william fuentes June 2012 |
it's for the best. |

"Almost every week, someone's mad
at me" Jimmy Kimmel |

Change is not always a bad thing. |
Yeah man, A-li'l-change-up. A-li'l-this-a-li'l-dat. It was gonna happen sooner of later; or I'd just quit, its not in my blood to be a quitter. Somebody told me years ago. Change it up, Fuentes. I new deep down he was right, but I still believed in something else. I had faith.
Maybe I thought I can change people. Influence people. Influenced by my faith. I believe I am a good judge of character. Things never go the way you want them too. Still, you make the effort to get the results you want and then you get there in some other way you never thought would happen.
I forgive but I don't forget. I try very hard and I try my best. I give it one hundred percent. And If I fail. Then there is no shame or question about who I am and what I am capable of. Some people are scared to show who they are, others always need to.
Second chances are circumstantial. In this community, the meaning is of circumstance is different. Enabling and patronizing seems to be a prerequisite. Still, I told-em-once I-told-em a thousand times, if you keep letting them get away with it there gonna keep repeating it until you make-em-pay for it. And even still it's not a guarantee that there gonna learn, but at least you don't have be to correlated with it anymore.
Once I leave something behind, I am likely not going back to pick it up. And that's coming from a pack rat, a hoarder. A person that never gets rid of anything. Old friends are hard to come by.
With age and time one tends to turn inflexible. I've learned to be a little more flexible and realistic. Something disappeared in me when my mother passed away three months ago. Something that was critical to my previous personality. I don't know what it was but now I have room. Room for happiness; or other. I prefer happiness.
I'm still cautious though. And careful not to move backwards. Sharks can't swim backwards. A horse has to be trained to walk backwards and some creatures have to keep moving forward to breath. |
I eat, I drink, I shoot. And then sometimes I see pink elephants. |
Good times bad times other times
Pool hall Study Hall. Just a thought. part #1 |
I just started over again. It was that simple.
Yes I know, the danger of repeating history. The unaccountable charter, trying to break bad habits and so on. I forgive but never forget; I'm talking about myself. I forgive myself but I wont forget; that's the hard part.
When I started over again, all the headache went away. I mean really. Who cares what other people think or say. Actions speak louder than words, your action, there actions, all action. I will be strong for me and more importantly, my significant others.
I will stay healthy in the mind and in the spirit. I will try, and in that, that is good Karma indeed.
| |
"My own experience has been that the tools I need for my trade are paper, tobacco, friends, food, and a little whisky" ~William Faulkner (with a little w.fuentes) |

Julie has her finger in her freak'n Bday cakes...




one has made a decision to kill a person,
even if it will be very difficult to
succeed by advancing straight ahead,
it will not do to think about doing
it in a long, roundabout way. One's
heart may slacken, he may miss his
chance, and by and large there will
be no success. The Way of the Samurai
is one of immediacy, and it is best
to dash in headlong" ~ Ghost Dog
For some people history
is something they do not learn from.
repeat. That kind of insanity for
some is a safe place from there
fear. "I'd rather try again in the
same o'l-way then to try the scary
unknown." Only If the consequence is
minimal to most.
Admiration under flame and fire for
your opponent and reconizing a great
shot is not fine line. Its simpler
than that. It's a sign of respect for
yourself and the game.
"My life is simple, my food is plain,
and my quarters are uncluttered. In
all things, I have sought clarity.
I face the troubles and problems of
life and death willingly. Virtue, integrity
and courage are my priorities. I can
be approached, but never pushed; befriended
but never coerced; killed but never
shamed" ~Yi Sunshin. Last letter to
an old friend. |


"If you know the art of breathing you have
the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers"
~Chinese adage |




"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough" ~ Tagore |


"When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve?" ...more |
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship" ~Buddha
"I remember
when the candle shop burned down. Everyone
stood around singing 'Happy Birthday" ~Steven
(Click) its hot in here.
Yes, it is a hot day today.
I was talking about you.
LOL! |
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