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What happen to Halloween? Im on antibiotics... Now a respiratory infection due to the food and Alcohol poisoning.. No party for me. Must go to bed.

Go to November 2006







October 30th 2006 Monday



Girl Talk

Get In The Hell Night

Fontana Bar
















October 29th 2006 Sunday

Green spells death for Superman

I kind of feel sorry for him…sort of. He has a big responsibility and still just wants to live a normal life, a regular life. Then again, this happen before, living like a regular guy, and he wasn’t happy living a regular life. It’s a big weight ya-know. But it’s not like the world cant live with out him. It has before. So in some ways he is acutely, well, might be, more of a burden than an asset. You cant blame him for the crazy people out there wanting to do us harm, but, he might be the reason why crazy people want to do us harm. He was gone for about five years and in those five years man went on living as he has been for centuries. Now that he is back, suddenly, the scale of war and world issues jump up to epic scales. Patronage? I think? Yes it is possible to patronize evil with kindness. Yes you can. One who does harm to others will continue as long as there are others who will act to stop that ones who cause harm.

That guy who played superman in the last superman movie didn’t really look like a superman. He’s nice looking and all, but. He looked more like a super hipster. The classic Superman is corn fed, meat and potatoes eating, wheat-field working from dawn till dusk hardy looking dude. A burly, beefy robust grown manly man, having a boyish hair do with an analog of father knows best. Not some 27-year-old sexpot from Williamsburg Brooklyn, whatever. I just cant see him at any point in his life saying; ma, pa, can ya-pass the gravy? He looked more like vegetarian living on Ave A the Village, whatever.

Anyway I shot pool on Friday and then started getting ill so I went home, I couldn’t even last an hour. I slept ok and stood in all weekend. I saw a few movies this resting weekend of poisoning, how appropriate for Halloween weekend. I ate a poison chicken not an apple. I watched Superman, Dick and Jane and Better off dead and few others, nothing horror, oh wait, I watched night of the living dead. The old black and white one. That movie is funny. One of the main characters in the movie, the little guy with the girl friend, I found more creepy than the zombies.

Did a little practice then got tierd quickly so i went home...

So so ill...

















October 27th 2006 Friday


Mmmm Yummy.

On Monday afternoon I was starving. So I ate bad chicken and cheese for lunch, didn’t know it was bad before I ate it. I put it in the fridge Friday night and then ate Monday early afternoon. I guess the fridge wasn’t cold enough. All it did was give me a mild bellyache for a short while then it went away. Later that evening, I went to the bar to do the Monday league thing. I had a few shots of Jameson and a Bud, and-well, that did it, according to the doc, that combo of alcohol chicken and cheese created poison in my system. I became violently ill, I threw up till dawn. Food poisoning is like having the flew. I threw up so much on Monday I burned my throat with the stomach acid. I could barely speak on Tuesday; I was running a fever and couldn’t catch a breath. I’m getting all this hard dry flem from my lungs, years of smoking. I’m still on my feet though; I’m just dry hacking and wheezing all the time. I Cant even tell you what the mornings are like. I have not had a cup of coffee since Monday, or any kind of booze or heavy greasy food. My throat is killing me. Other than that I’m ok. Concentrating is a little tuff though. I haven’t been to enthuse about taking to many pics. I’m always tired. I have a feeling this Halloween Ill be in bed…

















October 26th 2006 Thursday

Julie needs a new coat
She bought it

New Felt for the Ebar

I got yelled at for takeing pics at Search and Destroy... Whatever

I kinda new that already but I did it anyway, and no I don’t have an issue with rules or anything but... Anyway. Julie needs to know, should she buy the coat? It’s only in blue and its sexy but a tiny bit snug meaning It’s a perfect fit. That’s sort of an issue. I’m the same way when it comes to shopping. It takes me days to decide and I mean days. Shoes, coat, boots, jackets, bags, sneakers, well not so much sneakers. I mean your not only buying a coat but your buying a dependable comrade in our often steady ritual marches in the cold NY winters towards or matches.
















October 25th about the last three days

Tuesday Night

8 on the Break

Mitch Fixler


Julie shot so good, it had intoxicating effects


Monday Night


Julia is good


Drawing of a Witch. Model :Tori Amos. 11x17 pencil on paper 1999

Tuseday Afternoon

I got lots of pics of my Monday night match. I will post then up tomorrow. Cause yesterday into today I got violently ill due to food and alcohol poisoning. Yesterdays match ended like 2:00am in the morning, it happens sometimes, its ok. And during the whole time my stomach; lungs and head were in turmoil. I could not breath correctly my head was pounding and my stomach was doing flip-flops. By the time I got home my face was in the toilet till the dawn. This morning my doctor told me I had a small combination of mild things all at once and that why it was so awful. Food poisoning mixed with Booze and coffee…well…Even the William Stomach has its limits. I threw up so much last night and this morning I burned my throat with stomach acid. I can barley speak. I’m ok now. I can function.


Monday Morning

The transitions between the seasons were so much smoother when I was a child. Especially summer to the fall. The days grew shorter the nights grew longer and the trees slowly made preparations for winter dormant, there leaves fall to the ground with lush copper shades and earthy hues; with a gentle wind blowing them around all day it was quit a magical month. Season of the witch.

















October 22th 2006 About Friday late night and Sunday afternoon.


Ok… So today was an ok day, except, a few peeves…. I go shopping for food at my local food shopping center. I predominantly buy no name brand stuff that is exactly the same ingredients as the name brand stuff. Like, cereal morning goods, toothpaste, Listerine, can goods, meats, cold cuts only deli brand, veggies, dairy and so on. Lets say with a standard shopping list of 15 items, all name brand, even on sale, would coast me 45 dollars. If I go the rout of no frills with the same exact list of the name brand stuff. 45 dollars would turn into 22 bucks. Yes, 22 buck. I’m not shiting you, really 22 dollars, I’m that good. But it looks like people like myself, who know how to spend a penny on the food list thingy. Is now getting the shaft from big cooperate companies buying out store name brand food item factories, just so companies like V8 juice (nearly 4 dollars a bottle) will not have store brand vegetable juice which has exactly the same ingredients as V8 sitting next to it for only 1.89 a bottle. Corn flakes, 4 dollars a box. Key food corn flakes 1.68 a box. Listerine, 5 dollars a bottle. Kmart Listerine 1 dollar a bottle, yes, 1 dollar a bottle, 1 dollar, 1. Toothpaste, soap, cleaning agents, detergents and so on all fewer than 3 dollars. Greedy little old men who own million dollars food chains are selling out to even greedier old men with no regard or care for little people consumers like me. The decay of western society is now sliming its way over to the east-coast, whatever, the 22 dollars saved would go to a big bottle of Jameson anyway, looks like I live longer but be broke longer as well. I would have rather had been at the Triannuals today.

Friday Night

Michelle's nasty cookie, Happy Saki Serafina and Adrian, Jim Gets In the hole.

The more I practice

The more I see how much more practice I need
















October 20th 2006 Friday, Saturday. About Thursday night, and a little about Friday night. Ill put more stuff later


Senses, skill and discipline.

Apprehension clouds your senses. So one must learn how to control their Apprehension, understand it, master it, this can be attained one way with discipline. Discipline can make a difference in ones skill level. Skill level is just one thing that is part of something inside you that shows not in a physical sense but in presences. Presences can affect your opponent’s attitude towards you. Mind your surrounding; do not compromise sure footing for a killing blow.


In my October 19th entry I wrote “Julie is slightly grating me with the whole dumb ass APA number level thing. Baby, your six for a reason and that reason is not accidental, being a girl six in NYC is like being in an exclusive club”. Later, we speak on Friday night and Julie says to me something like – I cant remember exactly- but it went something like “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you with my issue of being a six, I wont bother you any more, I didn’t know I was bothering you with this”. I then say, “wait you don’t understand, you are not bothering me about your 6 issue, its bothering me that it bothers you, the fact that your bothered bothers me, you are not bothering me, what bothers you bothers me”.  Just to clarify. Communication is critical as far as team harmony goes. Any negative energy on any level in a team is not always bad but most of the time it is.


How can you go wrong with a meal made from mom



Makes a need for more Practise

Thursday night No swating today
Gotta keep the Karma in check















October 19th 2006 Thursday

Ok … Lets see. The whole Internet communication thing is getting a bit overwhelming. The Blog thing is overrun with…well bloggers.


I’m just getting over a nasty walking flew thingy I had for about two weeks. My health is 50/50, My Karma thing is 50/50, if I have too describe it that way, really, how well can my Zen be going? I woke up yesterday morning completely depressed, but I didn’t have anything to be depressed about, so I was able to getup out of bed and function with this on the surface in the depths of despair feeling, strange, it was like my brain was searching for a basis for this emotional distress but it couldn’t find anything, left side right side conflict, it’s a good thing I have been drawing and painting since I was two years old. Maybe I need to go to the gym. And maybe I need to get beter sleep. Speaking of sleep, I have not been sleeping to well lately, my eyes are heavy and my head is swimming.


My Monday team is doing well. My Tuesday team is doing well, even though Julie is slightly grating me with the whole dumb ass APA number level thing. Baby, your six for a reason and that reason is not accidental, being a girl six in NYC is like being in an exclusive club. Ya-know, all I can say about that is, I play in the APA, but the APA doesn’t play with me, nor my sense of shot making aptitude. Julie shoots like a 300-pound fat dude from Minnesota. My game is not defined according to what that blue peace of paper says. It might mean something to others around me but not much to my bridge and stroke.

I play in the APA...
the APA doesn’t play with me
Christine has absolutly nothing to do with any of what I am wrting about in this entry. But I did speak to her about some of it though before I wrote it...
The Wrath of Kahn

Last night my brain kept shutting down in the middle of my thoughts, I was Dennis Leary one second and I was Forrest gump the next. I had my ass handed to me yesterday by Mr. Henry Khan a former player of Get In the Hole. The ass handing happened after I perturbed my Karma by committing an act of murder during my race to seven with him. I was up 4 games and before I made my shot on the nine ball I swatted a mosquito after I had stunned it with my cue swing it around to get away from me during previous ball before the nine. The Bug fell on the rail; right on the spot were I needed to make a bridge for my shot. I was going to smash it with my hand but then it plummet to the ground just as I lifted my hand, it hit the ground, so I stomped it in this aggressive attitude, like, how dare it disturb my flow, what an arrogant prick I was.

How lame am I? I am blaming a mosquito for my low time on the table...

Karma or Murphy?

Right after the stomping, I could not make a ball to save my life. Karma? Here is some more Karma. When the match was over and Henry and I went to pay out at the register, when we got there, for some reason, my bill was 8 bucks and his was seven. Huh? We started at the exacted same time so what the fuck. I argued with the dude about that, in all the load muttering, I handed the dork a 20-dollar bill to pay for my 8-dollar time on the table, he handed back to me not 12-dollars, but 22 dollars. He gave me back my 20 with two extra dollars, Wow. Karma. I guess I got a free ass kicking not an 8 dollar one. Free pool Wed at the E-bar. I went to the E-bar later that night and still could not make a ball. Dude, I mean even if it was hanging in the pocket the shit would not get in the hole. So thought to myself. Go back to the beginning and shoot as if you never shot before. Treat every ball like it’s the first time you were ever presented with that shot and just involve the basics of making it. So I ran the table to the eight, I was pleased with the results I got cocky again, then I got stuck on the eight cause all the other guys ball were on the table, so I lost. So was that Karma or Murphy? Maybe it was both giving each other a hi-five in teaching William a lesson in respect you opponent. Maybe it was just I being me again…Keep the “me” out of team please.








"I wanna say something.

I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back.

I-wanna-be on you"

The Legend of Ron Burgundy






October 18th 2006 Wed. About Tuesday night.

"Make the five in the corner and postion the cueball here"... Julie says to Jason..

Jason does it. Now Jason gets the 8ball in the hole...

Serafina and Adrians Team

Pocket Aces...




Julie seems to know a lot about position and safeties

Julie is presented with an issue.

Julie Vs George or George vs Julie



We all wear something with our game.

















October 17th 2006 Monday

O’Hanlon’s Team O’hanlons3 formally from Bull Mc Cabes. A great team with great People, well skilled fun to be with all night long, loving, happy, its all good. Except one thing… And don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks…The Cue ball weighs a Ton. The Shit is just too heavy. It was like hitting a bowling ball with a baseball bat. Talk about home team advantage or even disadvantage. One thing is sure. You better get used a ball like that cause more and more bars are adopting the bowling ball cue thing. Other than that the team coming out of there is great, O’Hanlon’s is lucky to have another strong team.

Cue Poolingball, a new sport.

I Love when I hear. "No William Its not the ball it you"



And his little doggy

















October 15th 2006 Sunday

Life can be better, life can be worse.

Saturday Night...Plasterd

Keep it clean
















October 2006

Just because people want to eat the burger doesn’t mean they want to meet the cow.

People will take from you and don’t care to be involved with who or how they got it. Meeting the cow might make the meat taste bad. Or they might be faced with what they are, and what they are might not what they want to be or in denial of because they know its bad, being bad sucks most of the time.

Doing bad things suck, whatever bad is. My life is not so bad compared to others. I wont settle though if I know I can do better.

Jasmin is kinda shy
















October 13th 2006 About Thursday night...

This Morning.... Mac and Cheese, Tuna, and Captain Morgan.... Somebody's loves me....

Ok, so… It was a monsoon on Wed night, Ave C, coming from watching a make up match at speak easy. It was nice walking in the rain; I was ankle deep in water falling from the sky. Stuff was getting washed away-it-felt-like. I have been feeling ill these last few weeks and I feel like it might be due to mental stress taxing my physical being. It’s nice not to hold in too much of silly frivolous things. I did it for to long, I burned for to long. That’s ok. I might be a crispy at the edges but I am not entirely floating ash. Thursday was the first nip of the coming winter.  

OCTOBER 13th 12:06 am

Happy Birthday Pia!!!

Guess were the Captains going tonight?


Just because you’re a good shooter doesn’t mean you’re a good killer.


















October 11th 2006 About Wed night...

Lets make up

















October 11th 2006 About Tuesday night...

Lost and found

Home is were the heart is.... or stomach.

Brenda Bush | Music MySpace




Your heart is were your home is


"is" is what you make of it.
















October 10th 2006 About Monday night...

My new Killer. Zlata Golubitskaya...


Got-em all-in-d'uh hole. One left got two. Two left got one. Management is key. This is the way I like it. Quite, silent and deadly.

No drama in your pajama. Keep it simple. Still feeling ill but not so ill to feel the thrill of team Get In the Hole.


My old killer. Serafina Shishkova...

Team Get In the Hole fall 2006

Serafina | Pool | Blog

Ed Said, get tickets to the gun show.

Serafina says she dont like this picture,

I think that made her a little hotter
















October 8t~9th 2006 Sunday / Monday
Today I have a cold. In bed...

Pumpkin Pie is so hard to come by were I live. People scarf this shit down like its Newport cigarettes. And when you do happen to come across on in the stores up in these parts it’s like an arm and a leg. I think I'll just bake my own; and i'm damn good at it, baking.

Before I go any further with imputing the last couple of days…. I just wanted to add a little “reality” that has been called to my attention.


The Formidable and Wise Alexa says: Many of us are self-created drama junkies. If you find yourself repeating a certain pattern in your life, despite that it makes you unhappy, you are probably addicted to your own damaging behavior. If you continuously find yourself in situations of comparable psychological pain, it’s because on some emotional level you crave it. Everyone wants to be at the center of his or her own universe, so they seek out attention in different ways. Some of us can only be satiated by the attention that sticking our toes in a dangerous situation will create. We are in love with the excitement of getting away with something forbidden. But when we get caught, we despair. It is only during those prime moments, when we are consumed by the drama and titillation of breaking the rules, that we truly enjoy ourselves. All moments following the collapse of the precarious circumstances are hellish and filled with regret.

I am a Dexter Fan.

I love this guy.

He'll charm fellow officers with a doughnut, while away on a Sunday with his girlfriend Rita, or chop up a victim and package their body parts in plastic bags. Hiding beneath the mundane exterior and contrived façade of Dexter, a charming blood spatter expert for the Miami Police Department, is an obsession with meting his own twisted brand of justice: stalking and murdering the guilty.


















October 6th 2006 About the last few days

A little out of my diet range.


Friday October 6th 2006

My body aches. My head hurts and my eyes burn and my thoughts are running a marathon. Oh-oh, coming down with something. Fight it William, Fight It.

Birds of the same feather flock together I always say; and heard. I should be careful with what I say about birds. I’m a bird too, and I flock, whom I flocking with?  I don’t know. Is a flock an emulation of what one can be? What kinds of birds I eat with, sleep with, hang around with? We are what we eat. I eat a lot of different things. Once though, I was very strict with what I put in my body. Now I’m just chomping on everything. Hang around everyone doing what ever I want when I want, I’ve been doing it a long time. What else is there to do? How do I do it? Have I been preprogrammed to behave this way? My Dad is a free wheeling bird. Gambler, smoker, moving at his own pace he’s been that way since I was a boy.

Come on William, are you product of your parents preprogramming? Aren’t we all? If you dont go in the direction they train you to go and you go in the opposite direction, you've still been influenced. Even if they dont ask anything of you, that is still influence. What do I do? Play pool with other feathers flying under the same weather. My dad plays pool or use too. We have to be preprogrammed, I think. How are we developed in the head? Aren’t we influenced? Influence depend on ones sense of developed independence, this might be liberating for some or not even the case for any.

Pork ribs

Stick to your gut


Eleanormous Nellephant

free pool wed WeeEeeEE

Tuna with Love

Killer... Almost a full moon

First one out even before I got in.

Pretty tense

But In a friendly way







"The trouble with the World is that the irresponsible are so confident while the intelligent are full of doubt"

I got that from a dude named Bertrand Russell








October 4th 5th 2006 about last Tuesday Night. And today Thursday morning


Horizontal lighting bolts.

Ya know.. Lately in the last week or so, I have been doing a little Zen practice…again. A lot of shit has been surfacing from within lately, anger, frustration, snaping at the peeps-blah blah blah. This mode of emotional landscapes I have been walking is exposing certain things I have been oblivious too or chose to ignore. Betrayal is never easy to deal with. Or, at least not getting looked out for, especially when you look for them more than once. You should never do anyone a favor expecting a favor in return, but you should at least expect respect when seeking help from your fellows. Oh well…any way, I got support from an unexpected source after getting dised from people I have been looking out for for years and I got what I needed to get down and deal with a situation that was quit serious. Today My G5 blew up. I don’t mean a pop or a spark. I mean a Hollywood Bruce Willis running away from an explosion-ball-of-flame-coming-your-way-kaboom. The power coming from a machine like that is very scary when it shows you what a lighting bolt looks like indoors shooting out horizontal from one wall to the other.
The new season is underway. Pretty smooth start, I won my match, broke and ran the last table on the hill. I decided to go back to the basics of pool. Stance, form, don’t poke the ball, follow thru etc. Nothing fancy, nothing coming from my logical sense of the game, I’ll let that part (fancy) be a natural-thang. Natural would be a better way to see my bad habits. Just let go your feelings on the table and see what comes up and how its delt with.

"Dont sweat the little things"














October 3rd 2006 Tuesday | About last Monday

Today is Tuesday. For breakfasts I am eating vegetable lasagna with roast chicken and chips for my slight hang over from last nights beer, whisky, kamikaze, more beer and more booze on an empty stomach drinking binge till 2am. And below are also pics from last nights new fall seasons 2006 APA Pool league; WeeEEeeEEeeEeeEee.


Monday Afternoon about 12-something pm. Chili and Chicken. That’s all I ate for the day.... I just wasn’t hungry. Then late night Monday/early Morning Tuesday, Anja Rescues me with some low main to Aleve my bar spin.


Ron Parks leans hard on my Giant

Some were in my Blog over the past years I have written about this before. It is inspiring to ones ambition for success in there pool playing endeavor to know it is possible that one can come back with his or hers game leaning 89 degrees parallel with the horizon, just 1 degree short of dropping into an open grave, too then slowly rise 90 degrees vertical, foot to the ground and there game pointing to the sun with a win. A game is a straight line with both points of the game being equal thru and thru.

Leaning hard.

I notice with some shooters with way above rank amateur skill, over the years, when one is on the hill of a point match, something inside of you is sometimes let go. Something inside of you critical to your game momentum is precipitately expostulated and your very well skilled opponents lean gets too heavy for you handle. Especially if your opponent is as skilled as you are and maybe more experienced in pressure matches, maybe; so you lose. I have done this to some and I have had it done to me as well. One being on the hill and ones opponent with no wins, then coming all the way back on you hard. Has clandestine incentive from both parties on the game table; character. I think, all level players have experience this one’s or twice. I have had players say to me. “I don’t know what happen? I don’t know how I let you come back on me like that, I was in my comfort zone and then I lost it.”  And then I have had player say me also, “You had me, what happened? I don’t know how I came back on you like that?”  Yeah I’ve been on the hill, with my opponent with no wins, then suddenly find myself racking with beads of sweat running down my fore head with my opponent on the hill ready to break like a red bull and me not being able to even think straight let alone make a ball. Ones game, I think has energy coming from a place in the heart and in the brain, energy. Some were in my Blog over the past years I have written about this before. It is inspiring to ones ambition for success in there pool playing endeavor to know it is possible that one can come back with his or hers game leaning 89 degrees parallel with the horizon, just 1 degree short of dropping into an open grave, too then slowly rise 90 degrees vertical, foot to the ground and there game pointing to the sun with a win. A game is a straight line with both points of the game being equal thru and thru.

Serafina. My little Russian teddy bear is back, Yay!!!


Brother sister team battle.

Pete and Anja are just a little too happy today damn it...















October 3rd 2006 | About last Thursday night 28th of September 2006
Sandwich, last Thursday. Its true... See I got hair on the cheeks.

"Hey Man, you didnt come in third last killer!"

Killer Thursday.

Cary Bank the Nine

Yup, He's right.... I came in fourth. Photshop is d'uh bomb.

I'm on two fouls and I got ball in hand on the one. good shooting J.














September 30th 2006 Saturday/Sun October 1st 2006

I use a Digital Leica 1. I have been using it for about a year and a few months. 4.5MP and I shoot people places and things; wee. I feel better today; I stood off the alcohol for about a day and a half and gargled away my sore throat with lots of Listerine; wee.

Today is the last day of September; weeEEeeeeEEeeEEe

I shaved but left a corny retro style Don Johnson Mami Vice shadow again. Middle aged women and under aged girls like that shit. But I was just to lazy to do a neat job.














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