.
But if the cue balls center is more that 25% lower
then the blade of the rail then you will get a
faster carom or a slower of the rail. If you
want to play with snooker
size cue balls on a pool table go two SoHo Billiards.
10th 2004: sat night
image to enlarge
buddy was asking me last night during
my boring door man job
why some people would go to great lengths
for something they want and then pretend
they don’t want it when they think
they got it. Why ask for it just to act
like you don’t need it? Why do some
people try to get attention only to ignore
it after they get it? What the fuck kind
of degenerate behavior is that? Are they
just seeing if they can get it? Is this
some kind of way to get off the human ego?
Why do some women and men pretend to think
they are ugly before or after they put
on and take off that form fitting shirt
tight pair of jeans or skirt and passionate
aroma? Wearing attention and pretending
your not wanting it is juvenile and selfish
and mostly transparent. Why pretend? Why
do this act of self-ego-nourishing? I did
not know what to tell him but I could be
wrong as I am quit often these days when
I told him. I did this when I was young
and now it might come back to me one day
in some bizarre form; come back to me in
full circle. I’m lying when I say
I don’t understand because I do understand
a little, I am a little arrogant my self.
I am really; this is not the first time
I am admitting it. But
it is the first time I am writing about it. I have done
the same thing before. Why did I do it?
Why test other people and see how far
is that person going to put me on the pedestal.
How long was she going to bake until
she snaps and yells at me about my mysterious
but passive aggressive conceded behavior?
Yes that was years ago. I know I was
inclined, I know she was digging my outside but she
didn’t want to see my inside; she
too was arrogant but that is another
story. It made me feel special, valuable,
every body else in our little perfect
circle. I was a dumb, ignorant, arrogant,
a spoiled
little shit with alcoholic parents and
a fucked education yet still with to
many safety nets. I always had my grandmother
and her sisters along with my little
for me so if no one liked me then I could
always go to them for love and support.
For having this, I took advantaged and
I treated my over burden girl friend
like shit, this was years ago of course.
then I did not consider Karma to be a
factor in my life. One day it will come
back to
me so now and I am paying for it with
a willingness I cant figure out and control
behind it. Its like I am punishing myself
for being such a bad little boy in the
past so I try to find apparent invectives
and seek respect from people I would
even think about keeping as company on
a normal basis. All that, Just to make
up for my rude little bad boy behavior
when I was a teenager. I am so apologetic
I did what I did. I
just did not know any better and I am
not afraid to admit it.
Book | Spencers
APA Standings | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004
Barretta —
Jennifer is CAT's Player
of the Year, not only because she attained the tour's point leader status, but
because she supported CAT by attending every single tournament. A polished and
remarkable young woman, she carries herself with exemplary professionalism and
is a role model for women pool players everywhere.
Crazy about snowboarding, Jennifer began playing pool just over four years
ago. Of her passion for pool, she quips, "I don't have to break any bones and
I can be good at it." She hopes one day to marry her two passions by opening
a billiard club near her vacation home in the Killington area of Vermont. Originally
a King of Prussia, Pennsylvania native, Jennifer now divides her time between
her billiard aspirations and her duties as co-owner of Duomo Gym in Manhattan.
Under the mentorship of Stu Mattana, she hopes this year to earn enough points
to qualify as a Touring Pro. |
come a long way baby I remember when she was just a level 3/
APA bar leauge |
or dbl click images to enlarge
think I’ll start this month with writing
about something a little personal a little
sexy and little…well you make the call.
I touched myself today, to
see if it’s working correctly. Then I
watched a movie yesterday afternoon on cable. Un-faithful-the
movie is called. It got me hot; then it scared
me. I related to the young guy in the movie,
but when he was murdered. This movie portraying
the extremities of love and faithfulness and
what it can do to a person is spooky. When
somebody is unfaithful to there partner loved
one or whatever, there is no control anymore,
even when you think you are in control.
not driving and you don’t know what can
happen. Have I been in control these last couple
of months? If
I haven’t, who cares. This is me now.
Es Saada
Book | fatchicksinpartyhats.com | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004
9th 2004 Friday
have to be carefull when I go out on sunny days...
I forget to put my self away and becuse of my
carlessness people can see a little of me in
my 10:00 clock shadow... it only last a minute
but really, I dont want to give the wrong impression
that I am evil or something...
image to enlarge
9th 2004 Friday
yesterday with my buddie. We practiced for hours.
8 2004 Thursday about the WED Night Nine Ball Extravaganza!!! |
--- vs --- Michelle-#5
Vs Michelle it was a pretty good match.
The big boy match, two heavy weights of E bar duking it
out for 120 shmamoolies!!!! Michelle is way rad she always
makes me feel better when she is around. George wants her
to join the team next season but dare I put another five
on the roster? Stuart want me stay in it. Michelle used
to be a captain for a year I think she has the skills.
I know she is not playing with her new team too much. Spencer
wants to join too, whats with these people? Where were
they when I needed em? Now that I have a full roster every
body wants to jump in, even Ronnie!!!! I guess its like
the old wives tale, When your single nobody wants to date
ya but when ya get married everybody wants to sleep with
you. |

wins the lag. I think Spencer is opting for Michelle to
win. a lot of beer is ridding on this one. Michelle shoots
a champ, she is a level five on the APA. But like a real pool
player she cant really be rated or judged as any level. You can call
her what level ya want
or think she is but
the pool tabel like a few people I know on the APA if you think
you are going to out class her according to what the blue APA paper
are deadly wrong... |
8th 2004 big pimpin Will
LOL-“I don’t remember” I’m broke, something
came up and I couldn’t make it, what’s the big deal?
It’s just a birthday/holiday/special once a year event-thing-thing
is so dreary already. I hate that part time shit. I keep going
against my own word and usually pay for it with my way of behaving,
but not this time there was know real price this was more like
a reminder, thank goodness no one was around, maybe that is why
I did it. The truth is no one will admit it, that’s ok;
the good thing about me is time. Maybe one day it will be appreciate
for what it was and what it used to feel. Let go with out saying
what needed to be said. And now let all of it go. Ha Ha Ha… not
going to answer? Gee a wonder? Why no answer? Fear? Selfishness?
Who cares anymore…this is partially my fault anyway; I
think. The first time it happened I let go; the second time again
I let
it go, the 20th time? Well… maybe gluttony is the culprit.
Some one has gotten use to it already and I think to pay any-price
for stubbornness is stupid; I am starting to get the hang of
it. Controlling the stupid ness. This is one of many things why
I got
into Zen. Zen can douse fire if you let it. It’s a free
country, nobody has to answer…I don’t have to answer
I don’t have to say why ether. Afterward I remembered my
dignity, before the artificial colors and the watery eyes. I
already made a decision and then went against it out of pity….
Pity can hurt you more than anything. Could be onions from the
can; who knows. I was under the impression that there was actually
authentic feeling of despair with loving sincerity. I think I
was wrong. It was probably a last word thing, how spoiled child
Boy I am a dick head, but that’s ok I didn’t really
lose anything anyway and I don’t think anybody gives a
shit anyway the potential displayed died years ago, no more glow
know after a while it just looks sad. I really gave it a shot
though, I had too. If I didn’t I might have been thinking
about the woulda coulda shoulda’s those three guys can
be a pain in the butt. Too bad. What kind of a person compromises
family, friend
or other for pride? What the fuck is that all about? Were does
that come from, what ever. I am not a shrink and I do not have
to try and figure it out. I’m just gona play pool and keep
getting closer. Closer to something most won’t ever. |
“ Calmness
does not mean lack of concern; it means the ability to separate
the real from the unreal and thereby to take sensible action.” |
was telling me about next season. I told him a girl named “Oh-Ya” wants
to join the team. He was saying to me “we need to win this
time.” Win what? I said if your trying to win you already
lost…I was saying to George. After a while of getting and
learning the fundamentals of pool there comes appoint in your game
were character determines the ways of your development. He was
saying next season he was going to train some of the team and I
said, “I think they need to reshuffle some of their character-first-to
except certain facts about development”. Not that I am speaking
about anyone specific, maybe but no one, and I mean no one plays
pool or plays and practices any craft weather it be art or music
for so long-a-time and doesn’t grow in anyway from it with
out there character and attitude getting in the way or being a
main factor in there development. A lot of people I know just take
a lot of side steps in there craft hobbie or practices. But they
don’t move forward much. Douglas is starting to move forward
and very few others I know, but some people in the APA ( Not meaning
or speaking of my team) have been playing for five, ten, twelve,
years and just don’t grow…I don’t like to judge
people but it is a fact. I have a hard time excepting the serially
about people and their development in their craft or game or
both. Every body can get good; I hope I think. I think this is
one of
the reasons why I keep putting my guard down and become a victim
of stupid assholes. Communication is key to others and to your
self, if you do this poorly then you will shoot poorly. I believe
in a lot of people and I always hope and wish them well but doing
this sometimes makes me sad. Today was my fire day. I like my
fire, but today I was burning a little to bright today, I have
no regrets
though, I like myself.

I have
to practice my Zen again I am feeling too much Fire and Ice
these last few weeks. I am torn between the way of
the monk and the way of the Monkey. Monk-monkey-year of the
monkey. My year, must remember this. I kiss is just a kiss;
a sigh is just a sigh and a monk is just a monkey

Tim Gallwey attended Harvard University where he majored in English
Literature and captained the tennis team. He served as an officer
in the US Navy and was one of the founders of a liberal arts college
in the Midwest. Starting in the mid 1970's Tim Gallwey produced
a series of best selling books, which set forth a new methodology
for the development of personal and professional excellence in
a variety of fields.

the last twenty years Gallwey has been introducing
the Inner Game approach to corporations looking
for better ways to manage change. Through lectures,
consulting, and seminars, his focus has been directed
at three targets, 1) helping all individuals in
a company learn how to learn, and think for themselves,
2) helping managers learn how to coach, 3) helping
leaders learn to create "learning organizations." His
long-term clients have included AT&T, IBM,
Arco, Anheuser Busch, Apple Computer, and The Coca-Cola
Company. His newest professional interest is helping
people who work in teams to learn how to work together
more effectively.

author, an Irishman now based in New York, has written
a fierce and gripping story set amongst junkies in
Dublin. This first novel, Dirty Old Town , peels away the veneer
of new Ireland's material success to reveal a world of lost
youth surviving by on crime and gallows humour. The authenticity
is unquestionable
- the authors spent five years in recovery since escaping that
world - and the book should attract considerable media attention.
To be submitted to UK publishers in Autumn 2004.
Douglas Mulkearns featured in the short story anthology Shenanigans
(Hodder & Stoughton 1999), which showcased the best in
contemporary Irish fiction and his story was consistently
singled out for
praise by reviewers. |
7th 2004: WED 3:55pm

miss Brian…
I feel bad he went away; maybe he should off given it a little
more time. But he is a single guy with himself as the only
obligation to take care of. Is it so bad to live in a ruff
little place for a little while? That’s what I am going
to be doing soon being my I am getting they are taxing the
shit out of me for being single. I hope Arizona is making
him happy. If not he can always give NYC a second try. Vic
maybe should have told him how she felt and I think he (Brian)
might have had things to say to her as well but nether one
get all mushy and emotional about it. I know he admired her
game she did thing he wish he can do and he had qualities
she admired as well. If you had put there game together they
for any the competition they came across if. Its
not over, one day Rumble fish will be complete again. I wish
I could
of assistance he needed. Me I am a little rugged, a little
sloppy a little used to loudness in the hood, I grew up in
the boogie down. I really need to leave it though. I out
grew it, and it time to make a family while I am reasonably
I haven’t had a cig in three days, I feel good, my skin
looks better and I can breath normal again.
Book | fatchicksinpartyhats.com | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004
& Susan Music Pic of
the week
Pop Music Stars of the 80s
Pic of the week
Pop Music Stars of the
6th 2004:
Tues 4:44pm
APA match today
Oh well…Gona play a little then go to the movies with some
buddies from work and the hood. I need to gather my wits. I have
to make a proposal for the-moe-moola at that labor place cause
my bling-bling is not making me sing-sing. Don’t mess with
me cause I am one bad moe-foe, I had to pop a cop cause he wasn’t
given me props up-in-oke-town. What’s the snizzel my nizzle.
This website thing is starting to feel like a job.
I think I am a little tired of writing and speaking. I have been
writing a lot these last few months (6 at least) and now it is
time to take more action and less word, do more stuff and talk
less stuff. But it does not hurt to say a few thing once in while.
I don’t feel much like talking about doing something and
then not making it happen. If ya-make planes with me or make
plans in general then follow thru with-em please and don’t
non chalunty blow me off with words like what’s the big
deal? flaking out is just going to put me off. It will put off
anybody. If I make planes with some one and then cancel out at
the last second I wouldn’t expect that person to consider
me on there gota have around-top-ten-list for the next time of
the-do-something–or-anything-social-later-thing. It’s
stinks. I am not much into talking about a whole lot of nothing
ether. It’s boring and it promotes my ego, which I am so
not into. I write about myself enough on the web so I really
don’t have that much incentive to yap about my self over
the headset, table, cell or ear just to entertain. I couldn’t
see myself trying to entertain myself with talking about my self
like some people I used to know. I once hung out with this girl
back in my Atlantic records days that loved to talk about herself
all the time. She loved entertaining me with her mouth. She never
once ask me anything about my self though, but she loved to yap
on and on about her self and her past drama’s. When ever
I found a hole in her barricade of herself and attempted to jump
in talk a little about my self, she would cut me off with something
about her self, that slowly made our relationship pale, not that
she was noticing under all her yapping. After about six months
of her verbal neglect we stopped hanging, pretty much stopped
being friends, primarily because there was nothing left to talk
about but current events. I am so glade I am not like her. I
mean how much can one talk about them selves before it sounds
like…well. Just a lot of talk? Im gona go to the
movies now, later...
Book | Spencers
APA Standings | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004
July 4th 2004
or dbl click image to enlarge
4th 2004
Somewhere deep down inside I knew it was going to be this way; but one can always
hope. One cold and crisp winter afternoon, a little 8-year boy wanted to shovel
the snow of the drive way with his dad. His dad said ok, so the little boy puts
on his coat and waits for his dad to bring the shovel. At the last second his
dad changed his mind and opt to go out with his girl friend to a near by mall
instead, so he can buy her a something, leaving his son at home to play video
games alone. That was an opportunity to make a new design in the fabric (or blue
print) of the developing Childs character. That was a precious moment lost between
father and son, that was a memory lost, a memory that might have been a vital
element for a decision or decision’s that had or have to made in the child’s
grown up future. Moments like that facilitate the adult you will grow up to be.
Father figure they call, like father like son. Children are like clay, clay gets
hard and dry fast so ya-better make a nice sculpture or shape before it dries.
As you get older and you realize this thing about your character and why you
are who you are and the desire you have sometimes. I desire to be the opposite
of my dad, my dad neglected his loved ones for his self-indulgence. So now I
chisel away at the hard marble like clay creating a new shape. Sometimes I give
a little too much attention to people I consider important in my life. Sometimes
when opportunity arises for moments to remember, I select those I consider close
to me and want to spend time with them. But if they don’t want to spend
it with me? What do you do? Maybe my dad had something there with personal preference.
Maybe spending with people who aren’t so close to you has a meaning I am
not so aware of. Mine, some times are moments I did not have as a child. Today
is my dads Birthday. My birthday was June 20th and he did not call me to say
happy birthday, today I will not call him to say happy birthday. If I did, does
that make me better? No it doesn’t, if I did call him, my motive would
be just to run a guilt trip on him, that’s if he even feels one. I think
it is best if I just stay quiet on the whole B-day thing and just spend time
with my acquaintances on this 4th of July
Today I learned how independent I am. How independent I should be. I have dependency
on certain thing during certain times for certain moments. |
Top Rock and Roll
roof parties going on... lots of up and down steps

looking very Second Gen Metallica 
missing something and wishing something and getting nothing
but drunk 
goodness Patrick arent we the popular fellow!!! the roof
was going to cave in 
makes his own fire works 

and her new toy from Europe

"3D Val
" You can see things no one else can see when you were
the magic glasses William"

Rock and Roll Shot man

Vals Cherry Cake

Hot Wings, Cheez, and Watermelon on the roof top of Josh

Viewers™ -3D
Fireworks Glasses - specially treated holographic lenses break
light into the spectrum...3-D Fireworks
Glasses are an exciting addition to fireworks displays, laser
light shows and holiday celebrations everywhere. Millions of
people around the world have been dazzled by 3D Fireworks Glasses
and the amazing effects that bring fireworks and the rainbow
spectrum excitingly alive... |
July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from
England and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave
their homeland to come to the "land of the free and
the home of the brave" so they can begin their American
Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues,
picnics, and family gatherings with there loved ones. Well la de freaking da. |
July 4th 2004
Seven years of suckyness...
image to enlarge
July 2 2004
Today is Brian’s last day in the New
York City. What can ya-say about it? I just
don’t know. None of us want to see
him go. He'll always be a Rumble Fish, a
Rumble Fish swimming In the desert now, sand
Brian | click
or dbl click image to enlarge |


plays his last game of pool in new york city

Good bye NYC

From Point
the Way By The Monk
Chapter Five
Practice and Training |
is an exercise for keeping the cue ball in the center of the
During your practice sessions, master these types of
shots. It is vitally important for you to develop speed. This exercise
will help you a great deal. It takes time so be patient and keep at it.
During your practice sessions, pay attention to yourself. You
must know who you are training. Find your weaknesses and understand your
strength. Build on your strength and allow your weakness to fade into oblivion. It
is important to find your tempo and you can do this through personal observation. Shooting
pool requires rhythm. You must have natural pace. You must find it." ... |
the ball into corner pocket with one-quarter cue to english right
center. Use a follow stroke to hit the #2 diamond. Cue
ball will end up center table. |
or else |
object ball into corner pocket with one-quarter cue tip english
right. Use a punch stroke to bring cue ball back to the
center of the table. |
the object ball into the side pocket. Use follow stroke
to return the cue ball to the center of the table. |
#1 ball in corner with 1/4 tip right english using soft follow
stroke. Shoot #2 ball into side with 1/4 strike. Shoot
#3 ball in corner with one cue tip left, soft follow strike. Cue
ball will end up inside the circle in each shot. |
exercise! I want to buy this Book.
30th 2004: WED 2:44pm

image to enlarge
wed talking about Tuesday...So we played today.
We won. Weeeeeeeee. I just didn’t
feel like shooting, but I did shoot. Anton was there; he watched
run a table, which was cool. I was on my “B” game.
What ever. Julie played good. She always plays good. She’s
sweltering, delectable.
But enough about Tuesday. Today I learned about the ten-foot
poll. The ten-foot poll will always be poking me in the rib.
It’s annoying. It sometimes hurts. The ten-foot poll only
becomes 1 foot when it doesn’t matter. The ten-foot poll
will appear when the opportunity comes up to turn it 5 foot or
maybe one foot. I have always had this ten-foot poll poking at
me from the most unlikely places. That’s ok. That’s
the way it is in my life. I have had this ten-foot poll since
I was a child. So, if ya-cant get rid of the ten-foot poll then
make it 20-foot poll I always say. When ya make it 20 foot ya-got
room to move more and make room for others but sometimes those
others come with there own ten foot polls, egad! When does it
all end baby. Oh well…Maybe I will learn something new,
maybe not. Don’t put your guard down William, I must write
this down on a piece of paper a thousand times. Maybe I am lazy.
I do this with every thing, my game my life etc. be sharp Will,
don’t get dull. A little Zen not too much, a little fire
not too much. This is the way I will go for the coming month
starting today.
June went bye so fast. I laid on my back for most of the month
3 weeks of spinal pain and head drama. What a month. My back
is much better. Maybe even for a Reggie party. Gota keep away
from the extreme sport of mail box jumping.
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APA Standings | Rumblefish
Team Schedual summer 2004