Go to my
Vegas Page or September 2005 . Good
bye August it's been something else.
31 2005 Wed |
from Vegas...
will have pics, movies and stuff up shortly. Right now
Im broke, tierd and bloated...
20 2005 Sat |
to vegas...
to Vegas...
be back next week...Wish me and my team good luck... |
18 2005 Thursday |
in the mud...
is the 3am Wednesday night Thursday Morning moon over the
City. The view from my Balcony. |
17 2005 Wed |
the Stick it in the hole with some Unnessasary draw, then
you will get...
17 2005 Wed |
last Monday...
Rumblefishes team GET IN THE HOLE wins 3 out of 5 Monday
night. |
15 2005 Monday |
Sunday night.
Yesterday there was an explosion underground in the manhole
across from the bar. It shook the ground and
knocked out all the power in the neighborhood. The monsoon
the happen
yesterday in the city early in the evening
flooded the sewer line and wet all this electrical shit
under the street.
After the explosion people started running
towards it. Huh? I guess i'll do it too. Only in New York.
Somebody was having a BBQ at Genevers rooftop, Theres goes
the Saki.

Team won yesterday 3 out of five, we are now in second
place. WeeeEeeeeEe.
went to a level five so did Adrian If Jay goes up
in level we will be in deep doodoo.
14 2005 Sun |
Sunday. Blah blah blah.... Lets see. Saturday night I drank
Jhonny Walker black, I dont like Jhonny Walker black, I
off the
Jameson on friday
night, thats why I drank black on Saturday. I hobbled,
bobbled and weaved home afterward. I just noticed, were
the hell was Masha last
Monday? I still have not updated the BBQ pics from August
2 2005. Whatelse? Oh yeah, I miss my peeps. I
miss my peeps. I miss my peeps. My cable went out today.
I am off to my Sunday Match. My Sunday team is in Third
place, WeeEEeeeEEeeeEEee.
and Murphy’s Law have one thing in common.
Both of these providence’s are not logical. Best guess, Faith, Luck,
Chance or roll of the dice disobeys logic. When you choose to live in a particular
manner, or make the ball in the hole in a certain way, (past present and-or
future) I think it is or was or will be a choice based ill logic; or how your
brought up or influenced during those clean blue print or blank canvas years
of your life; child hood. Choice stems from faith, “stems” not
is. Choice, Faith, Chance, Dice-roll-however you want to call illogic all fall
in a category that is pro right-side of the brain; this is logical thinking.
If you don’t believe in faith or have trust in your on natural ability
then how can you know if it is the right choice? With a Win? Or a loss? Sometimes
when you win you loose. To choose or “roll the dice” is not logical.
Blue pill or red pill? Best guess? Or Logical choice? I like the green pill.
The green pill is immediate. It is Reasonable to incorporate faith or “rolling
the dice” for choosing the most logical way to make the ball in the hole.
Can choice be a sum from and equation? Equations are universal; people drama,
mathematical, left brain right brain and so on. |
Just a freindly reminder |
smack ...
(v) To talk trash, insulting or casting doubt on a person's ability.
Before the fight, the boxers were talking smack to each other.
Source: keyshaw, Jun 24, 2004 http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=keyshaw
Talk shit ...
1. To say something uncalled-for or rude
2. To say something for the purpose of instigating a strong (possibly negative)
3. To speak lies behind a person's back
4. To make empty threats
1. "Damn your mom was good in bed last night"
2. "You're ex-boyfriend told me that his vacuum cleaner can give better
3. "She sucks all her boyfriend's friend's dicks!"
4. "I'm gonna break your kneecaps open and make you drink the fluid"
Source: Lila & Set, Dec 29, 2003
So I sent my definition to urbandictionary.com. It should be up by now.
Loud mouth ...
1.Dont know when to shut the fuck up.
2.Talks before thinking about what they are saying or why they are saying it
without consideration for consequences.
3. Big mouth, loud mouth.
4. Diarrhea of the mouth.
5. Talk the talk but too scared to walk the walk.
6.Someone who says they are great at playing pool until they get on the pool
table and then cant make a ball in the hole; and have nothing but excuses afterward.
Potty mouth stinks ...
Especially for your game (pool.) Some people think its fun to upset the feelings
of there opponent after they win their game; they seem to feel good about this
on the surface. They feel above there opponent. Superior. On top. They feel good
about gloating.
To gloat: malicious satisfaction. Now,
some times some people gloat because of there own insecure
these reasons vary from person to person. Some people
like to goade you into talking smack, He will do this
goading by lying about you to your face, putting words
in your
mouth in front of others, making things up about you,
to play dumb after they do something nasty to you or
say subtle nasty passive aggressive comments about you,
beat his own drum load enough to water down your 15
minutes. When you react to this, this gives the geode’r comfort.
The comfort is the “defending himself thing” against
you, getting you angry, pushing your buttons and getting
under your skin, this is his security blanket, his
safety net for the thing inside of him that caused
him to have
potty mouth to begin with. Someone yelling and screaming
or making
loud excuses when they loose there match inadvertently
makes their opponent look better, appear mature, look
Don’t goad me to talk shit please, because sadly not nuch
will be said from me but mostly just you listening to the sound of your
own big
The games people play sometimes extend way out side the table regardless of the
fact that you are only appearing to be playing on the table with one other person.
Sometimes the game begins after the match is over. |
12 2005 Friday |
there from i-land. i spent time with i yesterday.
Saw movies watched some pool tournaments. The comentary
was intresting. Janette Lee says...
are tournament champions and then there are world
champions. He she/ played a great
game and won the tournament, but try keeping that
up for 10-20 years." |
one thing to win a tournament but try too keep winning
tournaments for years on end. Then you will see what
your game is made of. |
then i went and got some Chees and Crackers... |
11 2005 Thursday |
Matrix of things...

Stick it in did a make up match last night... Cause
we will be in Vegas
in 10 days. Trying
to relax is tuff work. Lets see, Rachel gets a big
meow, I did not Photoshop the Cue ball on the left
ask Julie. I like cappicinos, dont know if I spelled
it right. I think I will stay in today being I havent
done it in months. The Music in Raven is Phat on Wednesday.
Genever misses NYC.
3:24am |
heard it before, William, you are nuts.
Sometimes I got my own religion going, my own beliefs,
and my own rights of method-2-my eccentricity. A little
Zen, a little Buddha, a little of catholic, Jewish,
spiritual, feeling the force, somewhat Wicca dis-an-dat.
I-hear-tings, I-see-tings, And sometimes my emotions
gets the best of my logical self. I let my feeling
run muck as long as I don’t lose control, unless
losing control is safe. I don’t like to judge
people places and things unless it’s the only
thing that get me or others what is right, what ever
right is. Who am I to judge what is right and wrong,
I will follow the law and I will try my best not to
commit an act of vanity for single self-indulgence.
I follow my instinct and trust my wisdom. I follow
rules like everyone else.
I will
not patronize another human who breaths the same air as
I do tell me what
is and how I should worship. People take salvation in there
beliefs. Its always-new religions develop and arise during
moments of chaos and distress with the masses in the course
of wartime. If one is having wartime within himself? Is
it crazy to seek sanctuary in ones own made-up religion?
it a sin to wonder about Jesus Christ and his trail and
error teen years?
'Even now in Heaven there are Angles carrying
savage weapons.'
I think there is a big job waiting for me...But I just
might be crazy or simply mistaken.
... |
10 2005 Wed |
the waves...
Monday. Jennie play with a damaged finger…Jennie wins
her match…
Fishing for control.
Controlling, manipulating, trying to get
a reaction; what ever. When a stranger is jerking around
you, or, jerking you around, sizing you up for whatever
reason, when one, is presented with an unexpected, sudden,
emotional-one-sidedness, after ones criticism just stay
cool. All coins have two heads. Attempting emotional control
of someone, flipping his or her coin, hm? I, myself try
not to give patronige, to some, who try and flip my coin,
unexpected moments of comfort or distress.
If your coin is being flipped, or one
is attempting to flip your coin, stay in the air; don’t
land. When it’s shallow, when one is attempting,
all there is left, is the attempt, which gets exposed for
what one really is attempting. Its tricky, you look like
an idiot when all there is, is what you were doing to get
a reaction.
Sometimes people will say things
to get a reaction from you, any kind of reaction.
They will say inappropriate things, during inappropriate
moments, or see an appropriate moment for the inappropriate
mouthing-off. Seizing the moment to get an emotional
response or reaction is the best opportunity for a many
things for those with emotional issues.
Control is comforting and reassuring.
Some people would rather be looked at as a definite something
then rather vague or confusing or unstable someone. A definite,
can be anything. A definite moron, a definite nice guy,
a definite bore, a definite fun guy, a definite whatever.
It’s the only way some people know how to function
with others; being definite. Remember, you can
expose someone, anyone for what they are by simply just
letting them do all the talking; or dancing. Too
much talking, tends to volunteer more information about
your true nature-a-lot more then you would like exposing.
A lot of politicians do this, jealous-siblings, family
members, co-workers, colleagues and other people you have
some sort of public, privet or personal relations with.
Less is more, silence is golden, and action speaks louder
then words. If one’s mouth is the only action one
can produce for a reaction, then yes, you don’t have
to react, they have reacted for you.
you don’t lie about yourself or about others
you don’t
have too remember what you said about yourself or about
others later. When you tell the truth you don’t
need to have a recollection of what you said. Recollections
too much room in your head. Its like gathering a collection
of something heavy in the place in your heart were your
truth lies.
9 2005 Tuesday |
to catch up. And yes I still havent updated the BBQ pics...
yes I still Have not updated the BBQ pics from August
2 2005
The other day I went to the movies with a bunch of friends.
A Japanimation indie flick. I was absorbed into the movie
and when it was over I felt like I just came back from
someplace else-where. The movie was ok but it wasn’t
the story that caught my attention for-a-2-hour-
time, it was the
environments in the movie. The characters were a little
silly and un realistic but the everything around
them was fantastic.
I had fun.
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/howls_moving_castle/trailers.php |
8 2005 Monday |
6 2005 |
and Susan get Married...
5 2005 |
4th 2005
You don’t mouth your reputation…you earn it.
Yesterday there was some one around my commonplace manor who is
sometimes like a lion from the jungle (sometimes). Then there was
this tired little pussycat that compared them selves to the lion.
Being a lion and coming from the jungle to hang out with domestic
animals are very interesting to watch from a far. The wild animal
(lion) has influence on the soft and fluffy little pet shop creatures.
In the Bronx when I was a kid there was this pet shop that had
any kind of animal you wanted. If the animal wasn’t on the
premises don’t worry the owners will get it for you.
will be a little slow on the updates for the next 4 or 5 days
on the blog-thang... |
Happy Birthday Tanya
For the next few days I will not have Internet service at
U stink. But the good news is I have a quicker service
now. But my new service will not be up and running untill
the next few days. So if I’m
slow forgive me people of blog land. And yes, as far as August
2 2005 goes
I still
done the “click
image to see bigger thing” yet for the last BBQ debauchery.
I just haven’t
had the time or the means, but I will get around to it.
So don’t
fret Gen. |
need a band name. Hmm. Maybe we will name it...
Cow Bell?
tend to the Wabbits?
I need a pool player man?
I had
the one in the middle?
Ball in hands?
Magician, 50/50 and the Poker-face |
some shows yesterday and then went to eat some
cheese and grapes and say Happy Birthday to "T" |
3 2005 |
will have the "Click Image to make bigger thing" later
this week for the last few days.. |
3 2005 |
morning with a bunch of morons...
2 2005 |
Friday night, Sat , Sun... Ok...I feel fat and bloated...like
Marlyn Brando...becuase of the last couple of days...
will have the "Click Image to make bigger thing" later
this week
to get Fat, Drunk and Merry...
hair do that started it all...
will have the "Click Image to make bigger thing" later
this week
in Red...AJ works hard to make things right...
will have the "Click Image to make bigger thing" later
this week
and Susan are getting Married !!!!
will have the "Click Image to make bigger thing" later
this week
1 2005 |
will have this weekend up shortly, In the mean time...
Birds of the same feather flock
A man is measured by the quality of his enemies; his friends
and his loved ones.
A pool player is measured bye the quality of his or hers admires,
opponents and audiences.
It’s not always good when you there is a dip shit
thinking your game is good.
Don’t ruin there innocents with technical know how…He
will make this ball in the hole because he does not know
how. Or does not know how anymore. |