to AUGUST 2007
27th 2007 Friday. About Thursday Night... |
FX |
Caroline |
... |
Girl-rillas |
... |
Drinky happy |
... |
Get Muscle'y on em... |
... |
Peeps |
... |
Tony T |
... |
Borana |
... |


"You can have a great abiliteis
in the game pool but if you cant bring it all togther...well...how
great are you going to be?" |

Pocky for the bitter man

King Jude

None of your beezwax

Guess who...

26th 2007 Thursday.
About Wed Night. |
Life |

Found yet again, another Monkey...


This is Irean, walking

Ga'Vomeet |
SoHo |
Ga young Kim, Supadra, Caroline, and
Maya... |
Play time |
Eat it... |
... |
Ga Young plays with sharp objects |
... |
Stick it |
... |
Dead head |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Ga Young Caroline Pao and Tony Robles |
... |
Killa Maya |
... |
... |
... |
The only way your going to get her
money is unless she is sleeping... |
easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.
~Tom Brokaw |

has beauty, but not everyone sees it"
~Confucius |

those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those
who find it" ~Andre Gide |
- in projection and perceiving - is 99.9% attitude" ~Grey Livingston |
"No one who
achieves success does so without acknowledging the help
of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help
with gratitude"
~Author Unknown
dignity and self-respect is the most important
thing one has to maintain in order to get the
respect one deserve; at least I think. Compromising
your self-respect for finality only hurts you
in the long run; it is juvenile at best, then
at least one can hope to get away with some-what
of a plausible cause for their actions. Involving
oblivious people for a personal vendetta is simply
a casualty; depending on the parties involved
the consequences are circumstantial, still, a
kick in the shin from ones inner child
still leaves a bruise on the shin. Sacrifices,
sometimes, must be made to prove a point, although
in most cases of stubbornness and the means do
not justify the ends. I have seen loves ones
compromise there very lives for self-indulgences.
I myself use-to smoke alot, and to this day,
I still taste the cigs in my lungs when I cough
hard. |
satisfied and secured, drawing there own conclusion
from half ass information, about an issue, involving
a two-sided or more party of people, places or
things, are almost certainly has gotten his or
her own mislead-version-story and the rationale
for the committed events. I have done this before,
a friend of mine tells me how a person, place
or thing 'wronged' them, and I don’t get
the full details (version) from all the parties
involved. I draw a conclusion, with half-ass
or even less info; lame, this most is, but I
do it all the time without even realizing it,
simply, I have a motive or reason for
picking sides. An unconscious motive is usually
one kind of a, adult-child phyc thing
for ignoring some of the facts, “facts”,
sometimes, that
are not as easy to deal with;
now fiction thats easier. Fiction, like a comic
book, the action to make fiction a reality is
usually to make someone out to be something
they are not; super heroes and super villains.
all a downward spiral no matter how you slice
it. You pay the price for being right or wrong
when you get involved with anything in the matters
of closure. |
24nd 2007 Tuesday. A little about Monday. |
The obscure
we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes
longer. ~Edward R. Murrow |

Fish |
is my favorite fruit. |
Believe it or not… sometimes;
though, some people think this is a bogus idea,
they even mock me for it thinking it as a joke, but,
even if you don’t
play, your presence can make a difference for the results
of your teams wins and losses against certain teams in
your division. I know for some, it is not the fun part
of pool, to not play but still be part of the team.
Still, when the other captain sees that the opposing
team has a variety of players to put up, that can alter
the captain’s
decisions on his match up consideration.
Yes; and yawn, for you gung-hoe-always
want to play killers teammates out there on the APA.
The fact that on some nights, you just sat there for
the entire duration of the evening and didn’t play
and assuming you are not one of those; play me now or
going to leave people or, are you going to play me today,
if not I’m
going to leave people, aside from that, can really be
a strong indication that your presence might have been
the reason why your team won that night; maybe.
Heaven only knows how many times I have
done that on my old Tuesday team. Sat there, from beginning
to end, watching every match of my team mates, hours
on end go by and before I new it, It’s the fifth
match, 12:30am in the morning, and I didn’t play,
but we won anyway, the win is worth the wait, sometimes
losing can be worth the wait too, believe it or not,
as a captain, I know.
But, what if the team is there in
full force; all eight players and they still lose the
evening? Can you look at it and say, they lost cause
all the players were there? Or can you say, talk to the
captain? A captain on the APA is responsible for the
management of the team; a captain is responsible for
being there when the team needs the captain most. The
result of the evening cannot wholly be pointed away from
the captain of the team. A good captain is there when
the team needs the captain most. To not be there for
team when its ‘critical’ can really
show, sometimes, a captains character. |

morning then evening |
22nd 2007 Sunday Evening |
skies, warm lovely weather.. Then came Frankel... |

name is Frankel... And this the only pic you are going
to see of him on the entire internet... |
Yeah this is creepy. My man Ed made
some ghost dude appear half way on a coffee table on stage
for his show. All I yelled out was " Who is he?"
The next day. I’m
at home, I open my kitchen cabinet to end my cereal fix,
there goes Frankel in front of my fruit-loops. I’m
at my computer, when I turn around to get my coffee sitting
behind at the far end of my desk, I turn back, their goes
Frankel on my keyboard, with the strange accent again, “my
name is Frankel”.
I’m taking a shower, I look down, guess who’s
gazing up at my nuts? I’m on the eight ball, I mark
my pocket, here comes Frankel; in that slow eerie appearing
in smoke thing again, I new it was him, so before he can
finish appearing, I try and shoot the eight before hes
complete but all the freaking everybody out, all the screaming,
yelling and running from the other team made me miss my
pocket, and he still he doesn’t know how he got here;
thanks Ed. |
see Frankel? Fast foward
to the 7th minute after you let the whole 9minute show
load on YouTube
| youtube.com/watch?v=QJS9Dw2Qp6Y | |

an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth" ~Ludwig

21st, 22nd 2007 Saturday Afternoon |
skies, warm lovely weather.. Then came Frankel... |

Happy Birthday
little brother. Happy Birthday Michael. July21st 1972 - August 1997 1997, The begining of my character...> ...> just
a little inside for the dumb asses out there who think
they know me so damn well.
character is more to be praised than outstanding talent.
Most talents are, to some extent, a gift.
character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to
build it, piece by piece--by thought, choice, courage and
~H. Jackson Brown |
20th 2007 Friday. About Thursday Night |
Jackson, Jeopardy always works"... |
I think, I have been writing
this one for a few years now. And again, the issue came up
about winning and losing.
The object in a competing match of pool
and billiard’s,
should be, playing your best game. Winning, should
be the inevitable result; if you got game. Winning, should
not be the objective, any dumb-ass can make an objective
to win. If you are making your objective to win, you have
put into operation the wrong kind of demands on your self,
thinking while you are shooting, I have to win this match,
in forms of nervous play and worrying about the consequence
of loosing. The results of your game should indicate what
your strength and weaknesses are, winning or losing; one
can win weak and one can lose and still be strong.
The objective, quality of game and not
just trying to win, can show you what you have. One can have
great abilities in certain aspects in the game of pool, a
good stroke, strategies, cue ball control and so on, but
if you don’t piece those
elements together correctly, you will find your self being
a strong player who is predominating losing their match to
anyone on any level; what ever losing is these days...> |

>..Is seems as though, ‘these
when one losses something seemingly worthwhile, it’s
more like they got off easy, and made out better off in
the long run. |
"Put something
on the line, put something in Jeopardy....That might work" |
Jackson, Jeopardy always works ~ O'REILLY
Supadra the Super-Rada |
... |

an A two B's a C and a few D's

Fight Club? or..

Maria |
..get your ass kicked
club. |

DT on the DL playing with SFX... |
Dont distract him... |

Da- Hitman

Jim has got a new toy |
18th 2007 Thursday, About Wednesday Night. |
... |

My Thursday Lunch.

material eye cannot see that a stupid chauvinism is driving
us from one noisy, destructive, futile agitation to another"
Anne Sullivan Macy |
CaPao!!! |
... |
~Emily D~ |

ha ha, Oh Helen, your so funny, putting this 'Made
in China' sticker on the back of my tee shirt,
as I am wearing it for hours on end in the pool hall...
Oh-your-so funny ha ha ha. Boy I cant wait to get one
on you now, oh-boy!!! |

Paul Hamburger

18th 2007 Wednesday. |
Games... |

Robert Sotile cracks me up...

Captain: Anthony Johnson

Jorge and Aaron

 Girl.. |
Beer and whiskey? no.. |
... |

... |
Oilver Hamm: Rock Star |
Olivia Aquino |
H.X.W.F: no Vowels, no
Fowels. |
shoot it
Mark |
... |

The hand can represent; but so can a Barrito.
Pete |
... |
17th Tuesday. about Saturday night |
doodle Wonderland... |
Oopps… I gotta doodle
again …
On Saturday night I ate a few hundred
cheese doodle puffs.
Finished a bottle of Tequila
with Mike and Hellen and played pool at an art show.
The show took place at this underground after hours Spanish
club. |
... |
... |
16th Sunday. About a few nights ago. |
Wonderland... |

Some one took their Vitamins


often say that this or that person has not yet found
himself. But the self is not something one finds, it
is something one creates" ~Thomas Szasz, "Personal Conduct," The
Second Sin, 1973 |

Olga likes to
shoot... |
... |
... |


I ate...

-William! Stop sharking
me from taking-duh money!!!! |

She won. Dis-Monkey took my

"If you
don't get lost, there's a chance you may never be
found" ~me

"If you
haven't had at least a slight poetic crack in the
heart, you have been cheated by nature"
~Phyllis Battelle
The score... wow |
There and back again,
from Olga's wonderland |
... |
Dats a booty... |
... |
My Monkey's booty... |

"You cannot
dream yourself into a character; you must hammer
and forge yourself one" ~James A. Froude

... |
... |
Danny. $1000.00 eye wear... |
Team: Sound FX |
"Man stands in
his own shadow and wonders why it's dark" ~Zen Proverb

... |
Pete Johnson |
are devices that allow some people to dash from point
A to point B very fast while other people dash from
point B to point A very fast. People living at point
C, being a point directly in between, are often given
to wonder what's so great about point A that so many
people from point B are so keen to get there and
what's so great about point B that so many people
from point A are so keen to get there. They often
wish that people would just once and for all work
out where the hell they wanted to be" ~Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
... |
Hx'n-FX |
never find peace of mind until you listen to your
~George Michael, "Kissing
A Fool" |
12th 13th 2007 Thursday afternoon and then evening |
things... |
I’m going to share
something with you guys, something that all you people
should know.
Its about three things.
Of course, these three things,
should, get done at some-convenient point you find,
but these three things in life; you should never ever
make a priority.
These three things, you,
should never ever invest any kind of emotional stress;
involve yourself in it as some sort of managerial, meditation
session or to be made as an important issue to deal with.
These three things, will
always, be around, long after your children’s-children’s
children are long-long-gone; these three things, are
not to get in the way, of any venture in your life, these
three things should never compromise your family unity,
these three things should never ever-ever take up any
of your precious time, life is to short to worry about
these three petty things.... >
...Washing the dishes,
Throwing out the garbage
And making
your bed.
Cause those three
petty things,
Will still be there,
Long long
long after you’re

a nice weekend…. |

11th 2007 About Tuesday Night |
I did it again. Two minutes and forty-six seconds |
Oops I did it again. Two
minutes and forty-six seconds
It’s getting harder to sell
it, ya-know…
do you get: and then keep’ your preferred
team players of pool and billiard, ta-have-dat-thing,
ya-need for a stable team?
Especially when those players have already been
there; done that-ya-know. What am I going to sell?
What if there not interested in the money win but
join your team anyway? Do you know what your getting
There are those who are
great painters and then there are those who know
how to paint great; what
is the greater of the two? What is better for me
or you? Haven’t a clue? I might have a few.
Then there
are those seasons-ya know? I shouldn’t
get mad; I mean at first-I can get mad, its only
natural when dealing with the immediate
situation with an emotional, civilized rational,
but then later, in the long run, when you think
about it?
Getting angry is almost, embarrassing.
And one should be made aware of,
if, they are is some way, consistently sabotaging
themselves, with some sort of psychological 101-thing
not going to be happy about it ether. I always
try to take on that challenge, ya-know, bull fighting;
I have been doing it a long time, in and out of
pool. Maybe I should stop and be grateful, knowing
my sense of responsibility, loyalty and dedication,
characterize my word and duty to my obligations
and matters I take on; no matter how small.
It’s a gift, ya-know,
to start something and finish it. Some folks, disguise
there sense’s with rational, no matter how
feeble. Everybody has their places in life, how
you see yourself and how others see you can be
two different things.

10th 2007 About Monday Night |
just go out and have fun and dont worry about it...whatever
you say....dude.. |
I am not trying
to be arrogant or anything, but I am starting to
notice a trend here, at least in the lower east
side these last four/five weeks. I might have seemed
to have started it, I might-notíve-who
knows? I got no complaint about it ether, cause
I think that is the way it should be, for now.
all for it, cause NYC needs to keep up. The APA
is not like the BCA; you can go to the BCA Vegas
events, and form a team with everyone equal, no
handicapping, no nothing indicating your speed
other than the rep you come with. But the BCA money
prize is not quit as big as the APA, unless you
do the singles. The propaganda, in the APA is kind
of influencing the attitude of its members towards
the “have
fun, play on the APA logo”. You can have
fun and reward yourself with a slice of pizza during
some merriment with your team. But can you have
fun, without getting paid 10 or 12 percent of 25
grand afterward?

Jims shirt is Rock-ola'n!!!!

beautiful people are always camera shy” ~
Jude Rosenstock
Mind you, Jude is not talking about himself...
Form |
Here to watch |
Happy shiny people |
Sexy. 2. the table |
Pizza Rockola's |
Da peeps |
Captain Jim |
... |
Long |

a 2 and 3..

than a 4, with a 2, like a 5

Thats good |
Will Torres |
Super |
James is good |
9th 2007 Monday Morning |
last few days |

Pocket Porn stars, essemble!!!
A conversation I was having with Helen about sleeping
around in your common community stomping grounds let me tell
you, this is mistake to do.
' hao tu bu chi wo bien
cao' / 'a good rabbit doesn't eat the grass around it's
den' ~ An old Chinese saying...
In other words
"Don’t shit were you eat " ~ an Old Italian
“Don’t sleep around in
your common playing grounds” ~
me, thursday night july 5th 2007
July 3rdish-ta-4th
2007 |
of July mid-weekend... |

kapao |
My kind of street |
wii play golf |

WATCH THE VIDEOS, watch Mika...bowl...

Jeez... |
I can feel the waves of the
explosions from capows balcony |
Caroline won...huh...something |
boom |

All hammerd up.
except for Tony...weee |
oOooo |

Gail is so happy
right now... |
... |
... |
... |
work'n it |
booty |
... |
... |

ah oh...

July 2nd
Monday |
Get In the Hole...My Perve's |
"Good character
is more to be praised than outstanding talent.
talents are, to some extent, a gift.
Good character,
by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build
it, piece by piece--by thought, choice, courage
and determination"
Da'-playa's |
~H. Jackson Brown |

Pocket Porn
stars, Assemble!!!!

... |
... |
Maya... |
... |

A full moon on Monday... I should
know better by now. |
Tides turn very quickly under the
full moon. |

I shaved, and no one said a damn thing
about it...

June 30th
2007 Saturday Night |
Rocker |
June 29th
2007 About The Last Thursday of June |
... |
Borana |

Just watch and see


Sound-FX, brings da-noise..

Some people say what they want, but
do what they say.
Still, pretending, that-they are, what they say
they are, despite that it is very clear to the
eyes of those around you, that one has got feelings,
and feelings, are needed, to humanly be functional
to everything that has to do with human determination.
Silly-am-I-sometimes, ya-know you try and be
a robot on the pool table and never physically
show at that moment just before getting the ball
in the hole, you want to outburst your desire,
for whatever reason-why you want, need, must-to
get that ball in the hole.
That final ball, that ball, that
will tell the fiction of your conviction of what goes on
inside, of your aperture.

The below is not about...
Gail Glazebrook |
... |
Rhythm is a dance, dance
with the ball, emotional content is applied,
only at the moments you provide. If
you are getting angry at your lose, whatever
lose means, that emotion of your lose, some were
inside that emotion-born from your lose, somewere,
is the answer to the game you are trying
to make or you’ve
been trying to formulate.
I’m sorry if my confidence
in my knowledge of the nature that takes place
on the pool table seems arrogant, but one
of the natures of pool, aside from it being a game
of hustling, the acoustic sounds of balls dropping
and its inherent motion of the rolling rounds.
Is the weather, over the felt, that weather being
you, a calm before the storm. |

... |
... |
"The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed
in battle"
~Author Unknown

Kim |
... |
| |