to December 2004
November 28
\Re*spon`si*bil"i*ty\ -- 1. The state of being responsible,
accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.
2. That for which anyone is responsible or accountable; as,
the responsibilities of power.
3. Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996,
1998 MICRA, Inc.
n 1: the social force that binds you to your obligations and
the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must
instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every
right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation;
every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr [syn:
duty, obligation] 2: the proper sphere or extent of your activities; "it
was his province to take care of himself" [syn: province]
3: a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable
to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct; "he
holds a position of great responsibility" [syn: responsible
ness] [ant: irresponsibility]
I’m glade we got someone on this team with balls,” balls?
I think to myself, that’s not balls. It more like self-destruction.
A lot of people are going to hurt from this “Ballsy” guy.
A lot of people are going to be disappointed and let down all
for the sake of his balls.
The past coming back to haunt you.
This man has shown me he can be responsible, he doesn’t
drink when he works and he doesn’t soft break when there
is some one bigger than himself around. But it is freedom of
choice that makes this country a great place; people can do
and say what they want. Look at Howard Stern, look at Rush
Lumbar, and look at uh? Hmm? Oh I know, look at the NYC ###
Op#$%^, he can do and say what he wants, especially if he is
under the influence of alcohol or not under the influence of
alcohol. Or maybe under the influence of the majority. Taking
reasonability for your actions or not taking responsibility
it also a choice in this country. What a country. I love the
National Anthem
The Star-Spangled Banner
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight'
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so Georgely screaming.
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

buddy your in my way!!
That’s ok, I can stand here.
She can only get one coach from one person.
So what, and she’s getting it, I can stand here.
I can’t see you’re in my way.
I’m not moving. I can stand here.
I’m not moving; you’re a seven you should now already I could do
It’s my table and I want to see.
It’s my bar I can stand here.
Hey George!! Just sit down and wait till it’s your turn to shoot,
who-cares were he stands. Just shut up and sit down what wrong with you. Your
a grown man.
It’s my table.
Just let it go.
Fuck him, Mother fucker.
of speech |
November 27
2004 making some bling bling

Nice Nell...Be Nice |
November 26
2004 A cold Turkey...who need a hair cut...my day my night
my afternoon |
November 25
2004 Thanks Giving Day


put something here later

here as well im still to stuffed to write..
24 2004 late at night at Lucy's...One of the
worst pool Tables in NYC...
Stuff at night before the Big Stuffing
November 23
2004 Alexa makes my job so much more easyer to come too...
21 2004 a few days of stuff
I crashed at Eric and Michelle’s Last Friday night. Then I went to work
Saturday morning. I was beat and tired. After work I went to root Michelle on
at an 8ball tournament happening at paddies. There were about 25/30 people in
the tournament. All bridge and tunnel people. Michelle was by far one of three
of the best players there. I think she will place. I didn’t play, I was
beat. My eyes were still red for the night before. I went about my business on
Saturday and did my thing then I went to see Masha, she was wearing a skirt,
I was getting wood; just kidding. Masha had an art show on the 20th, the turn
out was great, lots of people showed up. Masha has good work. And I write like
a 12 year old kid. |

What’s wrong William?
I’ve been getting a lot of this lately. I think I’m fine, I don’t
know what the hell every one around me is talking about? I’m lying, I’m
have not been too pleased these last few months. It’s been ruff. My health,
my Game, my-would-be people. It’s all 50/50. Up down up down, I am starting
to get sick in the stomach. There are kinds of denial while your dealing the
truth as best as you can then there is reality crashing down on top of you. I
like me, and I don’t see my intentions hurting anybody around me. Unless
my ideas go against the ideas of others whom self-indulgence is their primary
slogan in life. I don’t like to be entertained by morons. I am not amused
by this. Nor will I patronize it. I can’t, this is demeaning of my self.
To site back and watch your mates go in the downward spiral and do nothing about
it makes you as bad as your mate. |
November 20
About last night and this morning
20 2004 a little something for the someone I know
none Homo Sexual
On her radio
show recently, Dr Laura
Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew,
homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot
be condoned under any circumstance . The following response is an open
letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet.
funny, as well as informative:
Dr. Laura: Thank
you for doing so much to educate people
regarding God’s Law. I have learned
a great deal from your show, and try
to share that knowledge
with as many people as I can. When someone
tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle,
for example, I simply remind them that
Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to
be an abomination.
... End of debate. I do need some advice
from you, however, regarding some other
elements of
God’s Law and how to follow them.
1. When
I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice,
I know it creates a
pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim
the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? |
2. I
would like to sell my daughter into slavery,
as sanctioned in Exodus
21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? |
3. I
know that I am allowed no contact with a woman
while she is in her
period of menstrual un-cleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell?
I have tried asking, but most women take offense. |
4. Lev.
25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves,
both male and
female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine
claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why
can’t I own Canadians? |
5. I
have a neighbor who insists on working on
the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2.
The passage clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated
to kill him myself? |
6. A
friend of mine feels that even though eating
shellfish is an
abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser
abomination than homosexuality. I don’t
agree. Can you settle this? Are there degrees’ of abomination? |
7. Lev.
21:20 states that I may not approach the altar
of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have
to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does
vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? |
8. Most
of my male friends get their hair trimmed,
including the hair
around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How
should they die? |
9. I
know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin
of a dead pig makes me
unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My
uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19
by planting two different
crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different
kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme
a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole
town together to stone them? |
Couldn’t we just burn them to death
at a private family affair like we do with
people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev.
20:14) I know you have studied these things
extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise
in such matters, so I am confident you can
help. Thank you again for reminding us that
God’s word is eternal and unchanging.
Your adoring fan, |

comments? | http://www.fair.org/media-beat/000224.html |
November 19
2004 Saw Maralin Manson last night....
November 18
coming back...Bought a coat Today...Stuart is still in
process of making a judgement call on the antics that happened
a few weeks ago...this is good. That means Rumblefish has
a chance to make in the play offs....wow.
2004. April 1991-2004 the Morning Mourning
Gothic Hour
My little girl, April
Dies in her sleep
I have been talking about her all month to my friends and
family. Telling little stories of my sacred creatures and
me. I have
two Tortoises/Turtles. One is named Michael, named after
my little brother, named after the ninja, named after the
The other is April my little girl of 15 years. When I got
home last night, Michael, my oldest one, 25 years, (I got
him back in
was parked
up in
in a
place in my apartment away from April, I thought nothing
of it at first cause often they sleep in different beds
coming winter. But now that I think about it Michael was
acting strangely. April was alive last night but this morning
I looked at her as I always do every morning since I got
her she was in a position I never seen before. I reached
for her
and her body was still limp and soft like she just passed
ten minutes ago, that happened at around 9:20am. I cried
all morning
trying to think what it was that did it. My neglect? Bad
food? Bad water? To cold? Did I not feed her enough? I
have been
consistent with her care for so long I don’t see
anything out of the ordinary that could have been the culprit.
instinct is telling me it might have been something on
the past that
caught up to her. Like when she laid about six eggs seven
months ago and none of the eggs were fertile. Female Tortoises
known for dying after they lay so many eggs. I miss my
April, I can go on with little signs I was getting from
her and
Micheal but, why? She was my little girl,
she was my
sacred creature, my religion. A piece of me, and now she
is gone. |
and my little gods, April joins me for a B-day sandwich,
Micheal likes to say hello to me when im eating. |
night I dreamt of death, and this morning I woke up to
it. There was a moment
in my sleep yesterday that was uneasy and terrible. It
stared with me dreaming normally and suddenly it got all
I remember twisting and turning but I could not wake up,
As if I was being held down by a cold web. In the dream
people were going crazy but not ina a sense of rioting
and anger
but more like something was being taken away, something
vital for our sense of existence, something in the air
was foul.
And I woke up to the aftermath. Michael was wide awake
when I had awoken, staring at me wide eyed and apprehensive. |
and Micheal |
November 16
2004 About Tuesday night
got a bye, so we practice...Julie beats everybody up
is now a shooter...And I mean Bang bang shooting...
hot Ya...A Rumblefish?

November 16
2004 Tuesday Still alive....
November 15
2004...hanging with my buddies
10:15pm. Café pick me up a team of William’s
No one called. I guess everything is all right. Maybe we'll
get five zip…maybe George will check into an AA clinic,
maybe Douglas will stay till the end and play the last match
and not the third, maybe the some of my players wont have a
problem with some of my other players, maybe Aaron will ask
for a coach when it he gets a difficult shot, Maybe I’ll
get a call from Stuart and he will say” ok William I’ll
give you your points back from the other night. Maybe one-day
I’ll find a team of William’s. And they will all
have the same objective as William. They will respect their
captain William and listen to what William has to say when
a situation comes up that needs to be dealt with. Then again
who am I to tell William what to do? If William doesn’t
want to show up then why should I tell him too? If William
wants to get drunk and fight with his opponent then who am
I to tell him too stop. If Williams co-captain William doesn’t
want to do anything to get the other Williams into pool shape
then so be it. Let William do nothing but watch and say hey
I’m not going to force anyone to do anything they don’t
want too, let them do what they want. I’m not any-ones
ones keeper. William already knows what to do and if he wants
to be late and be a big letter “I” then there is
nothing I can do about it, telling him that “William” and
the team of William’s is dependent on Williams presence,
pool game, editcate, dedication, respect and commitment to
the other Williams is essential for the team fortitude might
need a little allegiance? Then too bad for William and the
Williams. If William leaves the team its ok, because no matter
were he goes there he is, still William, don’t matter
if he makes his own team, don’t matter if he joins a
new team, don’t matter if he plays with no team, William
cant escape himself and its his “self” that will
make a difference with what ever team he is a part of.
Its funny the things that seem to be happening full circle.
In the beginning of this year I went through lots of trials
and errors. I learned and I grew. It seems as though I’m
going through a review of what I learned and how I handled
it then and how I’m handling it now. |
November 14
2004 About Sat and about Sun
Lately I have been getting no answer…. I ask a question
and I get an answer to a question I did not ask…. all
week this has been happening…last night was the last
straw |
Now of course on
the cell phone she is not going to say or respond much about
anything because she is sitting or standing
in front of her sibling and boyfriend on the cell phone with
me, so no-matter what I ask or say she will give me very
little response, hardly say anything and give me answers
to question I didn’t ask. She does this every time
I speak to her when her family or boyfreind is within audible
range of her answers on the phone, giving a false impression
of the quality conversation to whom-ever is near bye listening
that is not really happening. People do this when they don’t
want to give away what they are talking about to the party
within earshot, yes means no, answering with a strong misleading
tone in your voice instead of a simple one etc. I use to
do this spy talk in high school. |
was completely vexed on Sat night
about the results of the whole Monday things that happened
with my team. Both teams got Zero points. That pretty
much fucked us out of a play off spot, I did the math
and if we just kept up with our three win motion that
would of put us in the play offs, but Stuart decided
to punish both of the teams. Thanks George for fucking
your team and your captain, But off course its not your
fault. breaking promises and not giving a fuck about
it pretty much gives me a permanent sense of what kind
of person you are. But of course its not your fault.
I cant even see why I should keep playing. I needed some
help at the moment of my distress, and when I sought
it out, on my first try all I got was more disappointment
and a reminder of this problem I have of thinking people
can change. I realized no one was going to help me with
my team. So then I went to Michelle, she sensed my distress
and gave me a cookie and a blanket, Eric in the morning
gave me eggs hash browns and Bone
sucking sauce sauce.
Those two are the best. |

November 13
2004 About Friday Night A little pool and work...

Wana bye a Hat? |

about Friday night.
I feel strong enough now to write about my health issues
and other things in my recent life, my observant self
of this thing occurred last month; October
17, 2004. I noticed the seriousness of it around last Tri-annual my Tuesday
team was in, since that day my health has been not
so hearty. We lost, my Tuesday
team, horribly. The last match was horrendous; I didn’t even get to play,
again, I’m build for this kind of shit, playing under pressure and so forth,
Ron, what’s the matter with you? Whatever. There is this hybrid flew/cold/cough
going around the city, making people cough horribly. I got this cough, on top
of my deciding too stop smoking and drinking for a while. Withdrawal is the key
word here. It’s terrible; I cough till I’m on the brink of popping
a blood vessel some were in my head or throwing out my lower back. I’m
like this for weeks. Someone I know gives me some special stuff to help me sleep,
it doesn’t work the second time around I use it, it does the opposite effect.
My life is not a healthy one these last few weeks; on top of this my Monday pool
team is second to last place. This has never happened to me before, I’m
not having fun. Its funny, it was around this time last year I was going through
a similar scenario with my team, my health and some people I know. It was around
this time last year I was in the beginning stages of lost companionship, betrayal
and facing the unknown. I grew I goatee, I lost weight and I was presented
with questions of who I am and what does it all mean. This was back in November
Now it is November 2004 I gained a little weight I hate my goatee and things
are very clear as to were it all going. Funny, Karmattic-circles can be mammoth
for reasons of life or small for reasons of justice.
Clear sky
I see what going to happen very clearly and I almost welcome it. I almost hope
it happens. Not that I am going to try and make it happen, or maybe I have.
It doesn’t mean it was a waste of my time or death of something that could’ve
been great, it means opportunity for new people places and things. One time long
ago I might of saw it as demise, this year I see as a new birth; experience has
taught me this. Especially this whole year with the rollercoaster life I have
been living in the city. The first time it happened was the bitch of the bunch,
I don’t care if your Clint Eastwood or Wyatt Erp. I threw up, got cut down,
bled and howled. The second time was no walk in the park ether, but it’s
was little more diluted, the third time you level right off. I think I wrote
this a few times this year already. Meaning, this is not the third time for
me. Or the fourth, its the-I just want to see the expressions on there faces
I am fearless, I have no more mutter inside me and I welcome it with open arms. |
November 12
2004 a little about last night...Thursday
November 11
Playing Stupid
Summary: Feigning ignorance to test a counterpart's honesty
and the accuracy of his information and impression of you.
Playing Stupid "sometimes" pays off. You may ask
a question even when you already know the answer or reaction
in order to verify the accuracy of your counterpart’s
information or to test his honesty or knowledge. This tactic
works because people tend to want to help you more when they
think you are handicapped by a lack of skills, knowledge, or
information. In other words, there are times when playing dumb
is smart. |
You can fool some people but you aint fooling
me |
The Victim
of Victim on the Web:
an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance. Victim
Poor poor George.
a Victim he is, so many years of the same shit in the bar
table, what was I
thinking, his
fault? I’m
crazy!!!! When he drinks and gets drunk, nothing
is his fault anymore, responsibility? What’s
that? If he gets himself drunk who’s
responsible for his action? No one, because
he’s George. Who-da-thought
all those many incidents for so many years at the
pool table he was an innocent, a xxxxxtim.
So what he dosent listen to his Captain instead
he curses and yells and
and lies
and sand bags and tells you fuck you and go fuck
your self and I don’t give a fuck during
your match with him. It does not mean he’s
doing anything bad. It doesn’t
make him a bad guy. To bad the APA manual says he
is. But who gives a Fuck according to George.
Fuck the APA according
to George. How dare anybody especially his opponent
think they shouldn’t have to be subjected
his show, his antics, his behavior. Your suppose
to watch him be a
drunkin idiot
on the pool table your suppose too stay and take
it from him, not walk away from him while he
is exercising his
right as an American citizen with free speech; foul
mouth free speach.
Free speech to tell his opponent Fuck you. His captain
William is so bad, has these crazy ideas about
him, playing like
with integrity and respect for his Captain his teammates
his opponent and more importantly than anyone else,
himself, what a silly idea. He is George, he
great, so now he can do anything he wants, if you
are not in his world then fuck you. Maybe one
day the APA manual will have George rules.
buddy your in my way!!
That’s ok I can stand here.
She can only get one coach from one person.
So what, and she’s getting it, I can stand here.
I can’t see you’re in my way.
I’m not moving. I can stand here.
I’m not moving; you’re a seven you should
now already I could do that.
It’s my table and I want to see.
It’s my bar I can stand here.
Hey George!! Just sit down and wait till it’s your
turn to shoot,
who-cares were he stands. Just shut up and sit down
what wrong with you.
It’s my table.
Just let it go.
Fuck him, Mother fucker.
William if you can’t control your team then it’s
not your team. If the Captain can’t tell his shipmates
to shut the fuck up when they need too, and they don’t
do it. Then it’s time for someone
to walk the plank.
your from the dessert, Jungle or jungle forrest your
a fucken indian |
Compared with the U.S. population in general, the Indian kind or kinds of
indians population is especially at risk for alcohol-related consequences.
According to IHS records
on alcohol-related illness and death among tribes in the United States (IHS
1996), the age-adjusted alcohol-related death rate in 1992 was 5.6 times higher
the Indian kind or kinds od indian population than among the U.S. population
in general; this rate was 7.1 times higher in 1980.
Nearly twice as many Indian men as Indian women get kicked off of pool teams
or die from alcohol-related causes between ages 45 and 64, the peak age range
deaths. Chronic
liver disease
foul mouth disease and cirrhosis are 3.9 times as prevalent in the Indian or
kinds of indian population as in the general population; alcohol-related fatal
automobile accidents are
as prevalent;
alcohol-related suicide is 1.4 times as prevalent; and alcohol-related homicide
is 2.4 times as prevalent.
The data clearly demonstrate that the health consequences of alcohol abuse have
a much greater effect on the Indian population than on the non-Indian population.
The ratio of drinkers to abstainers in Indian and non-Indian populations is not
well documented, however. May (1995) suggested that a greater percentage of Indian
adults may abstain from alcohol compared with non-Indian adults. Therefore, the
higher levels of problems within the Indian population may indicate that those
who do use alcohol drink at exceptionally high levels.
High rates of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) have been found among some Indian
tribes. May (1991) found rates ranging from 1.6 to 10.3 births per 1,000 for
a selected number of tribes. The rate among the general, non-Indian population
is 2.2 births per 1,000. Because of the high FAS prevalence rates and because
FAS is an entirely preventable cause of birth defects, several Federal and tribal
agencies have given a high priority to FAS research and prevention efforts.
Alcohol and drug abuse problems often are attributed to underlying psychological
disorders; consequently, those disorders have been cited as contributing to alcohol
problems among American Indians (Mail and McDonald 1980; Novins et al. 1996).
Theoretically, people with psychological problems use alcohol to relieve certain
symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, or lack of self-esteem. In response to
this theory, many alcohol prevention and treatment programs address those psychological
problems. The literature for both Indian and non-Indian populations, however,
clearly indicates that psychological or emotional problems and substance use
are not necessarily related, particularly among adolescents (Oetting et al. 1998;
Schroeder et al. 1993; Swaim et al. 1989; Beauvais 1992). The link between psychological
problems and alcohol abuse may be stronger among adults than among adolescents.
Although not necessarily a cause or consequence of alcohol abuse or alcoholism,
other mental disorders often co-occur with alcohol disorders. No studies have
compared the prevalence of co-occurring psychiatric disorders between Indians
and non-Indians, but clearly such disorders are common among Indian kinds or
kinds of indian populations. Robin and colleagues (1998) found that among
a large group of adults from a
Southwestern tribe, binge drinkers were 5.5 times more likely to have had a
psychiatric problem
than nondrinkers. In a study of adolescents on a Northern Plains reservation,
Beals and colleagues (1997) reported that more than one-half of the youth diagnosed
with a psychiatric disorder also had a substance use disorder. Caution must
be used in generalizing from those data, however, because they are derived
clinical populations and may not represent the majority of youth. As discussed
earlier, different types of alcohol users exist, and mental disorders may only
occur among heavy drinkers. Among adolescents in particular, considerable "experimental" drinking
likely occurs in the absence of any psychiatric problem and probably is more
social in nature (Oetting et al. 1998; Austin et al. 1993). Therefore, programs
to reduce alcohol consumption that presume that all drinkers have an emotional
problem probably will be ineffective with the largest group of alcohol users. |
November 10
thinking ahead already....bad news for some, good news
for others. And everybody else in the middle, just deal
with it the best you can. I have been here before this
is the thrid time much more diluted. I know what
the out come is already, And its only as
bad as you let it. I wont let it get bad. Its too waterd
November 9
2004 Sam Nach-you-raly...
November 8
Monday RF vs BT the winner? no one.....
was drama At tonights match embarrasing drama. You promised
George you promised and you broke that promise...
I am
not happy with this season at all except maybe some of
my new members, there cool. If we dont get this point, I
dont think we are going to make it. oh well... kaysera-sera-saylavee-saylavee |
are almost in last place for a reason, and its not becuse
of machanics in our game, everybody on my team is top notch.
You can be the best pool player in the world, it doesnt
matter. A
team has character. That character is produced by the team
characters. Along with a combonation
of diffrent kinds of season, diffrent colors,
and a few of the right deadly sins can
produce a personality
your team character. what kind of personality? I dont know.
What is Rumblefishes character?
7 Monday 50°F (10°C) | 36°F (2°C) more?
Went away I'll be back
November 6
2004 Still ill...Worked anyway...then I went to a far away
land for healing
November 5
2004 Another day another 50 cents at the E place
November 4
2004 Still ill...
Still ill...went to work, spoke on the phone with my ill
who stood home from
work today. Its raining outside...I am going home. I will
have good things to say and share with after I get a little
November 3
2004 I will give it a shot

Respiratory Cleanse™
formula designed specifically to support
the respiratory system: the lungs, throat and trachea.
* Helps support the rejuvenation of lung
tissue and is especially designed for those
who smoke, have smoked, or have been exposed
to toxins and free radicals.
* Featuring 18 time-tested herbs, including Mullein,
which work synergistically to benefit the respiratory
system, and
exhibiting expectorant action....more?
* Ultimate Respiratory Cleanse helps counteract
the effects of living in our modern
environment, including
exposure to
toxic carbon monoxide and dioxide, smoke and other
airborne poisons and chemicals. Mullein is a key
herbal component of
this formula, and scientific citations indicate it
has the ability to loosen normal mucus build up and
move it out of
the body. Ultimate Respiratory Cleanse helps nourish,
cleanse, and strengthen the respiratory system.The
Natural Solution....more?
Respiratory Cleanse is precisely formulated with
selected natural herbs and botanicals that
provide the ultimate support
for the respiratory system, including the lungs,
throat and trachea. By cleansing and strengthening
the entire
system, breathing becomes easier, immune function
is optimized, and healing can take place. Many
of the
herbs in this formula
have been used for centuries by cultures around
the world and cannot be found in
other formulas. This
combination of traditional
wisdom and conventional expertise is the foundation
of our innovative approach to health....more?
November 2
2004 Tuesday.Team Stick it in got a 4 to one win yesterday
lost my scarf...I am saddend by this...but I got a fat
bag.. and a win |

wants to play... The doggy is nosey... Kerry is on the ropes...
and I did wisky shots |