May 28 2004
Well, the Memorial
Day weekend is here and I will enjoy the rest. So if you
are still interested in my life go to the next month
June 1 2004. Good-bye
May 2004 it has been real and maybe I will see you again
in the next life but ill probly see you
a minute ago once again. Karma go figure... |
27 Thursday 7:pm
Victoria Viscusi |
day for the new Rumble-chick
Makes the shot |
Observes Vics Form |
is the meaning of this? |
May 26th 2004
Day for RumbleFish
The winners |
got our trophies…YaY!!!
Very satisfying. Douglas, and were
there and then Aaron showed up. We all ate food and
played pool. Now I think it is safe to say those seasons
are finally past us now.
When I finally joined the APA I dreamt of putting a
plak on the wall of E bar. Well now I did it. Things
are different now. |
and Aaron |
At home |
Rumblefish 2003/2004 |
if I tried to repeat the past I don’t think it is possible.
Some people seek to hold on to things that have little matter any
I learn from my mistakes and move forward.
Sometimes decision’s are very hard to make and seemingly
are costly.
I am not one to repeat a mistake to many times.
Some people hold on to a past that is pointless to hold on too.
I like to move forward, like my art, my game and my life.
Sometimes you need to take a step back for a giant leap forward.
That step back can sometimes be very hurtful.
comments? |
William and Eric

your angry about something turn to your friends don’t
turn on your friends.
I have done this before, take out my personal frustrations on someone
else; some times a friend. I am fortunate enough to have the kind
of friends that can see when I am upset or angry about something
but not about them. I have learned not to take things to personal
from friends or family who seemingly have personal issues to deal
with and they take it out on me by snapping at me or trying to pick
a fight. |
comments? |
Camacho MACHO!!! |
Its all
About Tom And Jerry
Night SEX
really didn’t feel like playing yesterday.
But I played anyway. It was funny. I forgot what
it was like to shoot without wanting to shoot.
like your girl friend
wanting to have sex with you and you don’t
feel like it, but because you’re a guy, she
will assume you always want to have sex, then when
your having sex with
her. You are not performing up to your regular standards;
what ever your-or-they are. Sure you make the ball,
get it in the hole and all that other no-pun-intended-stuff,
it just doesn’t feel as good as acutely being
hungry for it; like sex.

I was not hungry for the game.
won anyway; peter was just a little too hungry for the
game; like my girl friend
wanting to have sex. He was whacking the balls so hard
he looked like an 18 year old trying to get it on with
a grown woman; all the right equipment but was just
a little to premature in his stroke. Don’t get me
wrong Peter has got game; he has kicked my ass plenty
of times. But he just seemed a little too anxious.

hello to Rachel
Tuesday Night
hello to Angelo #5
May 24 2004

A Samuria a Warrior |
got my new Manager today. Yay!!! She looks great
and kinda hot. Cybele was right, she would work out,
I gota call her soon mabe we will play pool this
Rumble Fish now seven.
Yay!!! We won. Rumble Fish had a slow start but now the cue
ball is rolling. We started with a new Player named “Victoria” coincidentally
having the same name as my already new strong hearted Victoria
Viscusi who is a lefty is a great shot
We got are trophies today. Hooray!!! We’ll have a party
on Wednesday. I am so happy. I feel a great weight lifted
off my shoulders. We are truly now a “new team”.
Say hello to Rumble Fish
William Fuentes, Douglas Mulkerns, Rachel
Cosper, Kimba Granlund, Victoria Viscusi, Masha, and maybe
Karma caught up to me today. I must learn to not be judgmental
when things around me are a little disorganized, I must learn
not to talk smack or rudely criticize other people’s
games when it’s chaotic around or near the table. That
smack came back to whack me in the ass during my match. Even
though I won the match, during the match I was still sweating
and breathing hard all the way till the end, I also noticed
I hit the ball a few times with a little anger and frustration;
Very UN Samurai like.
I noticed a few things during my game.
When I needed to hit the ball with top (12:00) and
settled on doing it. The second I stop thinking
about it my natural
stroke completely took over and I hit with (8:00) draw.
I need to be a little more disciplined during my practice.
Drills, Drills, Drills.
Peace |
Kamikaze |
Love |
Health |
a Warrior |
Yamato |
Luck |
Good Luck |
May 24 2004 Will's new team summer 2004
Stuart drops of the sheets and has big boxes in the back
of his Volkes Wagon. Trophies!!!! Yhay!!!! But where is Rumble
Fishes? (all 24-of-em). He will bring them in the second
round trip this coming Monday Or Wednesday.
I went to the tri annuals to see my buddies perform there
pool magic on each other. Brandon my old
co captain was there
and his lovely wife the secret level 7 pool player. There
very happy together. It was a pretty good match. But
I new in the end it was going to be Xena and George
doing battle.
George kinda got me mad. He preformed very well and had
and uncanny way of moving the ball around. In the
end George
won. He played with the kind of game I wish he did when
he was on my team. Why George why? I guess this
was his last
chance team. He finally learned how to be a team player.
Wow. Now I can put him back on the team.

Religion of William
Saturday May
22 2004

Here is my rational on getting the Leverage
of business and-or home.
I know all about leverage.
If there is one thing about Williams’s
character, it’s about his people engineering methods
on giving, taking and dealing with leverage. I grew up
with and
was inflicted with
this thing called getting the leverage.
all about the Leverage baby.
I’ll break it to ya-simple.
When you ask the leader, the head, the gypsy king, the grocery
store owner, the man of the house or what ever makes him the person in charge
or captain of the boat, to come into his abode, his ship, his team or what
ever. Then you must do as you are told; this is his leverage over you, Because “you
asked him” to come in, you need him for what ever reason, you want him
and except him and his ways, rules, perception of you. Along with accepting
your opinions and say-soo’s being judged, laugh at, ignored or and not
taken seriously.
If you are asked to come in,
then you can almost do as you wish and
speak your mind without judgment from the
one who asked you to come in, you were
asked; meaning, you are wanted, you are
needed, your opinions have meaning with
real consideration coming from the asker,
you will be heeded, you are excepted and
appreciated as you are, what he’s
sees is what he gets; and what he wants.
This is your leverage over him, over the
captain, the leader, the head of the house
hold. It is only your character, courtesy
and respects that control’s the advantages
you have or he has been bequeathed with. If somebody asks you “are
you staying in? Are you staying with us?” This
means you have accepted the why it has
previously been. If you are asked after
you leave your home “shouldn’t
you want to come back? Or shouldn’t
you want to stay?” Then you might
be being maneuvered, influenced or manipulated
into thinking you need to be home when
in fact the home needs you or need’s
something you have or think you are. If
you are told you will be missed. Then there
is no need to follow up with anything but
a good bye. If you are ask to come back?
Then you are accepting the old ways and
the ways things have been in that home,
were is your home? What do you want as
your home? That is up to you and you only.

21 2004 |
the hell would I throw a match during practice?
Once upon a time, when I played pool with people
I like or had too much respect for or simply felt
their game was not up to a basic fundamental understanding
at the moment, I would un-consciously or deliberately
throw the match; meaning I would give you the game.
Incentive also plays a big part in my urgency to
win. I am still doing it once in a blue, but not
as often as I used to; my ego has minimized over
the time I have spent over the table. If you’re
my buddy, and I see you want the win more than
I do for whatever reason, I sometimes give up the
effort to try and win and do stupid things to cause
my lose. The look I get from some people some times
when they win a match off of me is sometimes much
more complimenting than actually beating the guy.
Throwing a match is bad karma. I have paid the
price for this arrogant behavior. Now a day I opt
for not having bad karma as oppose to being nice
or showing mercy.
I played pool on Friday night with some of my buddies
and I was trying a shot that would give me the
position on the next ball to win the game. Of course
being I was in “practice mode” and
still trying to hone my-mad-dope-funky-fresh-pool-skills,
I missed the shot; it was horrendous I missed so
bad it looked like I was dilebritly throwing the
match. I was not trying to dilebritly miss the
shot or throw the match I, as just trying to develop
a new critical shot in my pool game arsenal. I
just simply made a bad shot.
I did not consider how it would look on the other
end of that place my co-captain dwelled for a whole
season despondently. I just wanted her back and
she came back. It was like she never left, her
presence was with the team even when she wasn’t
with the team. She fit very comfortably. I mean,
she left my team because she was angry with me.
Didn’t what’s his face know this? Of
course he did, when I tried to tell him he didn’t
want to hear it. That’s when all of our karma
stared to stir, and in small circles I might add.
How arrogant can one be to think they can get away
with doing this with out paying a price? We all
paid for it. Now it looks like he is trying to
start a new one again. I do not want to be involved
with this one. I am going to be as opened minded
and as honest as possible with out any evil intention
of hurting anyone, even though what’s his
face is starting to fuck around with my buddy by
attacking her other half or trying to manipulate
her into asking what’s his face if she can
come back.
Night May 20 2004
& Chrissy are getting married; not to each other...sorry
dudes, its always the goods ones isnt it.
19 2004 Wed Night
Just a Day
is good........
bar has got an offical Stuff Gilr Now


May 19 2004. Just a day.
Lately I have been feeling…. I don’t. Know,
careless maybe? No. I can’t see the future anymore?
Maybe. Molly is politely ignoring me. Ronnie was asking
me I need a woman. A nice one. What does this mean? Why
do I need a nice woman? Did he see me humping the fire
hydrant in front of the bar today? |
Will and Eric
thought nobody was looking. I know how to cook.
I know how to sew. I know how to do laundry. I
know how to love without falling in love. If I
need to get laid, I call the professional widow
or look in the back of the voice for the Russian
Playmate. I think this is key to a mete out recoil.
Forlorn has it pros and cons. I am not lonely.
I am an uninhabited person.
don’t like people but I love groups. An independent,
yes I am. A rebel without a coin to phrase. I like
pool but I hate playing people I like. Or feel bad
for. Thought the game is meant for too to tango I
dance alone. Ronnie ask me what about children? Don’t
you want little ones?
said I already have little ones. And the one
in the middle leans to the left a little. I
am a right-handed artist.
comments? | Rumblefish
Team Schedual for MAY summer 2004 |
Wednesday May 19 2004
comes to visit me at work.
May 18 2004 |
Tuesday team that I am on is short a player
or two. This is a ruff season. I played my
match, I played a three. The match was ten
minutes. I won. During the whole match all
I was thinking about was my team Rumble fish
and were the hell are all those people who
wanted to join my team? They all seemed to
have suddenly vanished.
hello to Julie....
Been to Vegas OoOoooooooooooo...
Amazing Peter Cheng |
One of the or maybe from just a
hand full of the best APA pool players in NYC
boards make me happy..... |

guy freaks me out, Every day I go to work I see
him doing the macarena with a doll....Why?
wonder what he does with this doll at night
17th 2004 Monday
day of the rest of the APA
Image to en-large
is a little tiny something in a book I read that
I feel cleared up a few things on my approach and
attitude on dealing with pressure during my matches.
From the book Zen Mind Beginners Mind By Shunryu Suzuki
In Japan we have the phrase “Shoshin”,
which means “beginners mind”. The
goal of practice is always to keep our beginners
Suppose you recite the Prajna Paramita Sutra only once. It might be a very good
recitation. But what would happen to you if you recited it twice, three times
or more? You might easily lose your original attitude towards it.
same thing will happen in your other Zen practices.
For a while you will keep your beginners
mind, but if continue to practice one, two, three years or more, although
you may improve some, you are liable to lose the
limitless meaning of the original
are ways of practicing so you would never lose that newness feeling you
had when you first started playing pool. I found at least.
wish came true
Rumble Fish played the first match of the almost
pointless try to win season, almost but not quiet…five
zero, was the score involved with our match
too the opposing team. But I wont write who
got the
and who got the zero. Rumble Fish has developed
a new first week of the season ritual for our
Karma, losing for the first week of the season
means a
season. It always a fact we lose to teams we
should not be loosing too but it not unheard
of for it
to happen. It was like donation day at the
Jerry Lewis
and Rachael. Lets see how this works out for
this season. The incentive for this seasons win
is…err…hmm…. huh?
You know something? I don’t know what it
is. The next window for Vegas is the summer of 2005,
so what do you get for winning this 2004 summer season?
I know you don’t get trophies, I heard
you are suppose too get one and in Rumble Fishes
two trophies
for every player and in my case three, but
I have yet to see any. The trophy thing is
myth. How
long can you keep a team together for the next
trip? How long can you keep their handicap
on a level that
matches their APA assumed skill? I try and
get players were-ins there handicap is irrelevant
to their skill
level. But it looks like the Infection of the
APA skill level judgment-this-is-what-you-are-system-thing
into the minds of some players. Treat your
seriously and keep an open mind to new things.
Eight ball is a safety game, a patient game,
game that
needs to practice and awareness on everything
around you.
And Rchel Rock |

Bar is Macho. It has 32 trophies coming it way. Two seasons for
Rumble Fish, one season for Team Stick it in and another season
for Los Macho's. We are going to need a U-haul truck for all
those trophies. E-bar has been winning for the last year. This
is definitely the place to play or at least the bar to play out
Rumblefish |
comments? |
16-TH SUNDAY 2004
Salon, E-Bar will miss you...and
so will I... a lot
it be?
There was quite a number of things I
wrote in the past 3 weeks vis-à-vis on recent events I did not post
up for this months entries for fear I might have been
a little premature in my assumptions about certain issues
concerning pool life, work life and everything else in-between.
For right now, I will just exclaim; I’ll believe
it when I see it, play it and write it down as a game.
Along with that hopefully the number 812 turning into
1112 so my 455 can be 673 to finally pay the 495 with
out headache and living on a 6/10 daily for 12/15 out
of a 30/32; whew!!! In other words, “I-needs-Moe-money”.
afternoon, on the phone.
Still looking at the Russian Playmate for some playtime
About Friday
I yet again got into a little attenuation with
dummy on the phone about certain matters;
this always happens
on Friday. We took our sassy snaps to an
angry place and slowly pulled back with sincerity
tit for tat thing on the phone got a little
personal. Anyway, I might of said something to her
then she said a little imprudent thing
to me and then I followed
with a little unrealistic thing to her
and we both broke even in the end. When I said she
is not too
much or team
player it had a double meaning. I have
had many players if not every single player being
on all
my teams
over the years coming on as black sheep slash
Wolverine. I have written this before.
players are wild animals. Lions and Tigers
and bears not
like most other teams
on the APA witch is loaded with the
kind of domestic animals you find in a pet
shop; gold
fish poodles,
and hamsters. I hunt and snare my player
strait from the jungle, the forest,
the desert the
ocean the
and sometimes from a place were the
only thing visible is the moon during any
period of time
and space, like most of the other
creatures of the night I
have had run loose on the island of
Dr. William is defiantly
a wild animal; a Wolverine? Maybe a
lioness; What ever it is it’s definitely something
with sharp tooth claw and a deep growls.
Bird Man;
Eagle. Or
maybe a shark. Aaron? Turtle or maybe
a Chameleon? Definitely reptilian like his
captain, like
me. I might be a Triceratops
or a Raptor with wings or maybe an
Alligator Turtle with flight, like Gammera or I might
be a Monkey
with wings
like from the land of OZ, I like wings
and a good follow through. Mercury
is my
god symbol. |
15/16 2004 Sat/Sun Night/Morning

Last Day at the E bar