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William Fuentes's August 2015 Website
Jacqueline Byers Actress
William Fuentes at the James Hotel New York

Philip John "P.J." Boudousqué is an American actor

Whiskywolves Kingston Hall NYC

Sean C Morgan William Fuentes

A Loveing smooch from Savanna

Marie Flaherty and William Fuentes Scotch Feb2015

Neslihan Gürel, William Fuentes and Shanelle Loraine hanging out at Amsterdam Billiards + Bar

william Fuentes emily Duddy truTVHustlers
Whisky Wolves William and Angie
Yomaylin Feliz Forman William Fuentes Punks
Marie Flaherty, Omar Coffee, Catherine Hoefler my Walking Dead people
Whisky Wolves Maya and William

Yomaylin Feliz Forman and william fuentes.jpg
Yomaylin Feliz and william fuentes WhiskyWolves
Yomaylin Feliz and william fuentes lucky strike lanes
Agnieszka Drapala-Perrotta and William Fuentes are Whisky Wolves under the full moon
William Fuentes with Joe and Erika
Catherine Hoefler, Omar Chávez and William Fuentes are Awesome at the Bar
Yomaylin Aylin Feliz and William Fuentes Drink some fire water
Happy Threesome Plus Scotch
William Fuentes and Savanna Petway are friends who are great together




Random Night @ amsterdam billiards and BAR





FEAR the Walking Dead
  amsterdam billiards BAR  yelp

FEAR TWD Viewing at amsterdam billiards bar nyc
FEAR the Walking Dead Viewing at amsterdam billiards bar nyc

Flyer of FEAR TWD Viewing at amsterdam billiards bar nyc

Flyer FEAR the Walking Dead

FEAR the WALKING DEAD Veiwing at Amsterdam Billiards Bar NYC
FEAR the WALKING DEAD Veiwing at Amsterdam Billiards Bar NYC




AUG 22nd 2015

Johnny & The Pushers @ Pianos NYC
Sat Aug 22 at PIANOS

Johnny & The Pushers




AUG 12th 2015

Whisky Wolves playing




AUG 14th 2015

Birthday BOY ERIC




AUG 8th 2015

I'ma Put-ma-ding-dong in-u'r-ear.
"Hey, would it be cool if I just stuck my ding dong in Shari's ear like this?"
"Hey, would it be cool if I just stuck my ding dong in Shari's ear like this?"




AUG 2015
The James Hotel New York



William Fuentes at the James New York

William Fuentes Twitter
William Fuentes Instagram




Game Of Thrones Viewing Party
At The High Line with Adreanna Limbach
Ross Marquand and William Fuentes watching The Walking Dead
William Fuentes and Denise Dietrichs
Toast For Joey Kong from William and Ness
William Fuentes and Mollie Komins are Friends
William Fuentes The Glenlivet 18
William Fuentes and Savanna Petway
william wolf scarf

Dylan Gardner and William Fuentes drink the Scotch

William Fuentes and Amanda Rae are happy together
William Fuentes and Amanda Rae at Cafe Tallulah
william fuentes
William Fuentes and Neslihan Gurel at Amsterdam Billiards + Bar
william fuentes JackDaniels Rose
William Fuentes Drinking Scotch with Yomaylin
William Fuentes and Yomaylin Aylin Feliz like to drink the Fire water know as Scotch
Trevor Steve and William Fuentes carry it all the way home
Jennifer Barretta and William Fuentes love New York City Life
Smiley and William know How to Drink Responsibly
Drinking Scotch is good for your health. Drinking scotch with friends is good for your soul.