Go to June 2005
Saturday/Sunday May
28/29 2005 About last Night |
 Lets see what I can remember, hmmm?
Different things along the way of the day’s
gone bye, mostly random. Fleet week, a party and
so on. Lots of reading and searching’s I
have been doing. This past Friday Serafina turned
22 or 23 years old. She got tanked in a safe place
with safe people in the safe hands of her pool
buddies and old friends, had to kick out a few
for having one two many toward the end but that’s
what bars for. The owner had a strategy for drunken
and disorderly 22 year old people; talk to them
and tell them to get out of the bar nicely. Huh?
Tell them? Tell a 22-year-old Collage male who’s
in drunken belligerence state “ya_gota-go
buddy.” This is an almost futile task, but
it has to be done this way I guess. Me? When I
see someone nearly fallen over from one too many
instead of kicking them out I’d bye them
a few more shots then watch-em faint or get them
into that frozen lean on your buddy I gota throw
up state, then I’d just pick em-up and just
drag-em out to the side walk and let-em sleep it
off. This way I don’t have to try and deal
with or rationalize with an irrational intoxicated
young dumb person for 25 minutes before it registers
to just leave. I guess there are legal reasons
why ya-cant do it that way. Anyway my pool game
has got some new turns in it, or maybe it’s
going back to the old ones. I shot withy Brian
and Dorothy at the pool hall then the party I just
mentioned above and then there was a black out
in the city that the media has yet to mention,
yup that’s right NYC had a black out or may
be a brown out, but the neighborhood was with out
power for about a minute or two and slowly power
started to surge back into the buildings down the
blocks. The next day there was no media coverage
on it. http://www.serafina.us/
evening of Serafina Birthday, there was a
Major power
surge in the City and many blocks were out of
electricty for a few minutes. It is funny though
that something huge like that would happen and
nobody in the media mentioned it the next
day. No News
coverage no papper coverage no nothing. Hmmm?
You would think if the news would make a
big deal about a cool day in May and it might
rain that this would be spoken about and compared
it too the last black out NYC we had. |
Morning The next day there were blimps in the
sky over the
BronX and Manhattan but still
no news coverage. Media black out scares me |


we went to play some pool on a table with a cue
ball the size of a cantalope.. |
Friday May
27 2005 About last Night |
says ...Just "DINK" the ball Will....
Thursday May
26 2005 Today I feel I need too>>>> |
talk to myself again ... 2:30pm
still there .... Why o Why is thing so much
more potent in some and not in others?
today I spend a little bit of my day tweeking
my website blog. Going back into the past
made my emotions a bit rippley. I saw some images
remined me of happy times and others with not
so happy times. It bought me down a bit, just
bit. Just a little drama
running through my head in
the lab,
I didnt cry or anything like that,
but I kinda ran down the hall with my arm flayling
in the air and yelling like a little prince only
then after too-fall down and skin my knee in
front of the door. Then I got up and got some
got things inside I need to try and let go of,
but I fear if I let go I might loose something.
Lose what? Maybe
I am one of those people who need to feel lost
so I can have an excuse to search. Safari in
the forrest of feelings.
happy thoughts were happy beginings that ended
badly. |
So I started
looking on the internet for a good laugh and found
Tshirthell.com |
... |
Tuesday/Wed May
24/25 2005 Last Monday and Tuesday |
we go again...
Monday May
23 2005 About last weekend |
Sat Sun
Monday May
23 2005 About last weekend |
Sat Sun
had a long weekend, I will post up some stuff,
photo's, and things shortly.
ego never matures .
Friday May
20 2005 |
Shut up the F@!$k you must ....
Thursday May
19 2005 Went to see Star Wars today |
in the middle myself ....
got the moves |
.... |

Yoda get
in the hoda
1. Fear of loosing is a path to the sandbagger
2. Attachment leads to jealousy; jealousy is
the shadow of greed.
3. Let go of everything you fear to loose.
4. Taking comfort in others believing
in your lies is your fear of the
5. Your lies come from your lack
of faith in your ability.
6. Your reason for sandbagging
is your arrogants.
7. To rate your self is to limit
your ability.
Darth Sandbagger
1. Its better to pretend to be a great cheater
then to be a real looser.
2. You will never loose if you make everyone
around you believe you can win
with out really trying to
3. Never try to win when you know you can make
people belive you lost on purpose.
4. Loosing on purpose is easier then loosing
when trying to win.
5. When you know you cant win make everyone
think you lost on purpose with lies.
6. Lies help you run from your fear of loosing.
7. Fear is your way to sandbagger side
of the game.
needs lessons
Wed May
18 2005 About last night |
and Jen .... |
Tuesday May
17 2005 |
with the Whole so the ball can Get
in the Hole
luck today Captain Eben
... |
... |
... |
... |
So I am in the Lab and I start
to talk to myself.
I try to rational way I’m unstable in my game.
One second I cant miss and the next I don’t
know what a cue is. Train of thought, all year I
have been writing on the dos and don’t of the
game and still all that which I have written still
hasn’t sunk in my own head yet. Emotions, They
really do over ride logic, what causes the emotional
response? Life. What kind of life do you have? Are
you happy with your life? Do you like how you have
lived it so far? Just be in the immediate, or at
least try to be. Do you owe anything? Do care if
you owe? Are you healthy? What’s up, William
is there something you are missing in your life?
Is it a woman? Is it a man? Is it your hair? Just
get it in the whole or the other hole Will. Whole
or Hole? Am I Whole for the Hole? Easier said than
Get in the Hole!!!!
Yes William I know, get it in the hole but, if you
execute the shot correctly then it is inevitable
that it will go in the hole, meaning you don’t
have to look at the hole or even think about the
hole if you do all the mechanics right; at least
from one point of view. If you need to make the ball
maneuver in a certain way while going in the path
towards the hole then make sure you do everything
correctly after you decide what hole, or what your
coach decides for you. After you agree or ”if” you
agree. Be in the immediate moment and what is required
for that moment, don’t think about what happened
in your last game, don’t think about a minute
ago or what he or she whispered in your ear before
you start your match, don’t think about tomorrow,
don’t think about woulda, coulda, shoulda’s,
if you miss, don’t worry about consequence
while your shooting, throw all of this out the window
when you are immediately carrying out your shot.
Easier said then done William. I shouldn’t
talk to me that way cause this is something I have
not mastered not even in the slightest. All kinds
of shit goes through my head when I am shooting.
Judgment, criticism, anger and so on. Get on the
ball William and get off of everything around it.
You-gota-be crazy if you think you can be sane in
this world. |

Ideally this is what I try and shoot most of my shots with when addressing
the cue ball. This allows me to shoot more through the center
of the cue ball thus keeping my shots straighter to their true execution
shot line and still move the cue ball easily. With just a touch
of Shape English you can easily move your cue ball all over the table. I
often see people having a hard time (missing shots) because they are
using more Clock English (as seen below) than shape english.
If your a beginner, you should probably shoot Center English ONLY for the
first 1-3 months. You will realize that you can get to most
positions neccessary with proper leave using only center english. If
your a struggling intermediate, you should probably start practicing running
ball in hand 9 Ball racks using just center english. You
will increase your game immensely with comprehension of position using
Center English. If you ever feel nervous in play it is
very easy to fall back to the basics knowing you most likely won't compromise
your shot using Center English |
When your out of line (or left with a hard shot) and trying to get your
cue ball back in a "Easy Shot Line Position" - wide english is
another option of play. You want to be careful to not
compensate your shot to much for lack of position with a more extreme Wide
English shot. Your stroke comes more into play
now in a Wide English shot. The Cue Ball area you contact and the
speed that you deliver your stroke before impacting the cue ball can make
quite a difference. Varying stroke speeds can cause the
cue ball or shot (or future position) to have different outcomes due to
spin/speed/rails impacted during shot using Wide English |
favorite is the Clock English....Why? |
Cuase I dont
have to tell you were to hit the ball by getting
up off of my seat and pointing at the spot
with my finger like some arogent dope who thinks
they can shoot better than you while giving
a coach. Thats why. If ya cant tell time, then
maybe ya want to invest your recreation time
on learning how to tell time and not playing
pool. |
I also refer to Clock English as Extreme English. It is essentially
hitting the cue ball on the outermost edge to create an extreme angle of
spin (generally) after hitting the rail or object ball. Knowledge
and proper execution of this english is very key for those extremely difficult
position recovery shots. I generally only use clock english
when I'm so far out of line or been left with a difficult shot and I want
to recover my easy run out path. Ideally when I'm playing well,
I will not use Clock English at all because my game will be basic using
only shape english. |
Clock English Joke three
people in a pool hall.
1 "Can somebody give me a coach"
2 "Ok, I will"
1 "Were should i hit the ball?"
2 "Hit it at three o clock..."
1 "ok"
happens..hit is wrong...bad shot
3 "I think maybe you hit it at 3:30..."
a dumb ass would laugh at this one

September 2004 |
... |
... |
... |
Monday May
16 2005 about this past weekend |
got broke...
... |
Games People Play
Polite Impolite
Its me and a smart ass from my place of bussiness. We are both standing
on line in a k-mart; it’s
a long line and everybody is dressed in geans, t-shirts and sneakers. I'm
a tee
a thin dress shirt over it.
Him: (Says out loud so every one can hear with in ear shot) hey William why
are dressed like?
Me: (I don’t answer him)
Him: Hey William did ya hear me? Why are dressed like that?
Him: What’s wrong with you? You’re not talking to me now? (Snickers
a little after asking question)
Me: Yeah I’m talking to you, why?
Him: Why didn’t you answer me?
Me: Cause I don’t have too.
Him: Don’t you think that’s impolite?
Me: (I say calmly) Impolite?
Him: Yeah, it’s impolite to ignore people asking you questions?
Me: People or You?
Him: Yeah me, why didn’t you answer my question?
Me: Because I don’t have to answer you.
Him: That’s rude and impolite!
Me: So was your question. It’s none of your business why I’m
dressed the way I’m dressed. Especially you knowing my lab is 58
degrees all season.
---End Diolog---
This is the reason why ignore people sometimes;
you don’t have to answer questions that are
more intended to provoke a reaction from you more
than an answer or simple explanation. Provoking
a emotional response from someone is sometimes
intended to take control of the other person for
what ever reason, whether it’s for work reasons,
fun reasons, or to simply feel in control your
self. Now, this is something I did not get from
the book (Games People Play) but this is something
I have had experience with. Things like this was
driving me nuts for years, people asking dumb ass
questions for some kind of physiological sport.
Some people play this game real bad, so I automatically
ignore them simply cause I just didn’t know
what to make of it verbally; it is like how trying
to teach a monkey how to drive a go car? I had
my suspicions in the past about why the behavior
from some of my friends, family and co workers
get awkward sometimes, but dam, if I am going to
live in a society with games players, then I'm
going to continue to get professional advice and
information. Hopefully a little science and a little
Zen will keep me crazy enough not to get to sane
in an insane society
Games People Play

Games People Play
night someone ask me "do
you know what you are doing with that camera William?" I
say "no."
Saturday afternoon the phone repair man says to me.” Did
anyone ever tell you look like Gene Simmons”,
and I reply with “My mom was a big Kiss groupie
when I was a teen” which is true my mom did
hang out with Gene Simmons back stage.
Saturday Night Pam tells some one next to me, “I
like Williams hair, it looks like clouds, he has
little clouds for his hair do.”
Sunday night I shoot pool with
an old friend of mine, between the two of us we
78$ for three hours not including drinks. I went
home afterward, cause I got broke.
... |
78$ dollar pic of Joanna |

Monday Just a few thoughts
Eben wants a trophie and a plack
Wants to get his game up
out there Dorothy is hungry
miss Sam so ... I guess I need too ...
Bite Masha next time I see her
really needs to make out with Nell again
wants to Join My Monday team
and Julie communicate under any cercumstance's
and Tom need to stop the sham
is wearing a green shirt
think I'm Gene Simmons Love child
now Im going to get somthing to eat....
Friday May
13 2005 About last night |
Did you Knows of Jennie....
you know if
you stare at trees on a clear day for a short time
once a day your
eye vision can slightly improve.Thats why the felt
on most pool table are green, its a nutral
color. This is a Scientific/Zen fact.
you know when you "Toast, Cheer
or Salloo" on a shot of alcohol you have
to look in the eyes of the one or the ones
you are Toasting, Cheering or Salooing,
cause if you
dont you will have bad sex for ten years !!!
you know William
need to stop being so sympathtic and soft towards
his opponents, clients and freinds
so he can be more of a professional person in both
recreation and bussiness.
you Know Jeollado
is the name of a small town in Korea
you know the Number or numbers "8
or 88 or 888" is a good luck number
or numbers for money and wealth in chinese.
you know Will update my site at the
end of this weekend? |

Wise Words and shoes of Jennie Sushi pool player
and William/3.5 hours of pool
Thursday May
12 2005 About last night |
Day another ball in the hole

Hello there
from day to day land, I eat Sushi I play pool,
I see people doing the same shit as I
do. Some times I really need the control my level
of forgetfullness so I can be like a child
Everything new
and full of potentail. Like looking at a shot
on the table as if it were the first time I
have ever seen that shot, then maybe I wont be
board and make the ball.
When I
play after ten minutes its like I'm sleeping
and shooting
some mode of junkieness. Now Sushi; I never
get tired of, even when I very rarely
a bad
sushi that
many times I have graduated to rating rolls,
from good too bad too ok ones, and no I didnt
get a raise,
I'm just single with no children.
So I
shot yesterday for about three hours with Dorothy,
shes good, I-gots-2-get the game up.
Sometimes though I feel like when I play without
play its like eating with out being hungry.
I like
Sushi but if im not hungry and someone
offers it to me(sushi) I will eat it.
Sushi spoils
if you let it sit to long, like your
game, if you
let it sit to long it spoils. So ya better
play or eat it.
The Big Miss |
DoRothy on
the 14 ball ... ... ... ... Then on the Eight
ball ... ... ... ... Did Dor make it ? GrrrRRrrrRRr
!!!! |
Wednesday May
11 2005 a little Tuesday afternoon |
Wednesday May
11 2005 a little about last Monday and Tuesday |
the Winner is....
Yeah this team is GooOOooD
put the 8ball in the basket

team stick it in got the hose again
the theme song !!!!
... Click
the team image to see them even BIGGER !!!!! |
... |
“ When you get a chance break out all the tied up balls
and wait till you get a chance to shoot to finish
the game.” I then do a safety after this
“ What did we just speak about? Why did you do that…wow,
man.” I think to myself, we didn’t speak,
you told me something and I heard you say it to me
that’s it’s.
Behavioral Patterns.
Four seasons I shot with team Stick it in, three
out of the four seasons we stuck to certain patterns
for each player on the table with out realizing
it. My fourth season had some changes and so has
my game
with few of the other players as well I think.
not saying its better but I'm not saying its worse
ether but I am definitely needed to adjust something.
The chemistry is different this season for team Stick
it in. Eben’s team has good chemistry his team
has no apology, when one doesn’t get the point
for the team they don’t get things like “ ya
practice all day and this is how you shoot or you’ve
played on the APA for 12 years and your still shooting
like a level blah blah blah…” I can
see hunger and motivation coming from the strangest
not so strangest place inside the mouth, but in
the end its about how bad do you want it, or need
If you don’t want to hear it then you shouldn’t
bring it up …
Him: I threw that match
Her: No you didn’t, ya-lost.
Him: I threw that match
Her: No… you wanted to win and you lost.
Him: But my handicap I…I…
Her: No… your game skill.
Him: I need to be a level ____ if I’m going
to play in the____
Her: No you wanted to win and you lost.
Him: look I’ve been playing I long time and
don’t have anything to prove to anybody.
Her: If you want to get good then you need to stop
telling people how bad they are.
* |
... |
... |
Tuesday May
10 2005 - 2:58pm |
Tonights Main Event !!!
... |
... |
... |
VS |
... |
... |
... |
Tonights Main theme song !!! |
Monday May
9 2005 -------- Happy Birthday Rich !!!! ----------- |
Friday Saturday and Sunday
Friday May
6 2005 |
De Lezo- Happy Birthday Elise!!!
A little
practice in the pool hall... Then there was a Gas leek
that cleard out the joint,Luckly Jimmy was there to inhale
it all or Carolyn and her crew couldnt practice for there
play off match. Afterward the inhaling it was off to the
Elise Mexican Lezbo Birthday Party... Lots
Whips Chains,
Dip and so on..... |
Lovley Carolyn |
Shark |
Jimbo |
Thursday May
5 2005 |
Dufferin Cues
Dufferin Billiards is a Canadian manufacturer of quality, precision crafted billiard
Since 1967, Dufferin has focused on the perfect balance between value, performance
and durability. As the world's leading supplier and manufacturer of quality billiard
cues, they have built a solid reputation for excellence and service.
Dufferin Billiards utilizes state of the art equipment and traditional hand craftsmanship
to ensure each cue meets the high standards that their customers have come to
expect. As the industry's leader, they continue to develop innovative and unique
manufacturing methods in the production of both one and two piece cues.
Billiard enthusiasts worldwide trust and depend on Dufferin Billiards for producing
the straightest, high quality cues.
would link you to a duffrin site but Duffrin is
now owned bye someone else, who? Beats me, all I know
is the web site is down for now. |
Jimmy's Good
when it come to the applying a new tip on your
new weapon of mass pockiting |
Wednesday May
4 2005 About Tuesday night |
and my specail friend Irving
Tuesday May
3 2005 About Monday night |
was the last day of the Monday team division.
We did ok;50/50. We almost made it. Being we only
6 players in the end, starting with eight and two
bailing-out on the team and one other player absent
every second
or third week, it wasn’t so bad. 50 points
was our score before the match. The first place
team had 58 points, (Sophie’s) the second
place team, which was in a three-way tie, was 57
(three teams with 57 points,) the third place team
had 55 points, the fourth had 52. The fifth place
was us with 50 points. We got three wins yesterday
with the bonus that would be 54 points. I know
one of the 57-point teams played another 57-point
team and there was a three out of five win so one
team got 61 and the other got 60. This still kept
us in fifth place even if we got five wins plus
with a bonus (56 points)we still would only be
in fourth place, this would of actually put us
as best candidates for the play offs but we didn’t
pull it off, that’s ok, my Sunday team is
in third place now and my Tuesday team is also
in third. Two out three-aint-so bad. The number’s
this season were the strangest I have yet seen
so far. My Monday team barley lost a match this
season and still we didn’t place. When ya-got
three teams with the same second place score, there
should be a counter balance of losing teams with
almost the same score and there wasn’t, there
is something a miss here. Oh well, what’s
done is done, but we are not. With a full roster
next season and two strong players coming aboard
I suspect we might have another winning summer. |
last night... Get in the Hole vs Parkside ... We win,
We loose, We try try again ... |
don’t give a shit if you’re Jack the Ripper
or Whyite-freaken-Erp, its never easy loosing a season
bye a few points. I’m usually a little more stressed
about not making it to the finals, I think about those
matches I lost and the points I gave away, not that I did
bye myself but a point is a point, no matter, dwelling
in the past too much is bad for your future. For some reason
I am not as much as now stressed. Not that my team is always
loosing, but for some reason things seems a little more
diluted. It’s only been 12 months since our last
two win for E-Bar. Keep it real William keep it simple.
was Vics last game with Get in the Hole/Rumblefish. Bye
Rumble chick Vic
Monday May
02 2005 |
little Friday night, some Saturday, and some Sunday
Sunday morning 11:00am
I wake up and I miss her…
Dishy, yes that’s it. She was dishy. I wonder what
it would be like right now if things turned in the right
direction and not left? I miss that heady scent left behind
her walk bye, her silhouette against the sun, her tone, and
that trigger of hers. I am at ease, now that she is gone.
Unfortunate, my channels was not deep enough to sway her
turbulent fervor; flowing quicker than any racing heart I
have had many times over whenever I paid witnessed too her
presence, her movements and that majestic nature. Oh well,
I can always take comfort in the fact that I know I wasn’t
the first and I know I wont be the last ether. Better to
love then to never blah blah blah and all that repetitive
nonsense. |
The below images are not about what I
writne above...sorta...I just woke up that way...but it went
away once ate... |
Are the Winners !!! |
Piranha starts the match 4:00pm sharp, wow. First time
all season that we played a team with discipline about
the game time. Anyway we won. This should keep us in
third place. Last week of the season, I like this,
my, our team.
* |
So Vinny gets pushed out of the qualifiers after winning.
He comes back into the APA this past season and joins another
team as a level four with a new number, everybody knows
Vinny.T already. So Vinny plays the qualifier towards the
end of the season, using the same number and skill level
he was assigned this season. Vinny wins the qualifier;
later Vinny gets disqualified for not playing at his original
skill level and number, which was a five. Vinny got robbed?
This is questionable, Vinny is recognized already in our
division and was given a new number after an almost two
year absents from the APA, Big deal he got new number,
he has been using this number all season. If he was a truly
a level five he would’ve been jacked up months ago
during this long ass 18 week season, he didn’t go
up and his team didn’t make the playoffs ether. I ‘d
say we are all 50/50 with his handicap now, so why in the
pot-hole did he get disqualified out of the qualifiers?
Its not like he was cheating? If he was truly a five he
would’ve went up to a five, yes I know there are
some underrate players out there but I doubt he would be
sandbagging for a team with very little chance of making
to the playoffs. The man got robbed, the man got cheated.
* |

Martin is Cool |
... |