is the month of July 16 thru 29 2004 |
2004 Hot links of the last few day of July so far |
Rocking 80’s band July 29 Thursday |
Song list titles are
in hand
-You’re not a three!!
-Can’t touch the cue ball after you miss the eight!!
-Your cue doesn’t hold chalk!
-Mark your pocket
-I don’t need your Fucken coach
-She’s gona quit the team….. again?
-I hate to pay when I lose
-Why should I pay after I won?
- I’m gona be late...again?
-Floating in when ever you feel like it
-Stinks like not so team spirit
-My balls are frozen
-The tables got a roll
-Leaving early cause I work in the mourning
-My neck/back/shoulder or whatever hurts
-I don’t feel like shooting
-George drinks to much!!!
Fish” makes it triumphant return at the E-Bar Table
room with there new album titled
the fuck off my team”

about the last Monday William shoots..William
feels he can do better another day...
or dbl click any image to enlarge


John Smith one of the best players in NYC 
down Douglas. (He made the eight anyway) 
Tuesday team 7 27 04 |
It’s funny
Even though some people realize they make mistakes about other
people’s personalities they don’t seem to grow from
it or change their attitude. One would think you grow from the
experience of making mistakes in your life. This is called maturity;
I think, to see your self. Habits are a bitch. It very scary
that a person is capable of not growing wiser from knowledge.
It’s almost Zen like, except being a dumb ass instead.
A numb ass Zen practice. Lately I have been repeating the same
mistake over and over in fact I have been doing it for months
now it is starting to sink in. Realizing before just made me
sad and scared now it just wants to make me move forward. Every
time I let go I step back and grab it again I really need to
stop; what am I afraid of?
won my match on Tuesday...what ever
I got patted on the back for winning and the pool folks looked
at me like I was kind of champion…I am nothing. I am
not a champion I shot like I just didn’t want it this
is how I feel but for some reason the community around me sees
differently. They saw something there I am not feeling. At
least I gave Ronnie the point. But as far as I am concerned
I don’t have much game in me any more these days.
late Night July 27 2004 it got a little wacky by the table...just
a little.

Rachel Cosper

Rumble Fish in Vegas
26 04 Monday
nights shots will
be up laterI
left my camera at home oops... |
Monica Webb
“ A true player first has to lose every possible way he or she is
capable of before becoming a true champion of the game of pool.” |
its gona be William?
7 26 04 |
starts with one...One thing, I don’t know why, It
doesn’t even matter how hard you try, Keep that in mind,
I designed this time, To explain in due time, All I know,
Time is a valuable thing, Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings,
Watch it count down ‘till the end of the day, The clock
ticks life away, It’s so unreal, You didn’t look
out below, Watch the time go right out the window, Trying to
hold on, Didn’t even know, I wasted it all, Just to watch
you go, you kept everything inside, And even know I tried,
you all fell apart, What it meant to be, Will eventually be,
A memory of a time, when , I tried so hard and got so far,
But in the end, It doesn’t even matter, I had to fall,
To lose it all, But in the end, It doesn’t even matter,
One thing, i don’t know why, It doesn’t even matter
how hard you try, Keep that in mind, I designed this time,
To remind myself How I tried so hard...In spite the way you
were mocking me, Acting like i was part of your possessions,
Remembering all
the times you fought with me, I’m surprised it got so
far, Things aren’t the way they were before, You wouldn’t
even recognize me anymore, Not that you knew me back then,
But it all comes back to me, In the end...You kept everything
inside, And even know i tried it all fell apart, What it meant
to me, will, Eventually, be a memory of a time when, I tried
so hard and got so far, But in the end, It doesn’t even
matter, I had to fall, To lose it all, But in the end, It doesn’t
even matter, I’ve put my trust in you, Pushed as far as
I can go, For all this, There’s only one thing you should
know, I’ve put my trust in you, Pushed as far as i can
go, For all this, There’s only one thing you should know...I
tried so hard and got so far, But in the end, It doesn’t
even matter, I had to fall, To lose it all, But in the end,
It doesn’t even matter.

Sunday July 25 2004
JIM is in town!!!
is coming tommrow to see
in action..


did shots we got drunk...or maybe I got a little more than he...hes
a pro
looks good, I am glad heis back in town a lot of people are. Jim is has come back into with a new name he is
now called Danger Man

July 23 2004
The Big Wishes

My i-book is seemingly working again.
Its Friday, of course my instinct told me that it would end
up that way again…and I was right. Good for you William.
My stomach is turning; the meal is always the same every Friday.
Self-Value is the Key i- luuuUUuuuuuUoooOOoooOoUUUUuuuVe myself
Self-respect is related to your self worth and your value.
Building self-respect is a first step towards your ease and
a better days. Self-esteem increases your confidence. If you
have confidence you will respect yourself. If you respect yourself
you can respect others, improve your relationships, your achievements
and your contentment....Low self esteem causes melancholy,
discontent, insecurity and poor self-assurance. Other's desires
may take preference over yours. Inner criticism, that nagging
voice of disapproval inside you, causes you to stumble at every
challenge and challenges seem impossible. Forget your failures
- learn from them. Avoid making the same mistakes again but
don't limit yourself by assuming you failed before so you can't
succeed this time. Try again; you're wiser and stronger. Don't
be trapped in the past! Don't be trapped in the past! Don't
be trapped in the past!
Some people just don’t change.
Image is to do with how people perceive you and this will affect
how they relate to you. It will affect your relationships either
positively or negatively”. I saw it coming and I let
it happen according to Zen you must get to know your faults
to make them weaker. The more you get to know them the less
power they have over you. Sometime I set myself up just to
see what my reaction is going to be. Take up challenges positively
and surprise yourself!
open space |
in a wide open space, I'm standing
I'm all alone and staring into space
It's always quiet thru' my ceiling
The roof comes in and crashes in a daze
I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing
You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me
I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring
There's something quite bizarre I cannot see
I'm on the top of a hill, I'm only
There's someone here to shout to miles away
I could be back in my house, for I care
They do not hear me, it's the same old case |
July 23 2004
within two people devoted to each other is
the most fundamental ingredient necessary for two people
to live together with assurance and commitment. Just
as trust is the foundation of your relationship with
your statue (your self), you must also have trust for
the person that you are committed to in your whatsoever
life. When trust has been violated in a relationship,
you begin to question the basis of your partner’s
commitment and their promises to you on every level.
Without a dramatic change in this trend the entire
relationship is in jeopardy.
There are many behaviors that can destroy trust
in a friendship, boy friend, girl friend or
whatever relationship. A breach of trust can result
from being caught in a lie or a series of deceptive
actions, by breaking commitments, flirting with another
person, or from engaging in a seemingly/ pre meditated
adulterous relationship. If any of these offenses have
occurred in your marriage the confidence between you
and your spouse will be shattered.
If your relationship with your special other is to survive, trust must be restored,
and a new relationship must be established. But you may be wondering, is this
realistically possible?
Honest Admission. Restoring trust
I like to think would be an honest confession by the
offending other half, concerning the displeasure that
has occurred. Truthfulness is always the first step
in all reconciliation. Don’t talk shit be honest
or else.
Only when a person becomes completely honest about the facts of an offense
will the declaration of guilt and bad behavior be treated as sincere. An honest
answer is like a gift or an offering. However, continued deceit is like slapping
your other in the face.
If you tell half-truths or doctor information to make yourself appear innocent,
and your other finds out later that you’ve lied, it will be as if you
had done the same shit all over again.
Modesty. Your attitude when you come
clean is just as important. If you try and justify
yourself and shift the blame to your other, you will
set up an immediate roadblock to reconciliation. You
need a healthy dose of humbleness if you ever expect
to receive your others forgiveness. You must understand
that your arrogance is one of the fundamental reasons
your relationship has deteriorated in the first place.
Begin by being honest.
Be submissive to one another without looking like a punk, and be clothed with
an unassuming nature, because people ether resists or embrace the conceited
ether way it’s trouble.
July 22 2004 |
Cut the line
After a while the fish gets wise to the bait and hook thing so
the fish goes out and buys a pair of scissors or grows teeth
sharp enough to cut through fishing wire. He
see the bait so just seconds before he bites he cuts the line
he eats
the bait.
Now the fisherman has to do ether two things. One, he would have
to try again with bigger bait and hopefully find new fish to
catch or two, go to another pond.
I took down a champ last Tuesday…yhea baby!!!
Last Tuesday after my team match was over I went over to BBC and
played pool with some of my team mates till 2:30 in the mourning
wow; we-am-crazy-we crazy people-weamcrazy!!!!! Julie and the magician
shot well. Julie went up to a level five. That’s what happens
when you win twenty games I a row Julie, congrats! Are ya-ready
for the Jack and Jill doubles?
Cheap sex…err…I mean pool.
Sometimes pool with me is like trying to have sex with out a hard
on. Sometimes-I-just can’t get my game up. I am fondling
(or stroking) without desire so I do this lame poking of the balls
on the table to quickly with no consideration, I am shooting blanks
and missing my target and making a mess. No eye hand coordination,
I’m drooling on the places i should not be, my game is
just lame. This is the times I don’t feel like shooting.
So why am shooting without feeling like shooting? Because some
days when
I am feeling
angry inside with myself I am like a mannequin in a window display.
Like most guys (or pool players) for some reason they think they
need it all the time, but they don’t-ya-know. But because
of masculine (game) ego, they have to pretend they want it all
the time or they might seem gay (scared) to the other male (pool
player) groups. So they shoot and end up being lame in bed…err… I
mean on the pool table. Its ok guys you don’t have to get
it up every day, your game I mean. Read a book and just snuggle
with your stick.
Almost Death to the ibook
My I book almost died the other day… |


Mary Shoots
likes a Level five but
she is rated a level two on the APA bar league..Her
stance (form) alone should give indication she has some game
as stated
in the images...Dont
judge a book by its cover I always say. But then again,
how much do you need too read to see what
story is all about... Dont
you love the APA
mary is just a level two on the APA
19 Monday
sits and waits...
19 Monday Masha Shoots...Masha Scores...

Click or dbl click any image to enlarge |
hi to Molly
17/18 Sat/Sun Shoping, Pool, BBQ, Door at the Ebar, Druken
behaviours... |

or dbl click any image to enlarge

16/17 2004 Friday
Stacy on the rocks rocks the


is July 17 thru 30
hi to Julie...hMmmmmm