go to February 2006 for some more
30th/31st 2006 |
ok. |
...... |
only thing that is more worse than
fake tits are the men who like
fake tits.
than having your brest taken away by
an illness, accident or unfortunate
miss-hap, try and keep it as real as
best you can.
.... |
26/27th 2006 |
wow. |
...... |
Codex Ashes and Snow is a
celebration of the living masterpieces of nature.
Since 1992 photographer and filmmaker Gregory
Colbert has collaborated with more than 45
species around the world to create a 21st-century
bestiary. These images attempt to express the
world not only through human eyes, but also
through the eyes of a whale, an elephant, a
manatee, a meerkat, a cheetah, or an orangutan.
the evening 26 to 27th. Ya Know....One
can take but so much cow bell in the ear before
they just scream.... and tell someone to dont
touch me or I'll pull out your dredlocks....
Right Eben ? |
Ones arrogance
can sometimes ether be plainly seen in physical
behavior, in there diolog or both or in a disguise
of another behavior, like misery or vanity or
even a compliment. Ether way I don’t
think it should always be a call to let it manipulate
your emotion state on such extreme levels, unless
you got a lot of booze in your system, then whata-ya
gonna-do? |
the 26th. Hello there from learning
more internet stuff land. |
.... |
25th 2006 |
Key word
here is DRIVE |
...... |

Unnessary Draw. More drive than
2005 Mustang.
won his match beautifully only afterward
to be hugged and kissed bye his beautiful
girl friend Olivia at the end of the match.
How can you beat a tone set like that? I
think that kind of love is worth more than
a thousand points. I watched the support
of these two with each other and then the
whole team in the beginning and the end of
all the matches. David played with confidence,
composed breathing with each breath having
the security of his team to step in when
called. The third match was all about not
skill but I think in some ways, support,
persistence and presesnce. Most of the night
went on like this from both ends. And if
one needs to compare the match with
a tug of war I think that Unnecessary Draw
had a tiny bit more weight then we did;
I don’t
mean in pounds ether. Skill wise
we are all just about even in some aspect
or another in the game of pool. Each of
us having a special quality in our stroke
the other doesn’t have. It’s
been in my experience that subtly makes
a difference in two painting with an expression
almost identical to each other; oh what
a difference a canvas can make. Though
if both painting have the same color the
same scenery the same tree on the hill
with the happy flowers and the little rabbit
sitting underneath, still, you can see
and feel what kind of a presence each picture
makes in a room; and how much weight it
can have on an individual or individuals.
Draw achieved yet again a well-deserved
win. With persistent drive, Team Spirit,
UN critical support for each other
along with faith in the ability and
competence of each other’s teammates
skill. Team spirit was the name
of the game for this round.
I thought long and
hard all night about the quality of
the match. There is definitely something
to be not only well-read, said and
done but to be inspired by
and for the next comming season’s
and the rest of the APA days of players
and all other teams. I watched Captain
Eben and Captain Julie along with the
players all night during the quick
matches. Body language, mannerisms
and so forth. Both have a lot of affection
for the game and the patients for their
player’s sometimes-eccentric
decision making for the shots they
attempt not to mention a whole lot
of other things involved in the getting
down and making the ball in the hole

once was...Can it be again?
is nudging me about the match last
night; something I cant put my
finger on. Of course, the reason
why I cant put my finger on it
cause there isn’t anything
there to put my finger on, we lost
the race couldnt drive cuase we
had no key for the ignition. I
think I said it before what
ever happen in Vegas stays
in Vegas.
I think we left something there
other than a few thousand grand
and some hangovers. Something in
the realm of what is now here and
what was there then,drive. |
know what they say ... "Once you have been
to the top the only place left to go
is back down" The only question
is, How far down can you go or want
to go? |

Maybe its for the best? maybe it for the worst?
only time will tell. |
Cheng... Do to number rank reasons,
he can hardly
play for team
Stick it in anymore. Thanks APA for a wonderfull

I remember
in the past Team Stick it in practically
held hands every Tuesday with a near
perfect balance of a repectful mutual
impressions of each other’s
presence, character along with a near unlimited
respect for each other’s game.
Peter was daddy and all the kids played
happy in the sand box, with every now
and then putting the sand bucket over
Ronnie head.
.... |
23th 2006 |
first a few days
ago of fooding it, drinking it and pooling it. |
...... |

Prakash is my little
chicken on the pool table

cant make a lot of money in pool but
you can make a lot of something else... |
... |


The Gargoyal watches
us eat....

For 2006, we diet for the beach. |
... |
.... |
...... |
.... |
...... |
Oh I also forgot to
Some women hate Sean
... |
... |
... |
to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers
in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is
taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. "Tihs
is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by
itslef but the wrod as a wlohe."
is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by
itslef but the wrod as a wlohe." is
"This is becuase we do
not read every letter by itself but the word
as a whole." |
wonder if you can read people the same way,
not by every first or last immediate thing
they say or do but them as a whole? Are you
still missing the mess in the middle though? |
.... |
17th 2006 |
Oh well ..... |
...... |
didnt make it.... Oh well... Next season....
It's funny cause when it was over we all played
and couldnt miss a ball even if we tried... |
.... |
13th 2006 |
OooOoo look
what I found .... Then a few retractions |
...... |
Now... A few retractions
One: My Tuesday team is in second place
not third place.
In one of my entries this month, I was
a little misleading again with the pictures
and text not being related about what,
when, who and gathering of people I was
referring too about giving suggestion when
they are needed or about inflicting your
ideas on people. Usually I like to keep
it open when I quote folks of past and
present and give my day-to-day occurrences
on my blog-site. What I write and what
it is about can be misleading at times.
Metaphor and implied comparisons with digital
pictures of my buddies playing pool and
sorts, sometimes the images and the text
don’t really match or are not clear.
Once again I have insulted a comrade by
my every now and then blundering vision
and disguised evaluations about my day-to-day
activities using fancy pictures and impressive
pool player friends. Please don’t
take what I say too literal, on some days
when I see the color blue instead of me
saying "I see the color blue" I might
be saying positive or negative aspects
of an attachment I have to a moment. In
other words blue can be strong and steadfast,
light and friendly or moving and uninhabited.
Next time I should stick to my own advice
I say to others from time to time and just
be simpler and straight to the point.
 Three: Billie Jean
is not from the trailers.... She's from
a cardboard box, with a river side view
of the east river.......Just kidding....
She is from the trailers...
Oh god I did it again...I
put a Picture of Jen with trailer trash
reference, Jen is not trailer trash!!!...But
Nell? ... Just kidding-just kidding.....
MAN !!!!!!! |
.... |
12th 2006 |
Fare is Fare!!!!
About last Tuesday Match. |
...... |
.... |
11th 2006 |
Milk Thistle.... |
...... |
Genus and Species: Silybum marianum
Milk thistle is an herbaceous annual or biennial
plant with a dense prickly flower head with
purplish tubular flowers.
milk thistle for liver detoxification
thistle is an edible plant native to
southern Europe, southern Russia, Asia Minor,
and nothern Africa, and has been used for
food in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean
for a long time as well as a tonic herb for
the liver. Virtually all parts of the plant
have been used as food with no known toxicity.
Milk thistle was introduced to North America
by European colonists.
Today, milk thistle is best known as a producer
of liver protectant known as silymarin, a
group of milk thistle flavonoids. The milk
thistle in commerce is a standardized extracts
prepared from the fruits (seeds) of Silybum
marianum. Like Ginkgo biloba, milk thistle
is required to be standardized and rendered
to concentrated forms to be effectively used
for desired medicinal purposes, which, in
this case, is as a hepatoprotectant. In general,
milk thistle extracts are standardized to
a concentration of 70-80% of flavone lignans
including isosilybinin, silybinin, silychristin,
and silydianin, which are collectively called
.... |
10th 2006 |
About Last
Monday |
...... |

night Sushi... Don’t eat Sushi on Monday;
most fast food Sushi joints use Saturday’s
fish, why? They don’t deliver or sell
fish on Sunday in NYC. I ate anyway and took
my chances.
Cat hair
on my arm sleeve. Cat hair on my cloths,
my nose, my food and hair. Cat hair in my
life with the occasional fleas. |
sleeping, I’m in dreamland, I’m
running naked and free over strawberry and
pickle grazing field for purple and pink polar
bears who are dancing too happy tunes sung
by tiny musical creatures hiding in the flowers.
I stand on a pillar in front of the sun with
300-pound women tossing slices of spam and
cheese at my feet. I’m having a pleasant
dream; without realizing I am dreaming in my
dream of course, this means my dream is vivid.
I am Breathing in and out I breath in and out,
breath in breath out calmly, peacefully I am
on cloud nine; then it happens, I get woken
up by the cat jumping on my head. The cat jumping
on my head is purring loud enough to match
that of an electric razor. I love cat, cat
is friendly and loving. Cat is 15 to 18 pounds
of purring machine. Cat’s claws are long
and sharp so when she walks on the sheets she
pulls it underneath her paws dragging the sheet
off my chest, it looks as if she has glue under
her paws and she is walking through a room
with paper all over the floor. Cat keeps me
up most of the nights most of the weeks. I
now have two dark circles underneath my eyes.
I’m allergic to cats; as well as dogs
and anything else with long hair and sharp
tooth and claw. I love animals. I really
do, I grew up with dogs mostly and my last
one had me sneezing for 15 years before she
past away, but long exposure to animal hair
makes me miserable. Though no exposure to
my hunny bunny will make me a little miserable
as well, besides those animals were there
before I was anyway. Speaking of animals
My Monday Pool Team GET IN THE HOLE is in
first place!!!
won the play off spot. Stood in first
place most of the season. We got
whooped a few times from some killer
players in the Monday Division along
the way. But I think it was that kind
combination that kept us going. A combination
of back and forward steps with a little
persistence, stubbornness’ and
faith in ability. Someone once told
me that my Monday team is seemingly
not going to make the playoffs or
the Triannuals or the Cities because
of things like punctuality, enthusiasm
and just plane lame character…wow… imagine
if I believed that, even for a second.
Being a captain is lot more than
just putting a team together and
hopeing it works out.
Monday team is kinda sexy. Rock star
like. Skinny, colorful, strokes the
balls in different ways with different
songs, loud in the mic when needed,
young at heart and loves an audience
when performing to Get It In The Hole. |
.... |
9th 2006 |
Taking a
deep breath....Now... |
...... |
.... |
7th 2006 |
And yet still
I cant breath... |
...... |

Pool on Tuesday; whoopee-dee!!! Look
we are playing pool on a day we shouldn’t
be playing, weeeeeeee. At least we made
third place. Anyway G came back from
her visit to a place were they don’t
have a wide selection of a good old fashion
American cuisine; Burgers and fries.
My nose is still all stuffy and England
has their own version of M&M’s.
Three of a kind beats a pair. So
I was informed that someone I know of
the very young, barely legal age is now
a millionaire because that person has
only recently been playing Internet poker.
Out of high school, no college degree
still lives with Mom and Dad is now a
2.1 millionaire from gambling on the
Internet; g-a-m-b-l-I-n-g on the Internet.
Just a kid, at home playing poker on
the computer, kept winning is now a millionaire;
why am I playing pool? I have a computer
I got a brain, what is poker? I know
a lot of pool players who now switched
over to poker playing; hm? What’s
the biggest pot you can get in a pool
match tournament? 30 grand? 40 grand?
In Golf one tournament can get you a
cool mill. In poker 5 mill in football
or baseball 20mill. Is playing pool about
the money or about the other reasons
we play? What if you are already rich
and play pool? Who are you (the rich
guy) playing?
--- Offers
online poker players a choice between
poker games including Texas Holdem, Omaha,
7 Card Stud, Caribbean Poker Blackjack,
Chinese Poker, Pai Gow, Video Poker,
as well as a selection of casino games,
such as Roulette, Craps, Baccarat and
--- uses's online poker software. For more information,
see |
| |
.... |
6th 2006 |
Still cant breath
...... |
I cant breath... Nose all
screwed up. I havent been this bad since
.... |
...... |
and Serafina Started 2006 Laid back,
Hot and Tropical in the cold NYC season
... |
.... |
1st 2006 |
have images up later this week, I'm still sleeping...
...... |
December 30/31th-st 2005
On my way back to G’s I get the “nod” from
a big 6 foot seven inch Goth dude on the street.
He wore black from head to toe, his hair was
black, his fingers nails were balck and he even
had a black spike sticking out of his bottom
lip. In my hood it’s
mostly a hip hoppy kinda crowd roaming around
its streets with phat rides and fancy bling,
so anyone who is not into the scene of glamour,
lights expensive rides and aggressive poetry
are probably ether to old or into the alternative
rockish thing. Then there is always the little
but still not wholey unnoticed the Goth crowd
you find randomly in any kind of neighborhood.
I got the Nod form one I think cause without
even realizing it I dressed all in black today
with a blood red sweater. Passing bye each other
on the street he nodded me as if I come from
his secret clan of Goth in Da-Bronx, like I
was part of a brotherhood of Depechmode/NINish
underground gang of Goth. Speaking of Goth I
think I will go see the movie "Underworld Evolution";
the clothing the character's are wearing is kinda
January 31st 2005/January 1st
You know you slept well when you can wake up
and the first thing you say “I’m
January 1st 2006
The absent of color is white. The present of all
color is… The beginning. Russian or Polish
proverb says… The first seven days of you’re
the New Year; your new year when ever that beginning
is will be the for shadowing of the rest of your
year. Lest see so far I began the new year with
The Charles W. Morgan sugar packet in my pocket,
my sweet heart far far away from me but at the
same time she was with me the whole time, I spent
the day of 2005 and the first day of 2006 with
some of the best people I know, I didn’t
drink myself into a next day hangover, I cleaned
up my living places, My hay fever was on a rampage
the whole night mixed with a cold and I woke up
very peacefully and well slept. So far so ok… I
cleaned today I ate today and I told my mom I loved
her. |
.... |
...... |
have images up later this week, Im still sleeping...
.... |