Go to March 2006
27th 2006 |
work to hard ... |
...... |




Sumtimes-ya-turn into a
Rock star without even wanting too...
Sing-an-old tune, Get a new

http://www.bettyrules.com/ |
Random: Not about the above pitchers
but from another time that got me here....In
the above.
Im a three. I almost died by choking on
a fly. I do not reserve the right to turn
around and walk away when I feel like. Sometimes
I play when I dont want to and when I dont
want to I play. Sometimes when I losewin
I lose and when I lose I win. Let me tell
you were I am from let me tell you were you
are going and let me tell you who you are.
I like me and no one can tell me I dont really
like me. Sometime the power of the mouth
is only as strong as long as you listen.
Sometime the streanth of one is the streanth
you provide. I just want to shoot and dance
and be merry. Who am I to judge. If ya get
board listening to me dont listen. Oh didnt
know you were a five?
24th 2006 |
last Tuseday... |
...... |
23th 2006 |
last monday ... |
...... |

Maddog joins
the team.



Team Get in the Hole.
... |
22th 2006 |
last Sunday. Triannual Day... Gray Areas |
...... |
21th 2006 |
Last friday night... |
...... |

Sushi is good MMMMmmmMMMmMM. |
17th 2006 Friday |
past comes before the present |
...... |
a dog show on Tv Tomorrow. |
... |
... |

It pays to be skinny sometimes.

Even Though its
smaller than me I'll find a way to put it
on, so with that in mind. A.J. take off
my Tee shirt.
... |
... |
... |
15th 2006 |
after Math. That sums up... Zero. Ya just dont need
a month to tell a story. |
...... |

I didn’t
exactly "to a certain extent" Stick it in
yesterday... sloppy, lazy, careless, maybe
I am judging too harshly, maybe, I should
not judge at all; I really need to get my
game on the ball.


The Hot Wings were
too hot to enjoy. The Apple cider
was good. And I love my simplicity.
Along with trying to get the ball
in the hole.
I really dont have
enough pics of Julie.
... |
V-day Stinks….
V-day, ah yes, the day of reminders. The day of testing
the meddle of your relationship with your loved one.
The day that you are "strongly" reminded
that you are in a relationship or not in a relationship
at all, just got over a relationship, reminded of
an old relationship or relationships, or in the middle
of a relationship that not doing as well as the standard’s
of TV commercial relationships. This day of V is
more like vendetta and not valentine. V-day is a
nasty reminder that you have obligations to show
your loved one how much you are in love. Ah yes,
in love. Or was in love once, not in love, in love
with the wrong person, no one loves you, you are
not loved, you were once loved but not loved anymore,
you are not loved by the one you wish you can be
loved by but don’t stand a chance, you love
no one, love don’t know you any more or the
worse case scenario, being crushed by love. Yes,
love can crush or remind you-you were once crushed
and in some ways still are crushed by a fat baby
with wings sticking arrows in your butt. F@&k
you V-day. Got-dam commercials, some yuppie in a
suite dude buying his skinny silk wearing dress lady
a 50 grand diamond ring. V-day is such an awkward
day. Its forcing, it happen in the middle of the
month were you don’t get paid till the next
day, It happen in the middle of the week it happens
when your fighting with your loved one and now you
have to call a truce involving spending money and
time with each other making love or holding hand
or hugging on the couch watching TV. Your girl is
having her period you just paid a bill and got no
loot for the day. F#@k you V-day, I’m going
to go play pool and love my game. Kiss my Spanish
butt V-day; you can’t make me tell some one
I love you in some materialistic way and think its
ok. Happy V-day? What a joke. You know what
I love? Getting the Ball in the Hole, thats what
im in love with. |
get me wrong.. I love my girl, but no one or
day should pressure you to express that love even
if it is easy to say I love You to some one you
... |
14th 2006 Tuesday |
night. The Mandiongo Mutt's and Happy V day... |
...... |

has bought it to my attention that tonight is a full moon...A
full moon on Valentine day...Thats just great.
Calculatorcat.com |
The History of Saint Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire.
In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honour Juno.
Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans
also knew her as the Goddess of women and marriage. The following
day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia.
 The lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate.
However, one of the customs of the young people was name
drawing. On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names
of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed
into jars. Each young man would draw a girl's name from the
jar and would then be partners for the duration of the festival
with the girl whom he chose. Sometimes the pairing of the
children lasted an entire year, and often, they would fall
in love and would later marry.
Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved
in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the Cruel
was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his
military leagues. He believed that the reason was that roman
men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result,
Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.
The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days
of Claudius II. He and Saint Marius aided the Christian martyrs
and secretly married couples, and for this kind deed Saint
Valentine was apprehended and dragged before the Prefect
of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs
and to have his head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the
14th day of February, about the year 270. At that time it
was the custom in Rome, a very ancient custom, indeed, to
celebrate in the month of February the Lupercalia, feasts
in honour of a heathen god. On these occasions, amidst a
variety of pagan ceremonies, the names of young women were
placed in a box, from which they were drawn by the men as
chance directed.
 The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome endeavoured
to do away with the pagan element in these feasts by substituting
the names of saints for those of maidens. And as the Lupercalia
began about the middle of February, the pastors appear to
have chosen Saint Valentine's Day for the celebration of
this new feaSt. So it seems that the custom of young men
choosing maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for
the coming year, arose in this way.
Valentine's Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional
day on which lovers in certain cultures let each other know
about their love, commonly by sending Valentine's cards, which
are often anonymous. The history of Valentine's day can be
traced back to an obscure Catholic Church feast day, said to
be in honor of Saint Valentine, are discussed below. The day's
associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle
Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated. |
Ill have my say so
on Saint Valenshits day in a little while... In the mean
time here is what went on last night in my Monday match... |
2006 Monday |
Past Weekend... |
...... |

Friday, then a Saturday Birthday with lots of
snow on the outside and shots to make one really
warm on the inside.

What, no snow Day?
Still had to play
on the APA?
And then go to work the next day?
No way. The rabbits
will eat hay.

Bloody Mary on Sunday
is good for a cold winter day. |
10th 2006 |
Night Friday morning and a few other events.... |
...... |
This morning I woke up and
the word RARa kept running through my head,
then I got to wondering?

of RA :
* The RA is
responsible for the identification and authentication
of certificate Subscribers before issuing
certificates, but does not sign or issue
the certificates.
...Anyway about last
night |
... |
... |


OF THE GAME. 14.1 is a nomination game. The
player must nominate a ball and a pocket.
The player is awarded one point for every
correctly nominated and pocketed ball on
a legal stroke, and is allowed to continue
his turn until he either fails to pocket
a nominated ball or commits a foul. The player
can pocket the first 14 balls, but before
he can continue his turn by shooting at the
15th (and last remaining) ball on the table,
the 14 pocketed balls are racked as before,
except with the apex space vacant. The player
then attempts to pocket the 15th ball in
a manner so that the racked balls are disturbed
and he can continue his run.
The player who scores the pre-determined
point total for a game (usually 150 in major
tournament play or any agreed upon total
in casual play) prior to his opponent, wins
the game. |
The APA has got some
killer shooters let me tell -ya |
This morning I got the weather report.
cold snap is-a-brewing.
And Ms. Lee is ready to heat it up.
... |
9th 2006 |
Dots mean todays
links for this entry. Just random stuff for Feb
and the Valentine thing... |
...... |
I'm sitting in my studio
surrounded by newly framed pictures, and it's
hard to realize a whole year has passed since
my last solo show. Solo shows are like birthdays.
You reflect on how you've grown as an artist.
You also suspect that no one will come, and
you'll sit, surrounded by your own booze, weeping.
So you're invited to my biggest,
baddest art opening ever. |
Tarts and Flowers
A Valentine's Art Show
Dirty Art!
Hot gogo by Lady J!
Rare Jewelry!
Perverse Raffles!
And Free Original Sin Cider for All!
Come in costume for a doorprize!
My head
hurts, Heyfever, allergy, The air. ..5:14pm. |
have long been wondering Do
Women Believe In Sexual Chemistry?
If women believe in
sexual chemistry, or if they are the only sex
that experiences intense and inexplicable feelings
of sexual attraction when the object of their desire
is nearby. Well, gentlemen, let me assure you
that this is simply not the case. Sexual chemistry
is as real for women as it is for you. We get just
as flustered as you do when we are deeply
attracted to someone. Our heartbeat steps it up
a notch and our body temperature rises a couple
of degrees.
Sexual chemistry is not just something that's
felt on an unspoken level between two people,
even before any type of relationship has started,
it is also about how sexually compatible two
people are once they're actually having sex.
And this aspect of sexual chemistry is very important
to most women. |
love not war… Just a thought at 4:41pm.
Maybe there is something
wrong with this. What’s love without something
that isn’t, love? Imagine living in a world
full of love and only love? One never knowing War
or hate can never really appreciate love I think.
That goes with almost anything. To appreciate something
or anything I think first you have to have something
to make you long for it. Need-it, look for it,
make it a safe place to be; maybe. Sometimes people
are in love with longing for love. Sometimes people
get hateful cause there getting to much love? What
if you hate to love? What if you love evil? Is
love then truly a good thing? What if you love
war? Then maybe you are making love. |
love links and stuff I randomly found and thoughts
of today cause i just don't feel like thinking
too hard 4:00pm |
Somewhere around
2:31pm |
Mandigo vs Peewee Herman
Does size matter?
is not sex that gives the pleasure,
but the lover.”
are a few Dot Calms for your penis
of mind...er I mean peace of mind. |
7th 2006 |
have more later on the pool thang.... |
...... |
6th 2006 |
Last Uniguy... |
...... |
flower victim.
I’m a seed, can you plant me? It gets
hold of the seed. It plants it, It waters it,
It grows it, It waters it some more; It give
it sun and air and all the things needed to
make it grow lovely. It starts to grow, the
flower blooms colorful. Then just before It
walk away and lets nature take it coarse. It
stomps on it, the flower, puts it in a pot
and takes it home. The victim, the flower.
Then the worse part about that senario is
It thinks its ok to do that, to stomp on it,
to take it home as it own, it’s
supposed to be that way? Sometimes it even
cries with a kind of loneliness about the whole
thing of why are you sad about me stomping
on you? It is somewhat of a Victim of its own
evil. Not that I am making am excuse for It
but one is responsable for its actions.
villain. (It)
are the kind of strange characters you read
in young adult books as the villains.
Their evil acts are always covered in this
submissive, soft-spoken well-behaved behavior
like my act of evil is really good and your
retaliation of my evil act is bad and makes
me unhappy. Like a James bond villain, always
well dressed and well mannered with all this
philosophy and knowledge of the “why
they’re evil acts make sense ” and
how it has to be that way. Always calm and
acting like lying, cheating, death and deception
is the way life has to be, must be, should
hero always full of emotion, always stressed
out, a little lonely, a little hard headed,
stupid or brave, tough on the outside spongy
on the inside wonders why the villainy and
its evil ways. “Evil makes me happy” the
villain says, in there composed almost like
a “victim of good” manner. My life
has leaded me this way. The Villain walks down
this road of capture and control. Life has
shown me the only way one can be happy is when
one has total control of all that makes him
Then there
is crew man number 6 named “Guy”
think ill stick with Guy, cause he basically
sees all of it, the Victim the Villain and
the Hero. Guy knows whats-gonna happen and
avoids it by simply just not going there. Guy
is the end all beat all of the majority and
of most people watching the antics of the other
three. Guy can almost be construed as Yoda
if you really think about it. He avoids the
clichés the very predicable outcomes
of most scenes between the first three nincompoops.
35 years old and still lives with his mom,
Guy is my hero.
... |
Body Vibes Sex Dictionary | mybodyvibes.com
The Body Vibes Sex Dictionary
is available for you to browse. Covering everything
from medical terms and contemporary sex slang
to (of course) adult toys, the Sex Dictionary
is intended as a reference guide. Look up the
definition of a word that's been eluding you
for years, find a definition for a word you've
recently heard for the first time, or just have
fun browsing. How you use the Sex Dictionary
is up to you.
Our Dictionary of sexual terms
is a work in progress, and we are always on the
lookout for words that we've missed. Do you know
any interesting, unusual, regional, common, or
otherwise relevant sexual terms? Did you find
them in our dictionary? If not, feel free to
submit your word(s) using the form. Of
course, if you don't know the definition that's
fine. But if you know the definition of an unusual
term that we've missed, or if you can use it
in a sentence please do so in the "definition" box.
It's very helpful - especially for very unusual
or regional terms. If you've submitted to our
sex dictionary, we thank you. |
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- Rumblefish5.0/Get in the Hole | Team: Stick it
in | |
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2006 |
Me? A Gamera?.... |
...... |
4 minutes to you is like 30 minutes.
The show must go on, get the fuck
on the stage you were suppose to be singing five
minutes ago! Hurry the paints gonna dry and then
you’ll have to
over it again,"4 minutes to you is like
30 minutes." When the maddog said that shit
to me on the cell something dropped in my stomach.
As if something in my character got infected with
something. It felt like I had just bad Sushi. Guilty
by association I think, I loath that shit. I remember
I was the one always since collage, since I was a
kid, quoting this “3 minutes to you is like
10 minutes” thingy
to other folks of the somewhat very slow and not
really having a sense of timing behavior; sure I’ll
be there at 8 and you end up showing up at 9:30 or
something and pretending its ok what’s the
big deal.
Be there at 7:00pm.
As a Captain of a bunch of
pool teams for a bunch of years along with hanging
with rock stars and rock star groupies for years
on end timing has become critical with me. A healthy
sense of timing has become one with my personality,
my stroke, my paintings and so on. I have never been
a big fan on the whole fashionably late thing; I
think it’s
a little corny to be late just to stick out and be
the talk for 15 seconds but who am I to judge the
big heads and small minds of trendy society. It’s
funny I always kinda-sorta prided myself on my punctuality
and my announced timely presences after I make a
statement of what my appearances and timing will
be. Lately on the “ish-hour” is something
I use to be flexible when I have a party of people
I have to schlep along, go along or having a few
things to do before my meeting with whomever. But
the only thing that is more worse than being forced
to be late by some slow poke is doing it so many
times that you become a slow poke as well without
realizing it just to make happy or to fit in the
rest of the bucket of snails.

Gamera rocks... from a far.
recently I almost over looked developing a bad
habit for my already very simple character, it was
scary to here that shit; “5 minutes to you
is like 30 minutes” I tried to fix that one
real quick by saying “ill be down in 4”,
I was gonna jump out the window if she said it again.
Hearing that shit was like I just lost a finger cutting
potatoes and let me say I can cut a big bag of potatoes
in five minutes. I didn’t even realize what
I was doing to my sense of timing or more to the
point how I was being influenced, even better, how
I was being infected with a disagreeable version
of tardiness. It tasted so sour to hear my character
insinuated as a slow poke; the idea of having a slow
sense of timing is a nightmare to me. Its funny that
turtles are my favorite reptiles though, they are
ancient creatures known for living longer than any
other creature I wouldn’t want
to be one unless the engine inside is like a mustang. |
2006 |
Wed night |
...... |

Lao Tzu
A leader is best when people
barely know he exists, not so good when people
obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him....But
of a good leader who talks little when his work
is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, "We
did it ourselves.

Dont shoot-em
down too fast. Ya gota make-em last. |
... |
Action is the name of the game. Without
even asking. |
The new heavies hang for
a while. |
Feb/05. I posted up a few things.
... |
Secretan Lance: Leadership
is not so much about technique and methods
as it is about opening the heart. Leadership
is about inspirationóof
oneself and of others. Great leadership is about
human experiences, not processes. Leadership
is not a formula or a program, it is a human
activity that comes from the heart and considers
the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not
a routine.
Peter F. Drucker: Leadership
is not magnetic personalityóthat
can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making
friends and influencing people"óthat
is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's
vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's
performance to a higher standard, the building
of a personality beyond its normal limitations.
Horatio Nelson: No captain
can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside
that of the enemy.
Chinese proverb: An
army of a thousand is easy to find, but,
ah, how difficult to find a general
Donald H. McGannon Leadership
is action, not position.
Fred Smith: Leadership is
getting people to work for you when they are
not obligated.
Anon: A real leader faces
the music, even when he doesn't like the tune.
Mary D. Poole: Leadership
should be more participative than directive,
more enabling than performing.
Marian Anderson: Leadership
should be born out of the understanding of
the needs of those who would be affected
by it.
James L. Fisher: The
main characteristics of effective leadership
are intelligence, integrity or loyalty, mystique,
humor, discipline, courage, self sufficieny
and confidence.
The Cat Box Pic was this Morning Feb2nd
everything above else was last night Feb1st. |
... |
... |
1st-2nd 2006 |
last Monday and Tuesday |
...... |


The New Heavies did ok... But
still needs ta-get good again.
Monday was a
win, Tuesday was a no mooner. With lots of
emo and somewhat violent behavior's going
on here and there.
How do you
change your stars?

The beat
goes on. A new season. some new players.
And the need for some new incentive to
keep it going on.
Sometimes you just have
to Stick it in to Get it in the Hole |
Nothing is going to put here, I just need a lot of space between the
days thats all.
...... |
Nothing is going to put here, I just need a
lot of space between the days thats all. Man what is your problem!!!