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| July 27th, 2006
Vanilla sky

Vanilla Sky






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| July 27th, 2006
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| July 25th, 2006
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Ill fix it later..

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| July 23rd, 2006
Here is a week of images.

I will make the links work later...Im kind of tired right now










| July 21th 2006 | Friday | About the last few day & nights.
good girl good boy good food good drink.

On Thursday. Sue is Lovely.

Are you a Mexican?

or Mexi-cant?


On Wed. Why?

Oh Why?


I will Miss Corner

And Corner will miss many

Random Moments of filling.

Happy Birthday Little brother




"Marihuana usage has done its worst to your brain.

When you believe and rationalize,

It hasn’t done anything to your brain"

What me? Im fine, what are you talking about? What was I saying?



| July 19th 2006 | Wed | About last Tuesday
Shot like OJ Simpson I did.

No Bridge, High bridge.

Karma, There is no Sub-blah-blah whatever.

Shooting Like OJ Simpson I did.

If you guys only new, why, the why, my game, and Blah blah blah.

The Method, the Maddness,

the Manders...

"And then I was like, dude! My Dog is not for sale man! "

The Peeps





There are no such a thing -

-as ugly children.

Grown ups make-em that way



| July 17th 2006 | Monday night | There was then Heat, Sara drinks make it cool.

If you give a women a pair of shoes,

she will walk away from you in those shoes.

Sara's TRIPLE Screw Driver makes Pete a Samuria

Can it be? Is it going to be the return of

JENNIE (Wasabi Peas) CHANG !!!!

There are no such a thing -

-as ugly children.

Grown-ups turn-em that way.



Today is kinda hot... 98

And Im not talking about the weather....

This Morning ... I was not happy ... Now Im Happy.







| July 16th 2006 | Sun | A little about Life.







| July 16th 2006 | Sun | About Last Saturday Night.
Lions and tigers and faeries, olay.

I really wanted to go with my heart, but I new it would be the improper thing to do. Or would it? My heart wouldn’t pretense a false beat under a waxing moon. That would be an attack. I am my heart. Do I lie?

Perhaps it was stubbornness, my hardheadedness. My stupidity? Love makes one illogical, just sometimes. It was burning inside me most of the night. Even with the frozen Margarita made for me by Mary, still, like a wicked witches hex, I here soft whispers, three of them all at the same time saying the same thing in different ways, I open my cell and then I close it again. It would not be plausible if I went with my feelings. You should always go with your feelings. I’m better off in the long run with out doing what I wanted to do last night anyway, or so I have been enlighten of this, but they don’t know what I know.

It aches me so to adore someone I know.  So well like no other except another like me. Like me, who is free to dance at my pace in a place were few can go. It’s better to have love and lost then never to have loved at all. I’ve always been a late reaction kind of guy. And thats no bull.

A Redhead, a Brunette and a Blond

Ladies of East-Vill

Tapaz Bar Olivia

But why is everyone wearing a shirt?


It was brewy on Saturday, A something is missing Brewy.

I new someone was going to wear my Tee today

Gota get warmed up

Pams Charm.

The shirmp stares at me.

I didnt eat it cause pigs cry.

Last Night I liked my Fire more than I like My Ice, except, I needed my Ice if I'm going to keep cool




"If you keep something complicated as simple as love stored inside,

it can make you sick"




| July 15th 2006 | Saturday Morning |
I took a drag yesterday... So what, its just a drag .

A bunch of angry people and the elephant man. That’s the name of my next rock band.

So I'm walking down the street and I came to a thought, mind you I came to the thought it didn’t come to me.

I find attractive, Shapely and skinny with fine healthy-tid-I-mention I also find attractive full figured women who are already-with-given the cercumstances of my bi-polar-taste, I guess they are all goddesses, I call them, goddess for all kinds.

To say “I’m attracted to” would expose to the sharp but few folks we know, some level of unconscious premeditated finger pointing later on in a potential relationship. So if there are stories to tell at least you are in the clear. It wont matter what anybody thinks. A small waist from behind and a killer walk yeah, that’ll get my thought flowing, its like staring at the ocean from a NYC sidewalk trek to the bar.

Her name was Wue and she made me blue when she walked away with her sway in that way, to say “I find attractive” is much more responsible and informative, with out looking like your searching, seeking or fishing.

What am I writing here? I don’t know. Sometimes I will fall in love for just 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or maybe just in a subway ride from here to eternity. Then I will f%ck'n hate you later on, and you wouldn’t even know you just walked thru an ocean. Some people need the adrenalin rush of something exciting. I think I am a love junkie. Love junkie, without the relationship part; who needs it, another human being on the other side of your free falling in love? Its like tandem jumping, you wouldn’t even know he’s there your heart is racing so fast. It’s tricky ya-know? It’s almost using and superficial, almost, but not to a certain extent. It gives me drive to be superficially in love for a moment. Like a gift for a time that’ll pass like good wine. Just for a moment, I wish to give you the world and then throw you back into the sea. It’s good, its safe and its free to be an-in-love junkie.

I like being Single, I like being free, I like that very few can dance with me.








| July 14th 2006 | Friday Afternoon | hot sexy
Dragon Roll Dignity.
Ones dignity and self-respect is the most important thing one has to maintain in order to get the respect one deserve; at least I think. Compromising your self-respect for finality only hurts you in the long run; it is juvenile at best, then at least one can hope to get away with some-what of a plausible cause for their actions. Involving oblivious people for a personal vendetta is simply a casualty; depending on the parties involved the consequences are circumstantial, still, a kick in the shin from ones inner child still leaves a bruise on the shin. Sacrifices, sometimes, must be made to prove a point, although in most cases of stubbornness and the means do not justify the ends. I have seen loves ones compromise there very lives for self-indulgences. I myself use-to smoke alot, and to this day, I still taste the cigs in my lungs when I cough hard.

Oh the Humanity !!! We freaken ate-

-all the Sushi damn it !!! Mash is the freaken Shis-a-maniz!!!!

Anyone satisfied and secured, drawing there own conclusion from half ass information, about an issue, involving a two-sided or more party of people, places or things, are almost certainly has gotten his or her own mislead-version-story and the rationale for the committed events. I have done this before, a friend of mine tells me how a person, place or thing 'wronged' them, and I don’t get the full details (version) from all the parties involved. I draw a conclusion, with half-ass or even less info; lame, this most is, but I do it all the time without even realizing it, simply, I have a motive or reason for picking sides. An unconscious motive is usually one kind of a, adult-child phyc thing for ignoring some of the facts, “facts”, sometimes, that are not as easy to deal with; now fiction thats easier. Fiction, like a comic book, the action to make fiction a reality is usually to make someone out to be something they are not; super heroes and super villains. Its all a downward spiral no matter how you slice it. You pay the price for being right or wrong when you get involved with anything in the matters of closure.








| July 13-14th 2006 | Thursday night | Friday Morning
Turtle Girl Tribe and Tim.

Turtle Girls

Is in the mits


My Buddy

The Monster Mash.

Last Night, Thurs
The Champ Comes to Visit, drink his drink and Claim his Fame.





Keep close your to your friends,

but keep closer to your enemies.





| July 13th 2006 | Thursday |

Thursday: 5:45pm

Condescending the worst parts of some one is the work of the antagonist who is in disguise as your friend. If your buddy is drunk don’t let-em-drive. If your friend is shooting up, don’t just sit there and watch. You see your friend descending into the downward spiral in some sort of way, you watch as your friend tries to get some relief or closure with negative behavior time and time again. And you do nothing about it, maybe just watch, then give a little sympathy and think its ok not to say anything about it, and then rationalize your observance of your hurting buddy with “at least I’m not being Judgmental”. Instead you just listen and give and opinion and some advice, I got news for ya-Buda, you are the part of there decent, you are part of their problem, In fact you are enhancing it, patronizing it, you are the enemy.





"You can’t learn from other people’s mistakes,

you have to make you own mistakes to learn"




| July 12th 2006 | Wed | About last night.
Water it down .
Mack and Cheese

Water The Flowers

"But if you water someone else's flowers, than you end up owning them"

Yuko Girl.

"You can’t learn from other people’s mistakes you have to make you own mistakes to learn"

.. ...







| July 10th 2006 | Monday Morning|
Monday Night Sleep Late.

Got some greese for the game

Yup I shot pretty slick Under a full hunters moon.

This moon works well for some...But not for me....

Looking pretty when you shoot and still not get the win in the long run means?...You still dont get the point?








| July 10th 2006 | Monday Morning|
Dark Nuveo.

I don’t give a rats-behind what anybody thinks. Every Guy and Gal I have or had some close relations with,

on any level,

Friend or foe, hellos or woe’s.

They all got one thing in common-



-Gothic-ness-ism. You know Goth when...

  • Ether its upfront in your face Goth,
  • Undeclared-kinda-sorta-Goth.
  • Denial Goth,
  • Dark cloths but nothing black Goth,
  • Cute fluffy rabbits make me happy Goth,
  • Spank-me Goth,
  • Gargoyle Goth,
  • Happy when Angry Goth,
  • Happy on the outside evil on the inside Goth,
  • I use to be back in High school so now I’m a former-Goth,
  • Drunken Goth,
  • Bar Goth,
  • Cried the Raven never more Goth,
  • Chain wallet rock Goth,
  • Stud some were on your head Goth,
  • Color-full pink punk dress Goth,
  • I’m still rocking a mullet on the APA Goth.
  • Everything Tim Burton but I still wear a baseball cap Goth.
  • Goth with out the dark clothing Goth,
  • Whatever Goth-Goth.


Old Mc-William new some Goth’s, E, I, E, I- Oh yeah did I mention your a Closet Goth if you disagree with this?


Or what like to call it

Dark Nuevo.

The absent's of light
Is dark



"People always want you to change after they like who you are"

For my darling Jennie




| July 9th 2006 | Sunday |
Wash and Mary Magdalen.

Just because one seems really sweet on the inside doesn’t mean its ok to be sour on the outside.

Patronizing and pacifying the bad guy doesn’t mean you’re the good guy. It’s like clockwork that thing that happens.

Personal vendetta justifying it with invented ignorance. I’ll just wash away the hare’s off my old tees and I too will make believe he never said that to me, because he’s sweet on the inside so that makes it ok to be sour on the outside.

It seems like the thing to do.

People have to pay for there crimes in one way or another. Even when ya-got notin-ta-do with it.

Sometime they pay for it slowly. The sweet is not fairly the sweet without the sour. Wash it away I always say.

Water can be an amazing thing. A little soap and presto you got clean tee's.

As long as I don’t sneeze,

I don’t mind the hair and fuzz left on it.

Boy, this night had all kinds of Bible undertones.
Was a Holy night

Fright night, the holy shot and the I really dont know Virgin Mary.

I kept cool the whole night; I didn’t panic, freak out, or go China syndrome. Aside from this strange ailment deep in the middle of my back along with what just might be one of the creepiest picture I have ever taken of someone off guard; cause sometimes, yes, one can expose what one really is or see were they have come from in previous life in just a milla seconds-time. One does this by freezing that fraction of a moment in ones time of existence with a camera. First, what did I keep cool about? I thought I was in deep shit right before I took this shot I’m about to tell you next, luckily I was confirmed wrong this afternoon; wheeew.


Anyway, there is this pic I took of Mary, And I don’t mean the holy Virgin Mary, I mean my yellow dress Mary. I had set my camera for a two seconds to capture what ever was in front of it. I placed it on a table pushed the button and walked away. Mary walked in front of it; she had no idea she was being observed by the wonders of mans mega-pixel-technology; the artificial eyes of human. She had her back faced to me and the camera while she was collecting beer bottles, glasses and wiping the counter by the dartboards; I was sitting by the door just watching her pretty yellow dress stick out like the sun as she moved quickly back and forth in the darken corner of the bar, the bar was empty and it was almost quit. There was no indication from a sound or flash that a second of time was being taken from her let alone her seeing from behind, my very black camera sitting in the shadows 15 feet away from her. I will say again, the bar was dark, and my camera is black, and I used no flash and I was away from it as well, but, for some reason she quickly turned around directly staring into the eye of the camera, just as she looked into the camera eye the shot was taken, and let me say, this pic that my camera took, was something a little more than just what the human eye would see when gazing upon the lovely Mary and her yellow dress. If you want to see the pic, you’re going to have to ask me and I will direct you to the link. I am not sure that Mary would like me divulging this holy shot without her acquiescence even though when I showed it to her after it was taken, she didn’t say “delete it please” , which mind you she all way says delete it.
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"He's really a sweet guy deep inside and he doesn’t mean to be mean that way.

I know he's a sweet guy on the inside. But it’s the outside that's attacking me.

Just because one is sweet on the inside doesn’t mean its ok to be a prick on the outside"

So its ok that he's going to get away with being prick on the outside cause you know already he’s sweet on the inside




| July 8th 2006 | Saturday Morning | About Last Night
98 ball.

Practiced at Corner

Saw Shes good.

"No can play me practice"

Shes Hot

Ok. I got plastered on Friday night. Lets see…I smoked, I drank a lot of beers, did some shots, and then the last beer I drank had a cigarette in it. I didn’t even taste it I was so numb, the only reason why I new there was a cig in the beer was while I was chugging it with my head kicked back, when I kicked forward after the bottle was empty there was a soggy cigarette hanging from lips. I can’t remember too much after that.


I think I might have been hitting on some chick, maybe Julie? Cant remember, she was laughing at me a lot though, and, huh, I got hit on by some really hot girl but I think I spit in her eye while I was talking to her, then she walked away from me and was still drunken slurring something about macaroni and cheese with chocolate bosko and jelly or something to my swaying back-and-foruth-self. I also ate Copper’s food. I bumble home last night.

But I do remember my thoughts from early yesterday, the idea came to me while I was in the Jon cause I ate too much yummy Sushi with Masha. I developed this theory on a method for practicing 8ball; I call it, 98 ball or 89 ball, it all depends on what ball you are going to sink last. It’s simple; you play nine ball with all 15 balls on the table. The objective is the nine ball being last ball of course not the eight ball. The eight ball can be a penalty ball if you sink it to early or it can be the only ball you can use to slop in the nine, I will have to think about that one. The rules would be a combo of eight ball rules and nine ball rules. Got to hit the rail, got to go from one to nine, no soft breaking, if you scratch on the nine its not a lose of game it’s a ball in hand, You can carom off of the any ball ten thru fifteen but you have to call your pocket. Nine has to go clean, no slop. Accidentally sinking the nine will not count as a win. When you rack, the one ball is in front and the nine ball in the middle. It would be interesting if balls ten thru fifteen were a solid color, like in snooker. I’ll have to develop this more as a go along. My back I killing me and I’m off to the door.


Soulmates!!! NoOOOOOoO!!!!!


Did you know I new Jess a year before she even came to work at the Bar. Its a small myspace world








| July 7th 2006 | Friday 3:30pm|
98 ball. Something wise happens.


Sushi and getting to know my peeps later inspires an idea.

98 ball Lets see if it works.








| July 7th 2006 | Tursday Night-Friday Day 10:30am|
Soggy Pirates and Voyeurism.

Didnt want to bother the Monster

Doing her Monster thing on an empty stomach

This is

one of my favorites parts

of Masha.

One can Project there principles out side of this thing they love to do.

This would make one a little easer to understand.

Thursday Night
ArrRrRrRRRr-Who-be throw out-me-Art-ARRRRRrrTt!!!

Pirate Art Ship.

Soaking to long can make one soggy on the inside and out.

Even a Pirate ArrRrRrRRrRr

Did I mention my art ship disappeared when I went to the Jon and came back.

Gulp Gulp Gulp HAAAaaaAAah all gone.

Michelle drinks all the Pirate juice and much like a Tequila worm

Julie prepares it, AJ eats most of it. And I'm left with Pirate Sushi.

The Soaking began. June 27th

and ended July 6th 2006.

Yes, It wont be the first time I ate something that soaked a little to long.




"My son's a dead, and I love him. and he's gay...

I love my dead gay son!"

Kurt's Dad: Heathers.



| July 6th 2006 | Thursday |

!!!! MASHA WAKE UP!!!!

Anyway, aside form waking up the monster. The below has nothing to with it.

LOL: I seem to have given the wrong impression of my 4th weekend to some people. I didn't have a bad time, I just didnt have much of a time. It was fun and filling that’s for sure but I noticed that it was very fragmented and most of my peeps were doing their own thing. Sometimes I just want to get together with the people I invest most my time with during the holiday seasons and just make a memory.

Lappy completely influence's my stroke...

Yesterday I was stroking. Stroking so smooth I couldn’t miss a ball (well maybe I missed a few). Then when I engaged in a match a few hours later with Douglas I could not make a ball to save my life. I was grossly missing the pocket and I mean not even coming close to it. I learned something critical yesterday. I definitely did something to my game. I was running 12/15 balls at a time. I did it for about 5/7 racks until I needed to rest. My thinking was in a place I haven’t been in, in a long time. Pace, sound, stroke, that pleseant pop sound when the ball gets in the hole perfectly and a few others personal elements involved made for music on the table. It was very soothing, very, as Genever will call it “calming”. But when Douglas walked in and we got into a set I was 100 hundred percent derailed. I was trying to hold on to what I had discovered, rememberd or what ever you want to call it, it was a very enlightening experience. It was almost like I bumbed into an old friend.

Ten days





"Some people would rather let a moment pass that cannot be forgotten

then live with a moment after its past that can never be forgotten"




| July 4th 2006 | Tuesday | 7:30pm
No Blast off this year. Im almost regretting that I was looking for a quite evening.

Then I left. Completely annoyed at Mr. Independence Day.

The part that annoyed me the most was Gabby wanting me to apologize to some dog at B6 for kicking his water dish bye mistake.

I was so out after that...

The coffee was bad. Mark spills it on his shorts.

(I call Mark, he makes an appearance at 6B garden, he drinks a little sangria, then tells me "I’m going to walk around a-bit, I'll be back" Mark has a freind with him.)

Mark calls me and says

"Hey Will... huh, were not coming back (B6 BBQ)...Huh... but you can have the beer we left there...There was no ice-cooler for the beer so its still in the bag, and it's warm...Huh, I'll see you later... I'll be shooting tomorrow at corner... see-ya there...bye" That’s One.

Then I call Julie.

"Were are you? I'm still waiting; did you get the stuff for AJ? (I’ve been waiting an hour)...You Got sidetracked? At Cherry? Your playing Pool?... (I think to myself, who the fuck is in a bar at this time? Well, I guess if you can have a party on a Tuesday at 7pm then anything is possible), want me to show up at cherry?...Huh yeah sure.... Later" That’s two. Im not going for three. I go to the the river ta-see the booms, Then go to Yuko' then I go home. Before a three happens.

Independence is a very liberating thing. One should learn to embrace their Independence from the need of unnecessary dependency. It’s freedom from control and the influence of others. I like my independence; its fun, fun, fun!

Now dependence? That can be an issue for most folks. Dependency can be associated with taking a drug(s) or medication(s) for reasons other than those for which it was intended or in a manner or in quantities other than those, which have been recommended. The compulsive need to take a drug to produce a desired effect or prevent unpleasant effects if it is withdrawn. Or it can be the inability to separate oneself from another person, place or pre-programmed idea, whatever.

I was never any good at the whole correlation thing. Or maybe bonding moments never really last long in the first place anyway. It’s can be annoying to some, it can really disenchant ones motive for daily congregations at work, home, play and so on. But if one is given a choice, the choice to be Dependant or Independent, the fact that they have a choice, makes things not so bad. Independence? Yup, it was a good day to be on your own in an overly occupied loft, a crammed rooftop holding a beer, a jam-packed east river view, an empty bar with a shity table, It was a good day to be Independent.

July 4th 2006 Morning 2:30am

  • Did this
  • Done that
  • Then I never did any of it before.
  • You can’t cancel reservations that never existed in the first place.
  • I can’t complain at least I don’t quit and run away.
  • I’ve seen it before and even done it before.
  • I’d rather let a moment pass that cannot be forgotten then live with a moment after its past that can never be forgotten.
  • You can never blow any body off smoothly with bullshit with out it looking like everybody’s friend Mr. Bolshevik.
  • Denial seems to be the theme these days.
  • I think today I would’ve rather have had brownies. At least I can laugh afterward. What a dud of a day today.

Sidetrack Meaning?

Sidetrack \Side"track`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sidetracked; p.
pr. & vb. n. Sidetracking.]
1. (Railroads) To transfer to a siding from a main line of

2. Hence, fig., to divert or reduce to a position or
condition that is relatively secondary or subordinate in activity, importance, effectiveness, or the like; to
switch off; to turn aside, as from a purpose. [Colloq.]




"At least I can take comfort in the fact that you got knocked before I did Fuentes"

Prekash, Killer, Monday 2:45am



| July 3rd-4th | weeeeeek end | Monday
I'll put up the BBQ pics later. right now Im kind of BRRrbBbR

I had more fun the eve before

Then again I got what I wanted

To stay sober

July 3rd

  • Michelle’s got a new gig.
  • Table 23 is a mean little old lady who is unforgiving.
  • Eric wins Killer.
  • Not to mention we met and played with the world’s best people. It is rare you find in a dive wonderful warm folks.
  • Went to the second Killer, I didn’t win.
  • It is a classic reaction for Ms communication. Technicality?
  • Yes, it is possible one will not gloat about a no prize win.


"Attachment leads to suspicion, guide yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose" YODA

Two men Enter

One man leaves




"I'm all about taking personal responsibility for who I am and what I do,

but if I had to blame my off-key behavior on someone,

it's definitely gonna be him. Definitely"

that fiesty one! love it madly


| July 2nd 2006 | Sunday |
I guess I’ll just make an omelet.


"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction"

Antoine de Saint-Exupery



Streets of tomorrow.

Yeah so, I’ve had so much to say these last few days I cant even remember anymore what I had to say. I have seen aggressive attacks in the most passive forms.

I have been on the receiving end of the nastiest words said so softly to me and vice versa. Enabling an aggressive attack from one person to another with patronage makes you the devil for the two in battle I think. Boy do I have an imagination, or maybe I need to have a little more faith in the outcome of things. It’s hard to be an adult sometimes. Even when it is embarrassing and hurtful.


Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions; their reasons are always different.

Things have been moving smooth lately. That’s what worrying me though. Yesterday I saw two sets of twins on the train going to the city and coming from the city. I saw and heard some interesting things yesterday, I had some fun, I ate, and I did the door a little then I went about my business afterward.

I can’t help it but I keep getting this feeling, this calm around me feeling, almost like Im waiting for something to happen.


Am I just getting older? I use to get this feeling when I was a kid, thirty was a big brick wall waiting for me to smash into it and my life spewed all over it. Now 50 looks like an on coming crash.

I guess I’ll just make an omelet.



“A perfect sister I am not,

but thankful for the one I've got.”



| July 1st 2006 | Saturday BBQ

Nice little gathering, peacfull, cool, just the way i like it.

It was good day


I didnt need my A.K







| June 30th-July 2006 | Friday
imacs, pool, beer.

Eric can cook it up boy...

Love is all around

Talk to the hands

Or maybe the fingers

Violence is not the answer

I had a date with a girl named Sue today-

-and I blew it.

Practice makes Will a hungry boy

Hungry? Yes I will eat this

oh yes I will.

Patrick goes Deep

Mark is good at pool.

So is Douglas.

Passive attack

Jen and Nell

Jay gives me a look I've never seen before







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