moon phases


page.1- 9/1/04 thru 9/14/04

Champions thru and thru over and over...
Dec 03
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Sept 1 | 2
September 13 2004 Monday ..... no Match today

Go to page #2 of September

RumblefishTeam Schedual summer 2004  


September 13 2004 Monday at work. just random things.

3:00pm. Nothing....same shit diffrent day....xxxxx tells me on the phone today she accidently grabed a pigon on her window sill last night after I told her my willy is all pump out. She got scared, and then cried. About the pigon not my willy, the pigon thought, what a chicken shit. I got grabed by a chicken. xxxxx aint no Chicken Mr pigon.

5:00pm. Gona have some Sushi tonight with my peeps Masha then shoot some pool. Masha is-a-Villian-a-villian most chillin like Bob Dillin-illin with a fillin.

FAERIE RUNES,The begining. "A pussywillows in the Rainn and the wind makes it swing my dance is a rapture what a terrible thing. Walk into the rainn toward the perilous country of Castle Rainnbow." This was a poem I wrote back in 1998 for a book contest, I submitted it and never heard from it again and i just randomly found it on the internet on someones website as a link to a web site of Faerierunes I created also back in 1998/99, WOW what a small internet world. Faeriefonts


September 11 Sat Hanging with the peeps
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Douglas Strong Arms some nancy boys at the table, 12 games in a row!!!

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Click or Dble click any image to enlarge
Another day
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Sept 10 2004 late Friday night

Attack of the Adult crowd

There was strangely "average adult" grown ups at the E- Bar as appose to the Just regular that normally dwell at the E palace of real quality peeps.
Later that evening after the strange none neighbor hood Joes left the bar...

...Things went back to normal

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Friday 9/10/04

Roomer has it that I won an MVP award from the APA.

I'll believe it when I see it hold it and smell it...

In the mean time here is Sleeping Beauty Mitch and recent events
NELLS LAST DAY MAY 8TH SAT 2004 Bye Nell, E-Bar will miss you... and so will I

NELLS BACK !!! September 9TH Thursday 2004 Hey Nell, E-Bar missed you... Im glade your back



Thursday 9/9/04

about Wed night

Cin is the yummy Sin


Wed 9/8/04 Just for some one old and tired.

After 20 years
I was a teenager when we first met; I was young, dumb and full of cum, pimples and a crackly voice. She had to be at least 38 maybe 40. She was a little mean and using, using me for sex and money. When your 18 all you think about is getting laid and showing it off to your friend’s ya-got a grown up girl friend. I got dump by the old broad after I grew strong feeling for her, she laugh about it and I was hurt because I was a nice guy, a sweet guy. I saw her today for the first time in 20 years, she recognized me right away and said hello we hugged but no kiss she was yapping about what she’s been doing these years, underneath her squawking an anger slowly set in from old memories past. all I heard was a rumbling in my head and a faint voice small talking me to death about how’s the weather been these years gone bye, I realized I was getting angry at an old lady. I was polite and cut her off as grown up as possible and I blew her off like ya-would a Mexican pizza delivery guy; a little tip and cleanly slam the door. When I was walking away I new she was staring at me and she new she made my stomach turn with her wrinkles of bad karma and cheap perfume.
For Sophia
She burned bright and hot and I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame fluttering around her and flirting with death. One day she burned me; my wings set a flame as I plummet to the ground beneath her landing in the cold ashes of so many others. That same flame from which she breathes became my new rising like a phoenix reborn. I sore high and far with a sensible vision of independence and her flame as my backwash. So fuck you bitch and thanks for the free ride into my man hood.


Tuesday 9/7/04 About Monday night, The Under Consruction Building Barbecue
Space cat and the picky dog

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I hope they like My getto style Chicken

Now time for the scary part, ........ the dead building run

Fire and beer make nice tonight... Click or Dble click any image to enlarge

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9/ 06/ 04 Monday

About last Sat night

Happy Birthday David!!! on 9 / 04 / 04

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Dave shows up before the rest of the surprise party people arrive oh well, Happy b-day Dave and have many more…lets see, I worked the door, some crazy guy danced and then sang to Stephanie with a Kazoo, I ate a lot of Birthday cake, the bar looks like a collage dorm lobby more and more every day. And I gained a few pounds around the middle and I think I did on purpose just because I am bored. ps; the cake was chocolate Razzbaerie. mmm yummy.


Sun 9/05/04 | About Last Friday Night Just what in the hell is this thing????

Just a few things
I am so walking a path right now were I am living one day at a time. But these last few months have been not so stable as far as what and how I am living. I don’t feel productive but then should I be? The other night (Friday) I had a good time hanging out Ate at the Katz drank smoked and being a little merry unfortunately her night ended with drama weren’s mines ended with a-world-weariness. The good part’s was long over due. The days before that have been not so surprising but then again should it be? Today I laugh so hard my face was hurting again, then after ward I spoke with Brian and I am happy to say it looks like he is going to make efforts to come back to NYC.

A few more things. I wont mention the persons name but I will always be there for that person when that person needs me. It has been a little up and down in the emotion department of my life and there is defiantly a growth happening in my life that I thought would never get here.

Another day another strange fruit



Cristina Scabbia lead singer of Lacuna Coil: "We created the name in '97, combining Lacuna that is an Italian word that means "a lack of somethins" and coil, spiral in English."

Cristina Scabbia


Sunday 9/05/04 about last Thursday 9/02/04 I think

Adriana has the mad hand skills.
Oh yeah its all good on thursday...I think



Oliver is the
Oldest original kidney transplant recipient in the USA quiet possibly the world
WOW!!! And I know this dude.
“ Stanly” is the name of his kidney.



Sat 9/4/04 . About last night

I'll update after the weekend holiday is over, on Tuesday or maybe sooner 9/7/04, in the mean time happy B-day Dave.

About last night. Sometimes life must be taken one day at-a-time. It is scary to see that you can not see what ahead of you, but this is only sometimes. Instinct helps but your heart never lies. Go with the flow and what you feel, these are some of the things and times that tell you who you are and what you want or need.


On a personal note lets see. yesterday I had a good sandwich, I had good drinks and good company. along with a belly dancer and a moment with someone I never had before.

Definition of character: the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer

Lets do dinner, call me .


Pic by xxxxx...I dont remember posing for this shot...Wow good drink 9/03/04

The French Whore
2 oz Premium Vodka
2 oz Chambord
3 oz Cream or Half and Half
3 oz real good Champane


Friday September 3 2004 About last Wed night
Daniels last day at the E-Bar. Wills on day two with no sleep...Life goes on.
Lets do lunch, call me


Alex is way Dope

For the not so Hip on the terms-people reading this, Dope means, Cool / Rad / Phat /Awsome / Farout /Groovy/Funky-Fresh in the Flesh-Etc...


September 2 2004 About Last Tuesday Night 8/31/04
Peter is Happy
Rock Star Bill Brings it Home

Next time dont expect anything William
5 plus 5 = 10


September 2, 04 About 8/30/04

Monday-Day Monday-Night


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Am I Crazy? I just noticed something. Crazy?


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